Lost in the dream-ch22

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Lucas enters the room and sees his girlfriend sprawled over the bed, as she sneezes and complains about how much her head hurts.  "JISOOOOOOOOS THIS IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING.  CLAUDI JUST HAD TO GO AND JINX IT TOO... and I-I *cough cough* wanted to go on that date with Lucas... *cough cough* I'm hungry too :( but my head hurts...."-Yasmin.  "Oh you're so adorable even if you're sick"-Lucas.  "Omg you heard me?"-Yasmin.  "Yeah but dw, you're still cute haha"-Lucas.  "I-I.. *cough cough* I-I didn't say anything"-Yasmin.  "Then why are you bright red? I don't think it's a fever haha"-Lucas.  "Okay maybe I feel sad, cause our date got cancelled due to Claudi's black magic and I-"-Yasmin.  He softly cuts her off with a kiss to her lips and she blushes even more.  "You just need to get better, so you can make up for the date okay?"-Lucas.  He sits on her bed, as she sits up and he chuckles when he sees her eyes light up at the bag of food in his hand.  "Yes this is for you princess, so hurry up and get better"-Lucas.  "Yay!!"-Yasmin.   He watches in full amusement, as he sees how she takes her time indulging in the food and her eyes lighting up, as each flavour attacks her mouth.  "Omg your parent's make such good food!"-Yasmin.  "Glad that it's brought a smile back to your face.  You looked so depressed and I was worried, that I may have done smthg wrong"-Lucas.  "Nah.. I was just sad that we couldn't go on a date and Jungwoo and Claudi get too!"-Yasmin.  "I already know where he is taking her and it's pretty romantic tbf"-Lucas.  "Well at least she is having a good time"-Yasmin.  "We can still have a good time.  It doesn't matter if you're sick, I will still kiss you as much as I want"-Lucas.  "W-well... Thanks for the food tho.. I feel full"-Yasmin.  He ruffles her hair and stares at her seriously, when she notices the playful glint in his eyes.  "W-what are you planning?"-Yasmin.  He pulls her close to him and he lets his himself fall down beside her, as her legs are pressed to his chest.  "Let's just stay like this, with no words needed"-Lucas.   He pulls her under the covers with him, as she feels her consciousness slipping away in his embrace.  He strokes her hair gently, as he watches her sleeping.  "Sweet dreams"-Lucas.  He kisses her head as he holds her whilst she sleeps.  


She thought it was a dream, but gruesome images begin tormenting her and as if it's a dead end, she frantically calls out for help but her voice is strained.  A dark shadow draws closer, as it begins spreading it's darkness to corrupt her heart.  The mist dances around her, as she can hear eerie laughter and she covers her ears, to try and block out the sound.  She sees someone laughing and mocking her, as the figure disperses into the mist.  Instead it shows her more images of Lucas and another girl, one she has never seen before.  She sees the way how Lucas was with other women and fills her with uncertainty and consternation, as she tries to shake the images out of her head.  "This is your Lucas sweetheart... You really want to be with someone who chose some girl over his dying sister? The level of heartlessness can not be forgiven here... What if that were you? You're dying and he chooses to ditch you the moment he finds out... Can you really say you want to be like his sister, who wished she could see him one more time?"-Claudine.  "Why are you doing this to me?!"-Yasmin.  "I just want to keep you safe child, you and my descendant.  Trust me you'll thank me for this, when you come to realise their true forms.. you'll want to run away but it'll be too late.  That's why i'm trying to save you both now... I have to show you his true colours"-Claudine.  "How do I know that what you're showing me is fabricated or just illusions made up by you?"-Yasmin.  "That's a good point, but if you really don't believe me.. then ask your beloved boyfriend yourself.."-Claudine.  She freezes up, unable to fathom whether what Claudine is saying is true.  "Wake up child and sought for the truth by your own means"-Claudine.  

The darkness around her warps and she sleepily lets her eyelids flutter, as she's woken up by a kiss and she smiles against the kiss.  "Hey did you have a good dream?"-Lucas.  "Yeah... I have something I need to ask you tho"-Yasmin.  

"Omg Jungwoo~ This was such a good date.  I guess even you know how to impress a girl"-Claudi.

"Of course, I have had women in the past you know"-Jungwoo

"Makes you sound like a player by that tone"-Claudi. 

"I can assure you i'm not that bad.  Like I've had women but none of them add up to how I feel about you, not even Claudine tbh"-Jungwoo.  

"I guess, I've never really dated either so I don't have much experience"-Claudi. 

"Oh so i'm your first? ;) then that means I was your first kiss and i'll be your first everything"-Jungwoo. 

"Oh don't turn into a Lucas now, but yeah you were my first kiss"-Claudi. 

"No one can replace or erase what I feel for you Claudi"-Jungwoo.  


"I've never fallen in so deep before and I aim to make you understand my feelings"-Jungwoo.  

His lips brush over hers gently and then when he feels her kissing back, he amplifies the level of passion he sends through the kiss.  He has one hand on her waist and the other behind her head, as he continues to sweetly kiss her.  She feels herself about to explode and melt from the passion emanating from them.  She reaches up and pulls him by his shirt and pulls him down as she craves for more.  He smirks as he responds to her equally passionate kisses.  They both back away smiling in satisfaction and they rest their heads against each other's.  "Honestly I don't think I'll ever find someone, I enjoy kissing as much as I do with you"-Jungwoo.  

"Lucas please tell me everything I heard wasn't a lie.. that it wasn't just a nightmare to torture me right?"-Yasmin. 

"How much did you hear?"-Lucas.

"Y-You're not denying it?"-Yasmin.

"There's no point in lying to you is there?"-Lucas. 

"But what did you do that was so bad? Do I not know the full story about what really happened to you?"-Yasmin.

"I killed someone"-Lucas.

more dramaaaaa

btw the song is so good and like set the mood for the story! 

If you listen to the song, whilst reading it you'll see what I mean~

Who did Lucas kill? 

How much more is he hiding?

Why is Claudine going out of her way to protect the girls?

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