42. My Immortal

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Jimmy's POV

Sometimes you do things just to cope with what's going on. I am getting of sleeping with Charlotte. I mean I made a mistake, and we're still messing with each other. Trin went through with the divorce, and I still don't feel the same.

I should have fought for her. I shouldn't have forced her to sleep with Shane McMahon. All for my contract, and she told me to stop smoking. But, I wouldn't listen to her. She has always looked out for me and my best interest. I really want her back.

Why did I let my wife slip away like that? Another woman isn't going to ride for me like she does. Ariane won't stop calling me and it's super annoying. I'm not even sure why I fucked her. She's not even close to Trin's level. I climbed out of Charlotte's hotel bed and decided to go back to mine. I am going to call Trin. I dial her phone number.

The phone rang over and over, and I had a feeling she wasn't going to answer the phone. I sighed, and returned to my hotel room. Josh was still up and he was sitting on his bed. "Uce, you good?" Josh said.

"Nah, man I am tired of this shit. I shouldn't have let that fucking Shane smash Trin. Now, she's living happily after ever with him. He's getting a divorce to be with her."

"Shit..." Josh shook his head. "Man, I am sorry to hear that. But, Shane isn't the reason you lost her. You've been cheating on that woman for years. She's turned a blind eye to it, but I know she knows."

He was right and I didn't want to hear the truth either. Me pushing her on Shane was the final straw that broke the camel's back. "I know... but you know how I am. One isn't enough."

Josh shrugged. "Well, Uce then you shouldn't have married her. You don't really want her back. You just don't like that someone else is treating her better than you. She ain't leaving that white boy."

"Whatever yo... I am getting her back." I said.


Tommy's POV

It's been so good to hold the NXT title, and the only thing is missing is someone to share things with. Isla Dawn, my ex keeps trying to get back with me, but I am not trying to date her again.

There is someone I have in mind, but I am not sure if she's into guys like me. I am a little rough around the edges. I am not into things that the average person is into. I just hope she gives me a chance.


Shane's POV

We were on a flight on the way to Connecticut. My mother just had an heart attack and I need to be there with her. But, part of me is wondering what's been going on with my mother. Maybe her working for the Trump Administration is too much for her.

"Baby, everything is going to be okay. I am right here by your side." Trinity said, consoling me while I lay in her lap. She really deserves to be a mother, she has such a nurturing spirit about her.

"I know she's been under a lot of stress, but I can't lose my mother right now. I need her and I love her." I explained. I should call my mother more often. We get along better than I do with my father. He's just so judgmental and difficult.

"I know you do and everything will be fine love. We will be there in a few hours."

"Thank you baby for being here for me. I know you don't feel comfortable around my family, but I can't do this without you."  I said.

She held my hand. "You helped me heal and was by my side when I had the accident. I have your back." She said. "Let me pray for you."

"Thanks baby! I need it." We both bowed our heads and I listened to her pray.

"God thank you for everything you've done for us. Please send your healing angels to protects Ms. Linda and fully restore her. Keep Shane together and help him during this tough time. Bless his family. In Jesus name. Amen."

That was the first time I heard her pray before. It was beautiful that we could share something so intimate. She's the woman that I want to have my last name one day.

When we arrived at the hospital I was nervous  to see my mother. But, also nervous that she wouldn't be receptive to me being with Trinity. She knows about it, but we don't talk about her.

That's the part I didn't tell Trinity. My mother avoids that conversation so I don't push her. Before we walk into the hospital I turned around and said, "Trinity, I love you no matter how my family acts. Just don't take it personal, Okay."

She was clearly uncomfortable. It was clear as day on her face. "I love you too. I can wait in the waiting room."

I grabbed her hand. "No, come with me baby." We walked into the hospital room and my mother was laying there peacefully. But, of course my father, Stephanie, and Hunter were looking at me. I was surprised to see Hunter though.

"Hi mom." I walked over to her bedside. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay.." she looked up at me. It was like she wanted to say more, but she didn't. "I'm glad you're here. I want you back in Connecticut." She smiled.

I nodded. "I'm... we're moving back to Connecticut." I said.

"We?" My mother looked past me and looked at Trinity. Maybe I shouldn't  reveal that right now.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend. Ma, you knew this."

"Where is your wife? Can you stop whatever this is and go back to your family. Melissa won't stop calling me." My mother said.

My dad must have gotten to her. I looked over at Trinity talking to Hunter. I'm not sure about what, but I'm sure she heard my mother's comments. "Not right now.. please be respectful."

Trinity came over to us. "I'm glad you're doing better Mrs. McMahon, so I'm going to let you have family time."

"Bunny, you don't have to leave." I said.

"Shane... why must you flaunt your mistress around your family. Have some respect." My father finally spoke up. I knew this shit was going to happen, but I don't want to leave her while I go see my family.

"If she has to leave. So will I. Y'all are not going to treat the woman I love like this." I said.

"Get the hell out dammit." My father said. Stephanie still didn't say anything, but I'm not going to stress. My mother is alive and she's going to be fine.

"Fine... lets go." I grabbed her hand and we left out of the hospital room. I turned around and Bunny was in tears.

"Baby, don't you cry over them. What they think doesn't matter."

She sighed. "Baby, this is harder than I thought! I can't do this anymore."

Did Bunny really mean that? Was she really done with me?

A/N: this book is ending in a few chapters ❤️

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