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"You look absolutely stunning in your dress tonight. I cannot believe you actually showed up." Shane said, looking at me with those big brown eyes from across the table. It was obvious he wanted to skip dinner and have me for dessert.

I smiled weakly. I didn't want him to think that I was actually interested in him. White guys have never been my forte, and up until Jimmy I've only known and adorned black kings.

"Thank you for the compliment." I finally looked up at him. A little nervous but I had to act like I was some what interested. I sipped on my expensive red wine.

"Of course, Trinity. I just want to make sure you're comfortable." Shane leaned forward. "You are comfortable with me right?" He asked.

Hell no. I don't want to be around you and I'm only here cause I have to be. "Yes.." I gave a flirtatious smile. "You've been an absolute gentleman to me."

"Good." Shane sipped on his bourbon. "Last year you looked amazing at Wrestlemania. Your entrance was perfect."

"I know..." We both bursted into laughter. Really breaking the ice, and he felt more human to me. It didn't seem like I was eating with my boss.

"You are really making a mark on the women's division. I remember you were getting a push back in 2014 until your eye injury. I know that must of been rough."

I sighed, thinking about that time period. I was ready to be champ then. "I know... but I'm still not as over as I would like to be. It's hard being a black women in the business. Look at Foxy. She doesn't even get enough tv time and now she's injured."

"I know and you know Cena was behind the Nikki Bella push. In my honest opinion you're a better wrestler than her."

Wow. It felt good to actually hear someone say this. "Thank you. I can't wait to hold the belt again. There are little girls out there that look like me and was so proud that I was their champ. Representation matters." Shane was hanging on to my every word. I wasn't trying to pull the race card I was just speaking my truth. "Shit.. I'm sorry I've said too much. It's the wine." I giggled nervously. He stared at me so intensely .

"No, you're absolutely right. And black wrestlers should be portrayed in a positive light. I saw your character that you had in FCW with Cameron." He cleared his throat. "You two were loud and obnoxious. Ghetto to say the least. Can I say that? I don't want to offend you."

"You were right. Stereotypes and I hated it. Do you think they would have given the undertaker gimmick to a black man? Nope. Luckily, none of the black women are being portrayed as ghetto, currently."

"I know it's refreshing. I hate to switch gears, but is there anything you're not comfortable doing." Shane looked down and them up at me. "Sexually..." he kinda bit his bottom lip when he said that.

Shit. I knew this was coming up. We we're actually having a good conversation and now it's time to face the music. "Anal.." I quickly looked away.

"What if I could make you like it?" He grinned, and it was cute, but backdoor play is off limits.

I studied him for a moment. We had an agreement that I would sleep with him for one night. He was so organized with everything he made me get an STD/HIV test and he did the same. I was required to be on birth control, so this night wouldn't result in a baby. "Anal is off the table or I walk."

Shane smiled. "Fine... I'm cool with that. You've read over the agreement and after tomorrow Jimmy can have his job back." He reinforced.

This was a huge ask of me. A huge trial on our marriage. I'm only doing this for Jimmy and he's the only reason I would consider this indecent proposal.

"Alright my lady. Let's go back to my hotel room. I've been waiting for this for weeks." Shane threw money on the table. He stood and grabbed my hand. I looked up and followed him to his car. It was quiet between us, because we both knew sex was on the menu once we entered his hotel room.

I'm just going to have to fake this orgasm, because no white man knows how to please me. Plus, he's not my husband.

I'm not going to lie I love riding in his Ferrari

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I'm not going to lie I love riding in his Ferrari. This car cost more than my salary. He was driving really fast. "Are you showing off for me?" I asked.

"Not yet." He looked over me and rubbed my thigh. "I will soon though."

My heart dropped in my stomach and I felt my pussy throb. Shit, I cannot be so easily turned on by another man. "Boy.. stop." I giggled and removed his hand from my thigh.

"I get it. You're nervous and I know this is a lot for you. But trust me I'll make it worth your while." Shane said, pulling into the hotel. He got out and opened the door for me. "You'll be begging for more."

I stood there looking at him like boy please. "You're doing a lot of talking. We will see what you're all about Mr. McMahon." I finally broke our stare down when he kissed me in front of the hotel.

When I pulled away. I looked up at him like damn. I was hot and bothered from one kiss. I moved closer to him and we kissed again passionately. He had his arms around me and I was pressed against his car. He kissed on my neck and I felt his crotch. He was definitely hard as a rock. I stroked his cock through his pants a few more time. He feels pretty thick down there.

"Let's not give the people a show." Shane said, pulling away. "Wait until we get into my room."

"Okay..." I giggled. I was a bit anxious to get into his hotel room and see if he could actually put it down. He already had me turned on. We made it finally into his hotel room.

Shane sat on the bed and I stood by the door. Was I getting cold feet? Am I really going to be able to fuck another man?

"Come here sexy... sit on daddy's lap." Shane called out to me. This was going to be a long night.

A/N: I've had this idea for awhile. When wattpad went down I posted something with them on Fanfiction but never updated it. So, here we are... Let me know what y'all think so far.

It's based off the movie Indecent Proposal with Demi Moore. It's a throwback. Some of Y'all might be too young to remember 😂😂😂

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