Epilogue - Part 2

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I lay on my bed, not in the mood to do anything. I'd probably be asleep before New Year finally arrived. Knowing my luck though the fireworks would wake me up again.

It was weird to think that Jay was going to be sleeping only a few streets away. I was used to him being miles away in a different country.

I wished he was in Scotland now. My mum was wrong, I was definitely not still in love with him.

My phone buzzed to say I had a new message. I looked across at my phone on my desk. I thought about getting up to get it, but decided it was probably only a message from Geoff at work trying to persuade me to go out tonight.

He'd pestered me about it all day. I don't know why he didn't get it. I don't celebrate New Years.

A few minutes later it buzzed again. Yep, it was definitely Geoff. I decided to ignore it.

After the fourth then fifth buzz my curiosity got the better of me.

I got off my bed and picked up my phone.

I frowned at the screen.

I had 5 messages from The idiot. I had no idea who that was. I certainly hadn't put anyone in my phone under that name.

I opened the messages in order.

The idiot: Sorry. I thought it best to start with that.

The idiot: It's Jay by the way.

The idiot: This is my new number.

The idiot: I wish I had read your messages.

The idiot: I mean when they were actually sent. Not today.

My jaw dropped to the floor.

Another text came in.

The idiot: I would have replied if I had got them.

Then another.

The idiot: Unless they were saying something mean.

They just kept coming through, one after the other, about a minute apart.

I just lay back on my bed and kept reading.

The idiot: It was good to see you today. You look good, I mean well.

The idiot: I should have contacted you. I know that now.

The idiot: I honestly thought you were better off without me. I still do.

My fingers hovered over my phone itching to reply.

The idiot: I fell off the wagon.

My hands pulled away.

The idiot: Before we broke up. It was for the best.

The idiot: I think.

The idiot: I did regret it though. And threw my phone against the wall, hence the need for a new phone.

The idiot: I missed you a lot.

The idiot: I probably always will.

The idiot: There, that's 16 texts back for all those you sent me. I'm sorry it took me so long to reply.

My phone finally went quiet.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest.

So he was drinking. I'd suspected he might have been, but he would never talk about it. He always changed the subject.

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