14. Thunderstorms

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Shane's POV

A week later...

I was still in Orlando working on some things. I seriously think we should fire William Regal. I sat in a meeting. "How the hell did we lose Johnny Gargano?" I said, in the meeting looking around at the board members. "Luckily, we have Ricochet but we loss Aj Styles' wife Kiera Hogan. Why is this happening! They are going to live in three weeks."

I sipped my glass of water. I wanted to fire everybody. "Well, Hunter couldn't keep it in his pants, so here we are. William it's been an entire year and ratings are tanking. Tell me why should I keep you Regal?"

Everyone looked in his direction. "Listen I can do this. It's just I need someone's else. Hire another executive and we're good."

"Look you have six months to get this shit together. If not we're closing the doors to the performance center. Good luck. Now brainstorm amongst yourself on how y'all are going to make this work." I walked out of the meeting annoyed. Maybe I should start a mentorship program. This new talent needs a lot of direction.

I reached in pocket and dialed Trinity. Talking with her always made me feel better.


"Bunny, this NXT thing is stressing me  out. It's just not the same. I don't know why I got tasked to fix it. Anyways what are you doing? Is Jon there?"

"Aww! I'm sorry baby. Yes, he's upstairs resting. He's okay. It's just been a lot going on."

"His father called me. Told me what's going on, and  after he's okay he should be good to return to the ring. So I emailed Jon the contract. Just make sure he signs it. We had a deal so I'm going to abide by the deal."

"Thanks Daddy. This is all still surreal. He doesn't want me to leave him. I don't think we can see each other for awhile."

"Bunny, please don't play these games with me. You told me you love my dick. Doesn't that count for something. You know the next time we see each other it's on."

"Jon is at a weak point at his life. I can't keep vanishing on him. That's how we got in this situation. He almost overdosed Shane and I'm not letting it happen again. I love him."

That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I understand she loves him, but what about my needs. I know she has feelings for me, or at least I thought. "You don't care about Daddy?"

"I do. You know that I do, but please just understand where I'm coming from. He's my husband."

I was trying to be patient and understanding. I allowed her to spend a whole week with him and I didn't bother her. I just texted her "thinking of you" texts or "praying for your family." I deserve to be inside of her without limitation.

"I know that but that has never stopped you from cumming on my dick. Please Trin, I'm tired and I just want to see you. Meet me in twenty at my hotel." I hung up on her.

Trinity's POV

I already had the key card to his room, so I was waiting for him to arrive. I could that he was getting an attitude with me earlier.

When he walked through the door. I glared at him for a few moments. "Shane, you okay?"

" I wasn't but I'm glad you're here." I looked down to see her wearing her wedding ring. I sat next to her on the bed. "You want dinner baby?"

"No, I already ate. Shane I'm catching feelings. I need to stop." I know he's going to talk me out of it.

"Okay Bunny. If you want to be free I'll let you go. But are you sure that's what you want?"

It's like I can tell him I'm done over the phone, but I see him that isn't true. As I'm looking at him. I just can't resist. "Ugh, you know I can't cut you off." I kissed him gently on the lips.

"We have that company party coming up soon. We're gonna have to behave. My wife is going to be there."

Of course I knew about her but he never brings her up. I'm not sure I can see him with her. "Oh okay. I'm fine with that. Who is your sister bring? Elias or Dean?"

"I'm not sure. Don't throw shade at my sister. I peeped that. I just wanted to tell you about my wife being there, so there's no surprises." Shane informed me.

"Does she know about the arrangement or suspect what's going on?"

"No, she doesn't know anything and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Do you still sleep with her?"

"No baby, is bunny jealous?" A smile crept on his face. I wasn't really jealous, but more curious than anything. It seemed like everyone in that family cheats.

"Why would I be jealous when you belong to me and not her." I straddled him. I had to let him know what's up. My arms were draped around his neck. "That's my dick between your legs. I'm not worried about your wife."

"Cocky are we? That's what I love about you."

"Oh I know.."

Hunter's POV

"Binky, why is Aleister Black/ Tommy End texting you?! Does he not understand you're engaged to me?" I threw her phone across the room. I've honestly had enough of this clown trying to get back with her. I forgave her for not telling me they had a past.

"Really Paul? You had to throw my phone across the room." Bianca yelled, going to retrieve her phone.

"I'm tired of him. You've been responding to him too. Having casual conversation with him."

"Damn I just asked the man about his sick mother. She was nice to me. I don't want Tommy. I've told you before. Like please get off my back. Maybe if my last name was Lesveque I wouldn't be texting other dudes."

She was pissing me off now. "Are you fucking serious? I'm going to marry you. We've both been busy. I'm trying to build this wrestling empire and raise our son. We haven't had time to plan a wedding. Like please relax."

"Fuck that! I'm tired of your excuses. Junior is going to be grown before we get married."

"Fine if you're so pressed. I'll marry you next weekend. We live in Vegas. Just make sure you have your dress." I walked off to check on our son.

Hopefully we didn't wake him. This weekend we're going to Connecticut cause it's my weekend with my girls. They love spending time with their little brother, Paulie. Hopefully Stephanie and Binky don't get into it again this weekend.

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