29. A Walk 2 Remember

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Shane's POV

Its been hours since Trinity has been in surgery. I sat in her room with Bianca, my nieces' half brother, and Trinity's husband.

If you would have told me I'd fall in love and nearly lose her I wouldn't believe you.

There was obvious tension between Jon and I. Even with Trinity fighting for her life. All I wanted was for her to be healed. There was a chance that I'd lose her forever.

I couldn't be numb to the simple fact that I'm in a loveless marriage. Every moment I spend with Bunny, I realize how much I love this women. There are folks that don't approve us, but I don't  care about the naysayers.

My phone kept my attention while I waited for the operation to be over. I didn't have anything to say to her husband.

But, one thing that I couldn't stop looking at was Paul Jr. he absolutely looked like my former brother in law. He just had brown skin. My sister never loved him, and it was obvious because of all of the affairs they both embarked on.

Kiera walked through the door and immediately she asked, "Where is Trinity. Is she okay?" She looked around to see us sitting around a room with an empty bed.

"She's in surgery right now. We're still waiting for her to finish. We haven't heard anything from the doctor." Bianca stood up and hugged her friend. "But there is one interesting fact. She was pregnant."

Kiera's eyebrows rose and she looked over at me. Jon walked out of the room. I guess he didn't want to hear about her being pregnant by me. She focused her attention back on Bianca. "Wow.. I don't know what to say."

"Just don't say anything. Trinity was on her way to talk to me. Obviously about the Marty thing. I feel like this is all my fault." Tears fell from Bianca's face as she hugged her friend. It was such a somber feeling to know that we could all lose Trinity.

I couldn't help but think about the possibility of having a baby with Trinity. She would have been an amazing mother to our child.

I want to know her response to her being pregnant and not knowing it. Would she have kept the baby? There were so many questions I had.

Kiera sat next to me. "Are you okay?" She asked, and I honestly appreciated the support Trinity's friends gave me.

"No, but I will be. It was hard to see her hooked up to those machines." Before I could say another word an older couple walked into the room.

"Hi Mr. McCray.." Kiera extended her hand to the darker skin man. I'm assuming the man was Trinity's father. I never thought I'd be meeting him. He glared at him and then back at Kiera.

"Who is this white man?" Mr. McCray asked, obviously not interested in getting to know me. I didn't know how much he knew about me, if any.

"Mr. McCray. This is her former boss." Kiera said. Thankfully, she didn't introduce me as the baby's father or anything else. I don't know what she told her parents. She never brings them up, so I am not aware of what type of relationship they have.

"You're the man that ruined my daughter's marriage." He said, sternly causing everyone to turn their heads to look at us.

Great, he does know something about our affair, but I am not sure from who. Maybe Jon said something to him about us. Jon was no where to be found, so I did not get to see their interaction.

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