42. I'm Very Missable

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New Years Eve

I checked my watch.


Jay would be on the train right now heading home.

I could barely sit still I was so excited.

I'd been to see Mr Finley at the garage yesterday and persuaded him to let me pick Jay up. I just couldn't wait any longer to see him.

I arrived at the train station 20 minutes early and even had time to grab a hot chocolate from the station cafe while I waited.

My thoughts drifted to the thought of tonight. I couldn't wait to get into bed and have an excuse to cuddle up to Jay. I just wished I could cuddle up to him any time I wanted, not just when he needed me to help him sleep.

But before we got to bed, there was the evening to get through. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit apprehensive about tonight. For starters, I was basically taking an alcoholic to a club. Not a smart move. But Jay had said he didn't mind seen as it was New Year.

And then there was the other thing that sent a shiver down my spine. New Year. Last New Years Eve hadn't exactly gone to plan. And what if Jay wanted to try and pull some girl tonight? How would I feel?

I knew exactly how I'd feel - slightly nauseous and very angry. Because that's how I felt even just thinking about it.

But what if some fit guy tried it on with me? Would I say no?

I had so many thoughts running round my mind that it made me feel exhausted. If truth be told, all I really wanted to do tonight was hang out with Jay at my house, play games, maybe watch a film, then cuddle up in bed.

An announcement that Jay's train was arriving pulled me out of my thoughts.

I walked over to the platform and was relieved to see only a handful of people waiting for the train. At least it should be easy to spot Jay. He had no idea I was here to collect him. He thought he was meeting Mr Finley in the car park.

The four carriage train pulled in and I quickly scanned the people getting off, trying to look for that familiar mop of brown hair.

I finally saw him getting off the last of the four carriages. Typically I was at the other end of the train, and stupidly had not noticed that the exit was at the other end.

I moved quickly to try to get to him but got stuck behind a lady with 3 kids and a buggy, while I watched Jay heading toward the exit.

I pushed passed as quickly as I could, muttering a quick apology.

"Jay!" I shouted. "JAY! JAY!! JAY!!!"

I was close enough to see that he had his headphones on which is why he couldn't hear me.

I tried to get to him, but was once again blocked by a rather large family arguing about some lost bag or something.

I gritted my teeth in an attempt not to scream at them to get out of the way, eventually getting past them to see Jay approaching the entrance to the subway which would take him to the car park.

I had no choice. I put my fingers in my mouth and gave out two sharp shrill whistles.

It was a call that I'd used many a time when we were growing up.

Jay's head immediately snapped round and his eyes caught mine.

I didn't care about the disapproving looks I was getting from the people stood next to me, now with ringing in their ears.

A New Year's Kiss (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now