34. Ballad Of The Lonely Hearts

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Naomi's POV

He became uncomfortable. Everyone was making me nervous. I have to go off what other people tell me. "What happened?" I asked.

Shane sighed. "Baby, don't get mad."

"Tell me.."

"Okay so..." he hesitated. "Your husband, Jon continuously failed his wellness test and he wanted to come back. So..."

My eyes widen. What was he about to tell me?

"He offered you. He said I'll give you a night with my wife if you give me my contract back."

When he said that I went numb. Why would my husband be that selfish? "Okay... then what?"

"I honestly thought he was joking, but then I realized he was serious so I went with it." He looked down at his hands, and then looked at me. "We had a date and we had sex. Then we saw each other again the next day. You've tried to cut it off, but you always hit me up again."

This revelation was chilling to me. "So, was I in love with you?"

"No, but I believe you were falling for me. It's pretty complicated."

It sounds more than complicated to me. I wish my husband would have told me. I felt a myriad of emotions. Like, how could he do that, and why did Shane do that. "But you feel like sleeping with your employees is okay?"

His eyes widen at my comment. Yes, you're no saint in this either. "Trinity, it was a selfish move on my part as well, but I genuinely care about you love."

"So, why are you here? You're married with a family. Why are you helping me?"

Without hesitation he said, "Because I love you Trinity. There I said it."

He threw me for a loop. I couldn't remember our relationship, but he loves me. I believe him because he's here even though he shouldn't be. "Did you love Jacqueline?" I asked.

"At the time I did. But, my father wouldn't let me marry her. I had to marry a white woman. So, that's what I did."

At least he was honest, and didn't deny it. I'm sure he really did care about her. "So, are you planning to relive that through us?" I asked.

"No baby. That was twenty years ago. This is different. I would do anything for you. I know you're trying to make sense of all of this."

"It's difficult. People are telling me things that I'm sure happened, but I can't remember it. I'm staying away from Bianca, something about her is off."

"Do whatever you feel. But, I just know she doesn't like me. It's obvious and I don't know what Hunter told her."

When I heal I need to find another job. I'm not going to be working with Bianca and her husband. I just don't know why she acts like that. "Doesn't matter. I'm not signing with her company. I'm coming back to the WWE. I'm not sure why I left."

His eyebrows rose. "No, you weren't happy. Please don't worry about anything. You don't need to think about work I paid up your rent for the year. Focus on getting better and getting through this divorce."

Shane had a good point. But, I wasn't going to depend on him forever.

Kiera's POV

"Why do I keep getting text messages saying Charlotte is trying to take my man?" I looked up at Aj. He just got out of the shower and I was over his bullshit.

"Because her thirsty ass wants me." Aj said, nonchalantly.  Ugh, he just doesn't understand how this is a problem.

"Aj I can have any man I want! Nakamura is in my DMs using Google translate trying to talk to me. But, I don't entertain it." I confessed.

"That piece of shit doesn't care about anything but himself."

"Okada too. You need to dead that shit with Charlotte or you're going to lose your wife to the highest bidder." I said, sitting on my bed.

"Don't play around with me girl. You wouldn't do that."

"Oh, I would. I'm wrestling Tye next weekend and I'm gonna let him touch all over me."

Aj turned around and hovered over me. "Stop trying to piss me off. I'm not that one. Look, I left my marriage to be with you and your throwing these stupid fanboys in my face. Grown up. You have a daughter now act like you got some senses. I'm going out and don't wait up for me since you wanna act crazy." Aj dressed quickly and left our apartment.

I shouldn't have said those silly things. Charlotte isn't even worth me ruining my marriage over. Like seriously. Charlotte needs her ass beat though cause she's trying to take everyone's husband and I'm going to show up at her next PPV and beat her ass.

Tommy's POV

I sat in the back and looked at my title laying in my lap. All my hard work has paid off and I'm the WWE NXT champion. My phone rang. Before I could say anything. I heard,
"Congratulations Tommy."


She hung up on me. I missed her so much. It hurt to see her looking so beautiful in her wedding dress and she wasn't going to be my bride.

The number was restricted so I couldn't call her back. But, I know she still cares about me, but I'm not going to try to win her back.

I lost to Hunter and it is what it is. It's time for me to move on. No matter how much I loved her. A broken soul like hers needs to be nourished by a man like me, but she thinks otherwise. She's blinded by the money and the power over there at ECW.

I'm going to enjoy this title reign and rebuild. I'm sure there is another woman that can peak my interest. I'm b
pretty sure I can love again. The question is who?


Who would you like to see Tommy with?  Comment and let me know ❤️

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