38. FOH

683 41 24

A Week Later...

Trinity's POV

I'm not going to lie that it has been hard without Shane here, but it is what it is. I have spent a lot of time thinking about a lot of things. Could we actually work out?

I sat across from my date while I enjoyed my sushi. 

"When did you start liking sushi? You never let me take  you to get sushi and now you like it." Jon said, and I laughed at him chewing on my bottom lip. 

"I have been eating it lately and I love it. It feels good to be back in Orlando. It was a sigh of relief to sign the divorce papers. I don't know you and after what Shane told me I think its for the best. You're a great wrestler." I smiled. "Just go out there and be a hoe." I giggled, but he studied me carefully. 

"I mean I fucked up. I stopped smoking weed though. I've spent so much time thinking about what I could do to save our marriage, but when you left Orlando I knew it was over. I knew that you were done. When you had the accident I thought I lost you for good."

I felt that his words were genuine and it really sucks that I only know stuff based off other people telling me. That has been the hardest part of this. My phone vibrated and I saw a text message.

Shane: Thinking of you... 

I turned my phone over. We haven't talked as much since he left. A piece of me is scared that he might not be coming back to me. We haven't really talked about his return, but I need him back. I really care about him and I am thankful he was there with me through my recovery. 

"I'm sorry.." I faked a smile. "I guess everything happens for a reason. Are you wrestling again? I haven't been watching lately."

"Yeah I have.. only because of you. Everyday it eats me up that I made you do that. I am honestly sorry.." Jon said. 

"It's cool. I am not even mad anymore. So, don't worry about it." I had let it go, because I wasn't attached to that pain. It wasn't like I remembered when all these things were going on. It was such a bittersweet feeling. 

That's when some girl walked up to our table. "Trinity! I didn't know you and Jon were back together." She looked at me, and then looked at Jon. He pressed his lip together and sighed. 

"We aren't together, but who are you?" I asked, confused. 

"Ariane... please leave the table." Jon said, looking up at her. I still did not know who this skinny girl was with this annoying voice. 

"You weren't saying that the other night." Ariane shot back, and I was sitting back watching this. So, this is why I wasn't even going to try with him. He still got hoes popping up. 

Jon clench his jaw and he looked upset at what was going on. "Please... let me just enjoy my last time with Trinity. Hoe be gone." He said. 

"That's not nice.. damn. If you smashed this twig then you did. Don't deny it or treat her like that." I said, and my phone was buzzing. Shane was calling me. "I'll be back."

I went outside and answered the call. "Hello.."

"Bunny.. oh my god it's so good to hear your voice." I felt the same way hearing from him. 

"I know.. what's going on? How have you been?"

"Miserable.. my father is trying to talk into staying with her.."

I couldn't believe that they were focusing him in an unhappy marriage. But, then again McMahons are all about keeping up appearances. I am not surprised actually. I had prepared myself for this. "So, should I move on?" I said, holding onto my phone tight. 

"No, I am still going through the divorce. We are legally separated now and I will becoming to Vegas tomorrow. I wanted to surprise you, but I don't know how you would react. Baby..."


"I love you.. and I can't wait to see you."

"There is something I need to talk to you when I get home. I am actually in Orlando."

The phone went silent. "Why are you in Orlando?"

"I finalized my divorce today. I hope you understand."

"Of course I do baby. I just didn't know that was so soon. Does he have to pay spousal support or anything?" He asked. 

"No, we actually signed a prenup. So, I am leaving with everything I have. I told him to keep the house for his children. I am not that cold."

"That's good. Well, I made my wife sign a prenup too, but I am sure she's going to ask for spousal support. I have been enjoying spending times with my boys. The only thing is when I explain to them that it was going to be different they all cried. It was such a sad sight. I have to make an effort to be there for more."

"Aww.. you don't have to come back to Vegas so soon. Spend time with the boys. They deserve that much. I'll be fine. I might stay with my mom for a little while."

"I know, but have you figured out if you're going to sign to WWE or ECW? Cause if you come back to us, then I can get us a place in Connecticut. So, I am still close to my kids."

I wanted Shane to put his children before me. I would never be selfish when it comes to someone's kids. "Focus on your children Shane. We can worry about us later. Be close to them."

"I know, but if you come back to the WWE it will be easier."

I sighed. "I have to see what's truly best for me. I don't know why but I trust Hunter. When I go back to Vegas he will train with me. I have already worked with him last week."

Silence. It was obvious that he didn't like Hunter. "I could have gotten you a better trainer. Tell me your favorite Triple H match. I'll wait."

"Damn... you don't have to be shady Bret Hart." I damn near hollered. I didn't know Shane could be so damn shady. 

"I mean he's not that impressive. But, take your time to make an informed decision." Which he was right. I needed to figure out what I want to do. 

"You're right.. I will think about it."

"I will see you soon Bunny.." He said, and knowing him he will probably show up to Orlando, but I am not going to lie I can't wait to see him. I honestly want his dick. The way he put it down before he left, I did not want that man to leave. 

"Mmm.. just bring the dick Daddy." I laughed, but I was dead serious.

"Got you Bunny.."

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