25. She Said She Didn't Wanna Be Loved

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Shane's POV

I was woken by Trinity sucking my dick. I instantly got hard. I watched as she took all of me inside of her mouth. "Bunny.. were not supposed to be messing around anymore. Last night was the final time."

I guess she wasn't going to listen to me, because she kept sucking me off. I wasn't go to complain if she wanted to give me head.

Bunny took my dick out of her mouth and licked the head over and over again, teasing me. I swear she's been teasing me this entire affair.

"Do you want me to stop?" Bunny had this devilish grin on her face. I swear she knows what she does to me. She glowered at me.

"No baby...please put it back in your mouth." I begged, while watching her do as I say. I love when she obeys me.

Trinity slurped all on my dick giving me sloppy head, but it felt so good. Especially getting this first thing in the morning.

Trinity continued sucking my cock until I busted inside of her mouth. She sucked me dry. I had to push her off of my dick because it was hella sensitive.

She laid next to me and turned her back to me. I pushed up against her and wrapped my arm around her waist. "Do you want me to leave?" I asked.

"No.. please don't leave me." She turned over and faced me. She brushed her lips against mine and kissed me.

She's sending me mixed signals again. Last night she's telling me it's over and now she doesn't want me to leave. I'm not sure she knows what she wants right now. "Bunny, you need space. I can come back around once you get your head right."

"Last night you told me you loved me. Is that true?"

Fuck, I wasn't supposed to let this slip out. How can I change the subject ? "It was the heat of the moment." Hoping she wasn't thinking I was too attached to her.

Trinity narrowed her eyes. "I know you love me. It's cool love."

I kissed her. "What's not to love about your fine ass? You're amazing."

She paused for a moment and thought about it. "You're absolutely right boo."

We both started laughing. We haven't laughed in a while. Things have been pretty hectic lately and tense. I wasn't even focused on work just making sure Bunny is okay. Her happiness comes before mine.

"I love the way you laugh baby." I smiled at her, while holding her waist. "What would you do if I got you pregnant? Would you keep the baby?" I know she's on birth control, but I cum in her pretty regularly.

She froze. "Umm... why?"

"I nut in You a lot. It's always a possibility." I said.

"Honestly I don't know. I'm not thinking about babies right now. Are you trying to get me pregnant ?"

"No, you're taking your pill daily right?"

"I forget sometimes." She admitted.

"Well if you get pregnant I'll be there no matter what." I said, being honest with her. I'd never abandon her or our child.

"Thanks Shane. But don't worry though. I haven't had any scares. I know how much you want a way out of your marriage, but I'm not your meal ticket." She laughed at me. But, she was right. I'm so damn miserable and my wife treats like a damn child.

Taking my phone away because she saw text messages between Trinity and I. All I want is to runaway with Bunny and just relax. But, I know she'd never let me go with her. "Damn Baby don't be so harsh. I need a way out though. But I'm going to leave though. You said we're done and I'm going to respect that. Have a good one Bunny." I kissed her forehead. I gathered my things and threw on sweats and a T-shirt.

I care about her but she's just toying with me and she's never going to be with me. She didn't say anything she just watched me leave.

Marty's POV

I met up with Bianca for coffee since she was still the talent relations manager. I greeted her with a hand shake.

"Mrs. Levesque, your wedding was beautiful." I pulled her chair out and sat across from her.

"Thank you. So, what's going on?" She asked.


"What about her?" She asked, not sure why I was bringing up her friend.

"I found out she was dating one. You didn't tell me that when you said I should go for her."

She rolled her eyes. "It's not going to work out with him. That's why I think you're perfect for her. Don't give up on her."

"I don't want to overstep my friendship with her. We're going to be wrestling each other when she debuts. She's into him. You should have saw the way she looked at Shane. She's in love with him. I'm sure she fucked him when I left."

"She's just dick drunk. But, listen I'm telling you I want her away from that McMahon family. They can't be trusted and I know she only signed with us to get away from Jon."

"He's weird as hell. Has he ever hit her?" I asked, their marriage seemed very volatile."

She shook her head. "No but he's manipulative. I don't trust him. Listen you're a good looking dude. Just keep trying. Don't give up."

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I don't know honestly. I'm telling you Bianca, she's in love with him. I want her but it's too much."

"Fine, I'll just find someone else to pursue her. Is Kenny single?"

"Yea But shes going to have to go through Kota. She doesn't need that kind of drama in her life." I laughed, but I was actually serious. I don't know why Bianca was trying to set up so bad.

"You're right. Maybe I'll try Pete Dunne. Ugh, he's dating that Phoenix girl. They break up so much he might be free now."

"Why are you doing this? Without telling her?"

"Paul was telling me a lot of secrets about the McMahons and I don't want my sister wrapped up with them. I love her so much and she deserves a good man."

"She does but doing this behind her back because you don't want her to become a McMahon is a little weird. Look I gotta go." I said.

"Don't tell Trin. It's for her own good."

I plan on telling Trinity everything. Maybe she shouldn't finalize her contract. Something seems odd about Bianca and did this have something to do with her husband?

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