41. Boo'd Up

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Shane's POV

We we're back in Las Vegas packing up Trinity's apartment. Of course I could have paid someone to do this. But, she said she would rather us do it. Whatever the lady wants, she gets it.

She was looking through her wrestling gear and she smelled it. "Oh my god... I think I wore this one at Wrestlemania when I won." She closed her eyes and smelled it again. I think boo is starting to get her memory back.

"Yes, baby you did wear that when you won your title back." I said, watching her closely. The doctor said it was unlikely for her to get memory back.

"Do you remember anything else?" I asked.

"No, just that it was dark when I came out. The crowd was electric. I miss that feeling being in front of thousands of people. I don't know how I got the courage though."

I remember our pep talk that we had that night. She was so nervous and I had to talk to her, so that she could go out there. "You were amazing that night."

"You talked to me." She had her eyes still closed. "You told me to go out there and be myself. You told me that I was best on the roster and just go out there and be that glow queen I know you could be."

My jaw dropped. "You are really getting your memory back. That is exactly what I said." I walked over to her and hugged her tight. "Baby, this is amazing. We have to talk to the doctor."

"I know.." She finally opened her eyes. "We shared a moment that night though. You were staring at me like you wanted to kiss me. You've had feelings for me for a while now."

She was completely right. I did have feelings for her way before this. "We did.. but I ran off because you were my employee, married, and I'm married too." I said, replaying that moment in my head.

Kiera's POV

"You need to realize we are never getting back together." I sat at a coffee shop with Tye. Lately, we've been spending a lot of time together. I just want him to know that I'm focused on my marriage with Aj Styles.

"You've been teasing me for awhile now. We look perfect together and Ayla loves me." Tye said, but no matter what he said I loved Aj.

My marriage has been a bit chaotic since moving to Las Vegas. I should have just stayed in Florida with Aj. I would have been on the main roster by now. I love my ECW family, but Bianca is getting out of hand. "Tye, I am serious. I am not leaving Allen."

Tye nodded a few times. I guess he was just processing what I was saying. "I guess I respect it. But, I think you're making a bad choice. Everyone knows he's fucking Charlotte."

"Thanks for throwing it in my face. You know how I feel about that and you're trying to make me feel bad." I said. This wrestling industry is rough on marriages, especially when you are in different promotions.

"I am sure you are aware of it too." He stated.

It didn't matter what I was aware of. That's not going to change the fact that I am in love with him. "Listen I am pregnant and I am taking a break from wrestling. Stay away from me." I stood up and picked up Ayla. "Bye Tye.." I walked away from the table. I didn't have anything to say to him.

Hunter's POV

"What's going on?" Bianca said, confused.

"I fucked one of your friends." I confessed. It was time to let her know about my mistake. She's my wife and she deserves to know.

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