21. #IssaFlashback

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Bianca's POV

"I cannot believe you would do that to me?" I said, going through his phone. He claims he doesn't trust me. But, I see email messages between him and Paige.

How the hell this girl writing him emails while she's in jail? He's always going through my damn phone only to find out he's out here talking to his ex-wife almost killer. "She said no one writes her so I was doing a nice thing."

"Oh like how you wrote her about that time y'all took pills and had sex in your bathtub. Why would you talk to your ex about that? I just had our baby three months ago and you are talking to this slut. I don't deserve this!" I yelled at him.

"I don't appreciate you constantly entertaining that Tommy dude. Like seriously! You know that I don't like that dude at all. Every time we get into a fight you're texting him."

I was honestly tired of arguing over this. I just want him to trust me and I want to trust him too. I didn't allow him to get me pregnant so I could be a single mother. My son needs his mother and father.

"Fuck it! I am leaving! Paulie and I are gone. Have a good life!" I always kept a quick bag packed for Paulie and I for emergencies. I grabbed my son, and our things. I am done with his for now. As much as I want to stay with him I am not.

"You're not taking my son."

"Watch me!" I yelled and I had my bag on my shoulder and Paulie was already in his carrier. I wasn't playing with Paul's ass.


A few days later.

I was straddling Tommy's lap while he was laid back on the bed. It's not my fault that when I tell him to come see me he does.

"So we're doing this again? Why do I always gotta be your side dude?" Tommy said, looking up at me. That was a good question and I honestly didn't have a good answer for it.

"Baby, you're not my side dude. If you want to leave there's the door." I said, climbing off of him. But, he pulled me closer to him. He didn't want me to leave and I don't blame him.

Lucky for me Paulie was sound a sleep and I can enjoy this adult time.

"I am not going anywhere until I get your pussy..."

End of flashback

Bianca's POV

"You fucked Tommy while we we're on a break?" He asked, looking at me and I was at a lost for words. All my girls looked at me and there wasn't I could say.

It wasn't a lie and I made my choice willingly. But, no words could come out. "I'm sorry Paul.."

"I can't believe you wouldn't tell me this. You allowed him to be the first person to reveal this me." Paul yelled.

He had a right to be angry at me. I was wrong for what I did. I knew we were getting back together, but I just made my choice. But, I don't love Tommy.

"Can we have some privacy ladies?" I said, looking at my friends. No one had said a thing since Paul stormed into the room.

"Nah, they are staying here. You are so busy sneaking behind my back, let your friends know how you really are." Paul heaved. It was clear that he wasn't having it.

I was already in tears. I shouldn't have called Tommy and told him I was getting married. But, who leaked the location to him? There is someone I can't trust.

Trinity walked over to me and wiped my tears carefully patting my face cause I was ruining my makeup. I wasn't in my dress yet. "Paul, I told him that you were the one and that I wasn't going with him. Don't leave me."

"I gave up my marriage and a billion dollar empire to be with you." He pointed at me. "My daughters don't get to see me every night anymore because I wanted to be with you."

He was making feel so damn guilty. "If you want to leave me then leave."

"Wait a minute y'all ain't breaking up!" Kiera jumped in our argument. "Look I got a fresh weave for this wedding and y'all are soulmates. You both made mistakes, and y'all can work it out. Your kids love Bianca, I still haven't met Aj's other kids. Come on y'all!"

"Yes sis has a point. Y'all are meant to be." Sasha finally spoke up. "Come on were one big dysfunctional family."

"Exactly! I left the WWE to be with y'all. If y'all breaking up I aint got nowhere to go. Plus, who am I gonna stay with when Aj gets on my nerves. Ayla loves playing with Paulie. Y'all can't mess up the family dynamic like that." Kiera smiled at us.

Paul wiped my tears and said, "Kiera I'm a start charging your ass rent. You're always eating  up all the food."

Everyone started laughing. But Paul hugged me. "I'm not letting anything come in between us. I love you. Let's get married doll."

I couldn't help but smile. We kissed and I felt butterflies like I always do. He's the love of my life. I'm not going anywhere. I'm about to be Mrs. Paul Levesque. "I love you too Daddy!"

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