Food at first sight-Ch1

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After a dreadful long interminable flight, due to some old man falling asleep next to the girls and his snoring was the least of their worries. The girls each had tried to catch some sleep, because the flight was around 11-12 hours. Although Claudi is rich, Yasmin tried to make her fit in society a bit more and made Claudi get a normal class seat and Claudi absolutely dreaded it. Having to go toilet and feel uncomfortable the entire time, due to realising the fact she's way up in the air. Yasmin ran a hand through her hair as the harsh sunlight of HK brought her back to reality. Claudi already struggling with her luggage ran to give her auntie and uncle a hug, who helped Yasmin load her belongings into the back of the car too. Once inside Yasmin drifted off to sleep on Claudi's shoulder and her family, found Yasmin's sleeping form to be adorable. Claudi continued to whisper talk with her family, as the journey to the house was at least an hour. Claudi has a great time reminiscing and catching up with her family. The car comes to a halt and Yasmin half asleep almost falls out of the car, but she manages to stop herself. Claudi holds back a snicker and heads inside with the rest of her family. "Please never let me endure such a treacherous experience again, please Yasii?"-Claudi. "You were so annoying, that I sincerely wished I had you gagged"-Yasmin. "Haha she wasn't that bad was she?"-Auntie. "Oh trust me she was! She was a nightmare"-Yasmin. "Hey that's not nice!"-Claudi. "Please I just want to sleep.. I'm so freaking exhausted"-Yasmin. "Let's take you to the room you'll be staying in then Miss Jeon"-Lady. "I know you're rich Claudi, but I expected your house to be somewhat traditional it looks like a mansion in England somewhere"-Yasmin. "Yeah well.. tradition's great and all but I prefer the house back in England, so I asked to get one like this with a little twist!"-Claudi. "I'll request a tour later, please let me sleep"-Yasmin. "Okay fine i'm pretty tired too"-Claudi. Claudi leads Yasmin to her room and Yasmin immediately slams the door and the next moment, cute little snores can be heard from the door. "Aw little baby really was tired"-Claudi. Claudi decides to go for a soak in her hot spring, before giving into sleep and waking up feeling revitalised. Yasmin wakes up and is feeling jubilant as she approaches Claudi. "Do you have a hot spring, I need a soak please"-Yasmin. "I actually had a soak earlier but yeah sure go ahead"-Claudi. Yasmin lets her mind and soul drift off as the steam takes effect as she lets herself become too relaxed, that Claudi's shouting started to become distant. Feeling concerned she finds Yasmin already almost fully underneath the water and pulls her out quickly. The feeling of consternation goes away, when she sees Yasmin looking annoyed. "You ruined my relaxation, bitch why"-Yasmin. "You were legit close to drowning wtf"-Claudi. "You worry too much, I am taller than you; so if anyone's gonna drown first it's you"-Yasmin. "Next time I won't save you then"-Claudi. Claudi slams the door shut and sighs in relief, before going back to her room and getting ready to head out. Yasmin emerges from the hot spring and heads into her room, where Claudi knocks on her door and after a few knocks, she replies. "Okay now what?"-Yasmin. "Cmon let's go on our tour!"-Claudi. "Claudette honey it's fucking 11pm! Are you kidding me? I'm heading to sleep!"-Yasmin. "But we didn't eat right? Plus i'll take you to a place where you can eat Halal meat"-Claudi. "Grr.. fine give me 10 mins"-Yasmin. After getting ready she comes out wearing "I wanna sleep" tee and a pair of trainers, topped with a hooded jacket and her hair is out, with her blue dip dyed ends contrasting the outfit. Claudi nods in approval and laughs at the tee, but then notices Yasmin already making her way towards the entrance. "It's a bit late, but wanna walk or get a taxi there?"-Claudi. "You're just asking for old pervs to kidnap us aren't you?"-Yasmin. "Point taken"-Claudi. They get into a taxi and after a few restaurants, they find the place and a boy has his eyes laid on Yasmin and his gaze is only fixated on her only. Claudi sighs and walks past and sees that Yasmin doesn't notice the boy staring at her, but her eyes eyeing the food. "Holy shit..that looks good omg"-Yasmin. The boy sags his shoulders dejectedly but laughs at her cute reaction to seeing the food. "Well I thought it would be love at first sight, but it turns out to be food at first sight"-???.

LOL i'm sorry Lucas

food is a must

ily tho x

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