11. Friday Night Lights

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A/N: I LOVE y'all! That is all

Kiera's POV

I stood in the ring ready to fight for the women's ECW title. I looked over at my support system and smiled at them. Those girls and Johnny had my back. I'm not even mad at Bianca anymore. It's a business and I gotta respect mama's hustle.

Jordynne and I locked up and I felt something. They was going to be a great match. She put me in a hold and I reversed it quickly. No way I'm losing this fast. I ran the rope and hit her with a body cross. The crowd was behind me and the We Love Kiera chants were growing.

Damn, I wish my husband was here to see this. The match went on for twenty minutes. We we're going back and forth with hits, punches, holds and everything. Thick mama pump can definitely keep up with everything. I'm enjoying this match. I wanted to try something different. I set her up for the Styles Clash and I nailed it perfectly.

 I set her up for the Styles Clash and I nailed it perfectly

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The crowd went absolutely crazy and stood up. I went for the pin.



I felt someone pull me from out of the ring. When I stood to my feet I was face to face with Bianca. "Bitch what you doing interfering in my damn match?"

She pushed me and smiled. "You don't deserve to be champ. I do hoe!"

I nudged her face and got back into the ring and Jordynne rolled me up for a pinfall.




"And STILL your ECW women's champ Jordynne Grace." The crowd booed and I sat in the ring confused as fuck and out of breath.

This is going to be a good feud against Bianca and I know Hunter is setting us up for it. I stomp out of the ring and into the back. I was greeted with flowers.

"That Styles Clash was perfect baby!" His southern drawl always turned me on. I can't believe he made it. He actually came to support me without me asking him to.

I jumped his arms and I was crying because I was so happy to see him. "Baby I wanted to bring the belt home."

"Don't worry the match was great and your feud with Binks is going to be amazing. I love you baby." He held me in his arms so tight and I just couldn't get over him being here for me. He wiped my tears. "Doll, why are you crying?"

"I'm so happy to see you baby! I was mad because I didn't see you and Trinity's here."

"I wanted to support you baby. Don't worry about anything. I'm here doll. I heard they are giving out exclusive contracts."

"I dont know if I will get one."

"You will." He smiled reassuring me. Aj kissed me and I couldn't remember the last time I was this happy.

Hunter's POV

"Alright! I have a few announcements. First of all thank you to all of the amazing talent.Tonight I'm giving out ten exclusive contracts which means that the wrestler will no longer wrestle for other promotions and will be on television when we start our new television two hour show on Monday nights ECW." The crowd went absolutely crazy. The talent will other contracts can wrestle on the live event shows.

"Please welcome Pete Dunne, Johnny Gargano, Austin Aries, Kenny Omega and EC3. For the women's roster Bianca Blair, Mia Yim, Mandy Leon, Kiera Hogan and Jordynne Grace to the ECW family." I know everyone was at a loss of words for me signing Kenny Omega. I searched the crowd and I saw Shane's reaction.

"We will sign the contacts live on FOX at 8 pm three Mondays from now. Tickets are on sale. See you there have a great night!"

Trinity's POV

I declined the contract with Hunter. I don't want to get involved with my friends. I'm fine where I'm at and I hope ECW has amazing rates. Hunter just started a Monday night war. Wrestling Twitter was going crazy. More eyes were on the product than I thought. I made my way to the back but first I was stopped by Shane.

"I was never here to sign anyone here. I just came to see the show. I can't believe he got Kenny Omega but that's cool. There's a lot of people that have pissed off Hunter and I'm sure I'll resign them back. Between you and I were in the process of resigning CM Punk. It hasn't even been leaked to the blogs yet. I heard Trips had a contract for you."

"He did but I turned it down." We we're staring each other in the eyes and I swear we had a strong hold on each other.

"Loyalty Bunny... I love it. Let daddy reward you tonight."

"I'm going out with my girls but you know you can pick me after." I wanted to kiss him right here. But it's not appropriate.

"Of course just text me baby. I'll leave my phone on ring." He said, and I walked away. I knew He was staring at my ass.

I turned around and looked. "Stop looking at my ass."

We we're in the limo already drinking. We we're headed back to Hunter and Binks House. Aj and Johnny are with us too. I kinda feel like a third wheel. 

We're taking shots. "Congrats y'all for getting your contracts!" I held my Shot and everyone clang their glasses. Kiera was in Ajs lap about to give us a damn show. She was all over him.

I'm glad to see them together though. Damn, if Shane and Trips didn't have beef he'd be here with me. 

I texted him.

Me: Everyone is coupled up and I'm like...

Shane:  Damn Bunny ! You should have came with me

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ShaneDamn Bunny ! You should have came with me...

Me: I know 🤦🏾‍♀️

Shane: Text me the address.. I'll come get you.

Me: I will once we get there... thanks daddy 😘

Shane: 😘

I'm so ready to be with him tonight. Shit, I want some attention too. They bout to have a damn orgy in this limo and I'm just over it.

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