Bonus Chapter 02.|| F UC K B E I N G N I C E

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Shane's POV

I know that she didn't want to hear that I was seeing someone else. However, I didn't want her finding out from anyone else. With her on my lap right now I honestly would have lost control and forgotten all about the woman I'm dating.

"Who are you dating?" Trinity looked at me wide-eyed, waiting for my answer. I didn't want to crush her.

"Carmella.." I said, and she wasn't someone I was too serious about. We have been spending time together and going on dates.

"Okay..." Trinity said, and moved from my lap. But, I grabbed her cause I didn't want her to move.

"I couldn't wait for you forever Bunny." I explained.

Trinity chewed on her bottom lip and I could tell she was irritated by answer. "So, that's how she was able to cash in on Charlotte after she broke Asuka's streak?" She said, trying to make sense of everything.

"Her relationship with me. Has absolutely nothing to do with her title reign." I honestly think Trinity to should have the belt, but when I felt someway towards Trinity I had her jobbing. Not my proudest moment, but it happened.

Trinity removed herself from my lap and paced in front of me. "Okay.. you're dating Carmella. Um.. I don't know what I was expecting when I came into your room at one in the morning. Why isn't she in here?"

"I don't allow anyone to sleep in my hotel room with me." It just made things easier and I just like to be alone at night after sex of course. "You were the only exception to my rule."

"But.." She crossed her arms and turned around to look at me. "How do you still love me and you're dating her?"

"Easy baby.. I couldn't be depressed and shit over you forever." I said. It's clear she doesn't approve of my dating choice, but I had to do something to pass the time. I do enjoy spending time with Carmella. I'm not sure anything will come of it, but I do enjoy her company.

"So you were going to fuck me tonight?" She said, acting defensive. I'm really not trying to argue with you.

"Trinity.. that's why I told you I was seeing someone. It would be up to you whether or not you wanted to take it there. But, I had to be upfront with you at least." I said.

"Alright well, you have a good night sir." She said, walking to the door and honestly I did not want her to leave. Hell, I wanted her to spend the night with me. I missed laying next to her.

I followed behind her and pressed her against the door. "Stay with me Trinity... I miss you."

Trinity turned around and looked into my eyes, stroking my beard. "Shane... you're seeing someone. I am not going to be your side bitch again." She teased me, and she could tell that I wanted her bad.

"You don't miss this good dick? I am sure you remember how amazing our first time was together and you had to lie to your husband about it." I said, smirking at her. But, if she wasn't trying to stay I wasn't going to force her.

"You need to be giving all that energy to Money Mella.. y'all are cute together." She said, moving away from me and opening the door. "Bye Mr. McMahon." She walked out of my hotel room and she left me with a hard-on.


Trinity's POV

"Girl, what are you doing here?" I said, shocked to see her in the locker room for Smackdown.

"Your girl has just been signed to Smackdown Live. Thanks to the hubby!" Kiera Hogan said, and we never had any issues. I know that she's best friends with Bianca so I should be mindful of what I said. But, other than that she's always been a super cool chick.

"Damn, why did you leave ECW?" I asked, trying to get the tea. Damn, I didn't have Shane to spill all the tea, but hopefully she would tell it all.

"Girl, it's so many reasons. Bianca and I kept getting into her. She's my girl and all but it was just a lot going on. I just felt like I was getting lost in the shuffle, plus I always involved in their personal drama the lines were getting blurred."

I nodded. "I hear you. That was one of my fears if I was going to sign with ECW, and Bianca thinking that I wanted to fuck Trips. But, shit girl welcome to Smackdown." I said, hugging her. It wasn't too many women of color on Smackdown and Tamina still didn't fuck with me over the Shane thing.

"Thanks boo! I am super excited and now I can focus more on my marriage. We recently miscarried so we have been dealing with that." Kiera said.

That broke my heart. Hearing another black woman lost their baby and it happens a lot to black women. I hugged her again. "I am here if you need me. You know that something I went through and still dealing with to this day."

"I was really excited for our second baby. I've just been under so much stress. This is more than you want to know but my husband cheated on me."

"Girl, apparently my husband slept with Charlotte."

"Same.." Kiera said.

It was so weird that two beautiful black women husband's cheated on them with the same woman. The wrestling world is too small and the hoes are too thirsty. "We need to beat her ass." I said.

"Girl, tell me about it. But, I told Aj I would be on my best behavior since he was able to get me this deal. I haven't really talked to Bianca since signing to the main roster. She wasn't mad at me, but she didn't want me to leave her."

"You did the right thing with your husband being with the WWE. It's hard to maintain a marriage or relationship with two different companies. Just always remember to put yourself first and those who really ride for you will respect your grind." I said, lacing up my boots.

That's when Carmella walked in, but I wasn't trying to say anything to her. She walked up to Kiera and extended her hand. "Hi, I'm Carmella your Smackdown women's champion and I wanted to welcome you to the locker room. Let me know if you need anything. Here's my phone number, text me anytime."

Kiera shook her hand and I liked that Carmella took intiative to make Kiera feel comfortable and not like anyone was trying to attack her or being mean to her. It's hard enough being a woman, let alone a woman wrestler. We have to stick together.

"Hey Trinity.. can I talk to you for a minute?" Carmella said, and we went off to the side to talk. I am going to lose my shit if this is about Shane.

"Look, did you see Shane last night? I know this sounds weird, but we're kinda seeing each other." Carmella said.

"Yes, we had a conversation. That was all. What's up?" I placed my hand on my hip. She better not be coming to me on no woman to woman shit. That's the last thing I have time for.

"I know y'all were together and a lot of things went on. But, I still want us to be cool ya know? Trin, you're my girl." Carmella said, and if that was true she shouldn't be "dating" him. Truth be told he was going to fuck me last night if I gave him some. But, I am not trying to go down that lane with him while he's seeing someone else.

"Carmella, it's cool that you're dating him. I have no issue with you. He's your man. We just had a talk. It was just closure." I said, and maybe I was lying but it didn't make a difference. I want her to think we're cool.

"Cool, thanks for understanding. He's pretty cool. I can see why you were with him." Carmella said, walking off and of course Kiera heard the whole thing.

"You're not seriously cool with that bitch?!" Kiera said, looking like she wanted to go and drag Carmella for me.

"No, I am not. But, if I really wanted Shane back I could have him. I am going to let him do his thing, but it won't be long before he'll be back." I said, thinking about last night. I should have been petty and fucked him. Then I could have thrown it in her face, but that's not the nice thing to do.

But, guess what? Fuck being nice!

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