16. Broken Glass

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A/n: Since the book hit 2k views I'm not going to make y'all wait until tomorrow for another update 😘

Trinity's POV

I was caught red handed in my boo's lap. There wasn't anyway to explain it. I wasn't even sure I wanted to tell her about the arrangement. But, I have to say something. I jumped out of his lap and we moved away from each other. This was extremely awkward to say the least. I felt scolded like a little child.

"Trinity! What are you doing in here with him?" She glared at us, clearly not expecting us to be in this situation. I thought Shane locked the damn door. She just couldn't get over the fact that I was with him. I felt scolded like a little child.

"Well... I mean it's...uh complicated. Listen.. please don't judge me."

Tamina shook her head. "I am not judging you, but you are a married woman and after everything Jon has been through, I would have expected more out of you. I wouldn't expected you to jump into the bosses' lap as soon as things get tough."

I stood up because she must have me confused with someone else. She doesn't even know the half of it. "Do you know he offered my body to this man in exchange for his contract?" I pointed at Shane. " I did what I had to do for my family. Jon uses me for his personal gain. I was paying his kids' child support and all the bills. On top of him always saying slick shit to me. He even said he should have married a Samoan woman. I have been through a lot with him. I don't tell you everything because he's your family."

Tamina was at a loss for words. I don't think she really knew that he wasn't the greatest husband. "I can't believe he would offer you up like that."

"Instead of going to ECW, he wanted his WWE contract back. So like a good wife I thought I doing what was best for my family." I explained. The more I told people about I realized how much of an idiot I am.

"Well he did, but I am not surprised." Shane chimed and I gave him a weird look.

"Honey, nobody asked you what you thought." I said, giving him a disgusted look. I looked at Tamina. "I'll talk with you later. I have to finish discussing something with Shane."

"Oh we definitely have to talk about this. It's because you hang out with Binky. She's a bad influence on you."

Why does everyone have a problem with my damn friends? She had nothing to do with my decision. "Girl leave my friends alone. She has nothing to do with this."

"I am just stating facts. Even Sasha is a little thottie. She stole Johnny l from Candice LeRae. Your friends must be pulling all the tricks to steal other people's man."

"Bye Tamina..." I rolled.

"It still doesn't excuse the fact you're in here about to get fucked by Shane. I hope you're happy cause I am not going to snitch. But you should be careful fucking around with a McMahon." Tamina said, walking out of my locker room.

I knew my ass should have left this damn company and Jon. I didn't mention to tell her I saw him texting someone else. I haven't confronted him about it yet. He's probably cheating on me. I just wonder with who?

My mind was in a million places and I couldn't believe that just went down. I felt Tamina understand me, but then I realize she's not really on my side. I know it's not right to continue this affair but what can I do. I am already in too deep. Shane is a fresh breath of air, compared to the situation I've been in. I just want to get away where I don't have to worry about judgment.

"Shane... she's going to tell Jon." I said, biting my lip. This isn't going to end well. I just know her and that's when Jon came into my locker room.

"What's up Shane." Jon said, shaking his hand. I guess he's thankful to have his job back. I just don't know what he's going to say. "Hey, do you mind if I talk to my wife in private?" Jon said, trying to remain calm, but I know he's about to explode on me.

"Of course. See you later Bu...Trinity." Shane said, almost calling me my pet name. I don't feel like arguing with Jon about this.

Jon and I both watched as the door closed. I waited for him to explode over Shane.

"You're fucking him huh?" Jon sucked his teeth. Tamina just had to run her damn mouth, but that's cool. We weren't that tight anyways. I am not going lie about it.

"What do you think Jon? You practically threw me on the man. I fucked him for you."

Jon twisted up his bottom lip and rubbed his beard. "But you're still fucking him. That's not we agreed on Trin."

"I don't give a fuck. You think it's okay to auction your wife off for a contract. You think it's okay for me to take care of your kids. Yes, I'm still fucking Shane." I folded my arms and stood there with an attitude. What the fuck he going to do?

"Oh well that's good. At least I can keep my job. Keep fucking him."

What? This man is really sick. Always thinking about himself. "Nah, this isn't for you. I'm doing for this for me. I'm done." I took my ring off. "I'm filing for divorce."

"Nah Trin, your ass isn't going anywhere. You can continue to fuck him. I don't care."

"Oh why cause you're fucking Charlotte? You think I didn't see her nudes in your phone." I said, waiting for his precious answer.

"Yeah I fucked her once." Jon admitted, but I knew it was more than that.

"Lies... how long?" I demanded.

"Trinity..." he hesitated. "I cut her off though. Look, don't turn this around on me. You were in here with him. I know you've been seeing him behind my back. I saw pictures of you and him at Trips' event."

"Like I said... I'm done with this marriage. Find someone else to control and manipulate cause I'm not that girl." I walked out of the locker room. I'm not trying to deal with his ass.

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