27. Can't Leave Em Alone

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Trinity's POV

Marty Scurll was in my living room telling me that my best friend can't be trusted. How would that even be possible? I've trusted Bianca a lot with my personal business.

"Trin, Bianca doesn't want you seeing Shane, so she wanted me to date you." My face scrunched up. It was like I heard those words in slow motion. Maybe he was just playing around with me, to see my reaction.

"My Bianca? That is married to Hunter. Why? Please tell me this a joke." I said, in disbelief

"I don't know. Something about Shane you really don't know about. She doesn't want you connect to the McMahon family. I didn't think anything of it at first. But, I met with her earlier and she was just going and on about how she wants us together."

My stomach turned. I was literally disgusted that my own friend wouldn't support my choices. The same woman who I went to advice for and she told me to continue to sleep with him.

If she really had a problem with me messing with Shane, how come she couldn't come to me and tell me why I should leave him alone. She is supposed to be my homegirl and I never had any negative comments about her relationship with Hunter.

It's never been my place to judge anyone on their relationship or who they choose to fuck. That's their personal business. "Why would she say something like that?" I still couldn't wrap it around my brain.

"I don't know. But, you should definitely talk to her about it. I mean you're beautiful and I would date you, but I don't want to force anything between us."

I smiled weakly. "Thank you for spilling the tea. I know this is a lot being that she's your bosses' wife and co-owner of the company. I am having second thoughts about leaving WWE."

"I don't think you made the wrong choice. I just think there are things you didn't know about your friend. Maybe she has her reasons but she didn't tell me specifically."

"Alright, listen I have some business to attend to. I'll talk to you later." I said, walking to the door so he got the signal its time to go. I appreciate him being honest, but right now I don't want him in my house.

Marty hugged me and said, "Take care of yourself love." I watched him walk out of my apartment. I needed to decide if I wanted to be with ECW or if I was going to dive into the independent scene.

I wasn't exactly sure what I needed to do, but I haven't signed with ECW yet. I was sure a few weeks ago that was the plan, but can I even trust Bianca ?

Kiera has told me they always get into, but Hunter doesn't let that affect her bookings. I just feel Bianca isn't that professional. Even if she's trying break up Shane and I. Hell, I don't even know what we're doing. I walked back into my bedroom.

"What did he want baby?" Shane asked, stroking his dick through his boxers. I swear this man stays horny twenty-four seven. I've never met a man so insatiable. But, I can't lie I love it.

"Bianca doesn't want us together."

"Hunter... he doesn't like me. It's rubbed off on Bianca. You didn't think she was really going to be team Shaneomi. I mean she's married to my sister's ex-husband. I am not going to exactly be fond of her myself." Shane admitted. He was honest with me and I loved that.

I sat on the bed. I swear I tell myself leave him alone, but it something about him I just can't let go right now. "Yeah, but she was encouraging me to sleep with you again. I don't know. Maybe, Hunter said something. I haven't signed with them yet. I have the contract."

"You know I want you back at WWE. But, I am about to take some time off. Let's go to Barcelona. Just us two. You need to get away from the states. Have fun and not worry about your divorce." Shane moved over to me and kissed me on my neck.

"You are absolutely right. I deserve to just be happy. I just need a break from everything. Maybe when I come back I'll be clear on where I want to go."

"Don't go to the indies love. You're a superstar you deserve to be the women's champ again. Come  back to the WWE."

I shook my head. "No, I asked for my release. It's just too many memories there. I want to start over, maybe NJPW."

"Whatever you do. I'll be at your first show to support you." Shane said, and even though we have our disagreement about where I should to be, he still supports me.

I laid next to him. "I know you will. I just don't know how I should handle this situation with Bianca."

"Handle it when we come back from Barcelona. Send her Snapchats of us in bed."

I glared at him. "Um... how your old ass know about Snapchat?"

Shane laughed at my shadiness. "Girl, I know about social media. I am not that old. Just older than you. But you love my dick so I am not worried."

This man stay talking about his third leg, but I am not going to front I am a fan. I kissed him. "You're right."

Aj's POV

"You need to stop posting pictures of us. I'm not trying to be attached to you." I said, standing backstage with her.

"So why do you pose for them. You're giving me the wrong idea. You're always flirting with me." She whined, but I've only been nice to her.

"Listen, I'm married." I showed her my wedding band. Just reminding her just cause my wife isn't here doesn't mean I would ever want her.

"I know but.. I was hoping for a little more." She rubbed my arm, and I definitely felt uncomfortable. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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