05. Fall To Pieces

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Naomi's POV

Jimmy has been acting different since we started this whole thing. I don't blame him at all. He still wasn't back on the road just yet. He's been working out some things with the company.

Shane texts me all the time. Good morning, good evening, and good night. He's been paying me so much attention, but after Smackdown I'm going to shut it down. We can't keep this up, it's not right.

I sat in the hallway getting my face beat by the glam squad. My mind was in so many places. I wasn't even thinking about wrestling Carmella.

I sat across from my cousin, Tamina. She just finished getting her makeup done."Damn honey you're glowing. Jon putting it down huh?"

I crossed my legs. There wasn't anyway I could tell her the truth. "You know it girl. I just miss him being here.Hopefully he can get another chance to get on the main roster." I hated lying to people, but Binky is the only person I'm gonna tell about this.

"I heard he's coming back, but not sure why. He needs to leave the weed alone. He knows our business." Tamina said, while she was getting her hair straightened.

"You're right he needs to leave it alone. But enough about me. What's going on with you? How's the kids?"

"Good I miss my daughters. Luckily, they can live with their father while I'm on the road. I wish that wasn't the case."

"Damn, I don't know how you do it. Of course Jon wants more kids, but I don't know when that will be. I need to get the belt a few more times." I said, thinking about my convo with Shane.

"Definitely, but don't wait too long." Tamina stated. My mind goes to so many places. I definitely want children but when the time is right.

I was looking down at my phone when I saw a pair of black and red Jordans walk up. I honestly didn't know what he was going to say.

"Trinity..." he said, and I could feel him staring at me. Is he crazy? Cause I am not going to let him tell my business right here.

"Yes, Mr. McMahon?" I asked, and all I could see was us in that hotel room. A chill went through my body and I couldn't believe it. I looked at him in his eyes.

"I need to discuss something with you in private." He said, not even acknowledging anyone around us.


I followed him into his office. I'm not going to fuck this man. At least that's what I keep telling myself. Once we got into his office I sat in front of his desk. He stood against the door.

There was dead silence between us. I was looking forward hoping he would say something. He didn't even move. "I need you.. bend over my desk and let me have you Trinity."

That alone made my core throb and I can't believe he really wants to fuck me right now. I just got my hair and makeup done. I sighed. Not sure how he's going to act when I tell him no. "Shane..." I stood up from my chair and walked over to him. "What we did I cannot continue. It was amazing don't get me wrong. But, it's not right and you know it."

Shane stood there for a moment processing what I said. "What is this about? You were texting me you couldn't wait to see me these last few days. What's changed?" Shane asked me in a stern voice.

"Nothing, but I've had time to think about the situation and my behavior. You're my boss. I'm not going to do this anymore. I'm done." I said, walking past him and reaching for the door.

Shane blocked it. "You're not done with me, Trinity. Stop playing these games."  Shane said, pulling my body close to his and of course I could feel his erection.

"I'm not but you're married with children. What if your wife found out? Then what? You don't want to lose them over my pussy."

"So, you can't just suck it really quick?" Shane begged, and all I could do is roll my eyes.

"Why do you want me so bad?"

"Because I've had a taste and I want more. It's too good, lover. Don't deprive me."

Part of me wanted to give into request. The other part of me wanted to just run out. "Shane you're honest the best lover I've ever had. It's crazy how well you know my body. But, we're both married. I'm done with this. Thank you for two great nights." I kissed him and I felt my pussy getting wet just from kissing him. He held onto my waist while we were kissing.

Shane picked me up and we we're still lost in each other. I loved tongue kissing always turned me on. He knocked stuff off of his desk and laid me on the desk. He unbuckled his pants and  dropped them. I licked my lips when I saw his dick.

I knew he was about to do some damage but I sat up on the desk and climbed off. "No.. this isn't right."

Shane looked down at his dick. "Trin..." he whined. "Fine... I'm not going to force you." He pulled his pants up. "But I did get you something." He said grabbing a bag from underneath his desk.

I opened the bag and there was a box inside. I sat down and opened it. He got me a custom pair of Jordans with my character name and glow queen. "Thanks Shane!" I ran over and hugged him.

"They glow too! I knew you would like them." Shane said, and he kissed me again.

"Thanks daddy! Hey, I gotta go but thank you so much. I love them." I really wanted to fuck when I was on his desk, but I'm trying to do better. I'm trying to stop lusting after him. If only I could not want him.

"No problem bunny."


"It's my nickname for you. It fits you so well. So, if you want to cut it off I'm cool with that. We can pretend that never happen. If that's what you want."

"I do, that's what I want." I said.

"Well consider the shoes as a goodbye present then." Shane said, opening the door.

I walked out without saying anything else to him. The situation is over and now I can focus on my marriage. I shouldn't have gotten caught up with him anyways.

Shane's POV

When she walked out of my office. I wanted to flip my desk over. Why would she want to do that to me? I know my dick was amazing to her.

I don't like the feeling of rejection. But, I'll just replace her. The problem is I want chocolate and all the other women superstars are white or Samoan. I need to figure out what I'm going to do about her.

I got a feeling she will be back and I don't know if I'll let her come back. I still haven't fully decided when I'm going to allow Jimmy to come back. We had a deal and I will respect it but he's honestly scum for allowing this to happen.

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