36. Chasing Pavement

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A/n: don't be mad... okay 🌾👀🌾

Shane's POV

"Shane I'm trying to come to Smackdown." She adjusted her shirt so that now her breast were sitting up more than they already were. "What do I need to do?" She said, sitting on the edge of my desk.

Damn this seems so tempting. This girl was basically throwing herself on me. But, her call up would be premature. She needs to solidify herself on NXT.

"Listen, I know you're upset on how Hunter booked you for the Mae Young Classic, but you gotta keep working. It will pay off."

"So, there's nothing I can do for you to change your mind?" She asked, looking down at my crotch licking her lips. I didn't know she was like this.

"Bianca. I'm married and I hope I didn't give you the wrong idea." I moved from my seat. I'm not trying to get caught up with her.

"It would be our little secret though."

"Nope... get out."

**flashback ended**

Hunter's POV

I know Bianca very well. She's doing this shit for attention. I rushed to Kiera's house. I knocked on the door. I wasn't going to let her give up this fast. We haven't been married that long and already she's giving me this bullshit.

Kiera opened the door with Paulie in her hip. She looked speechless. Tye was laying on the couch. I could of sworn they had issues with each other.

Tye was holding her daughter like she was his baby. I wasn't going to question her about what she does. "Ki, where is Bianca?"

"Umm.. I don't know. She asked me to watch Paulie for a few hours."

"Hey Trips." Tye said, waving at me. But, I'm still confused on why he's here. I waved back. "Hey."

"Kiera don't lie to me. I've down a lot for you. I know Bianca is your best friend, but tell me is she with Tommy."

"I don't know... she really didn't tell me."

I felt like Kiera was lying just to cover for her. "Okay... I'll be back to pick up Paulie. If Bianca comes back, call me. You better not be lying to me Kiera."

I kissed my son and left. I was furious, like her ass is with Tommy. Now, I'm thinking should I have married her? She just used me for a push. She doesn't love me forreal. I should have known something when Tommy came into the picture.

"Fuck!" I yelled in my car. That's when I remembered that she shared her location with me, because a few women were kidnapped recently. It was a safety precaution. I took out my iPhone and saw she was at a coffee shop.

If she's with Tommy. I'm killing both of them and going to Jail with Paige. I can't take this shit.

When I arrived to my destination. I sat in my car for a few moments. I tried to take a few deep breaths, but I was still pissed off. I walked into the coffee shop looking for her. There she was with her back turned to me. "Bianca!"

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