Frozen heart-Ch43

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Claudine's black magic spreads through the air and wraps itself around Claudi.  It constricts her body tight and she lets out a muffled scream, but the darkness has already knocked out her consciousness.  She falls to the floor and her heart starts to freeze.  The ice has already taken effect on freezing the love and good in her heart.  It becomes darker the moment, Claudine's black magic seeps in and manipulates each thought she has.  "You will kill Jungwoo... and then all of his family and of course let's not forget those pathetic devils that serve them, like they are Gods"-Claudine.  Claudi's senses and movement are almost robotic, that it seems she has no control over her body anymore.  Claudine can see she is trying to ward off and fight the darkness encasing her heart.  Claudine's power amplifies and soon all her thoughts and her eyes become an obsidian black.  The life is lost in her eyes and the moment she lifts up her hands, a ball of dark flames come shooting from her hands.  She aims it at Claudine who growls in anger and increases her mind controlling powers by another pitch.  "Don't try and aim for me girl, or I will cut off your pretty little head"-Claudine.   "L-Let me..out! I-I-I don't wanna be y-your"-Claudi.   Her eyes shut and she drops to the ground, with a loud thud and that's when Jungwoo sees Claudi collapsed on the ground.  "Claudi!!!"-Jungwoo.  "Oh sorry darling, I didn't do anything.  I guess she must have lost her strength... Might wanna get her home or something"-Claudine.  Claudine laughs as Jungwoo picks her up bridal style, as he notices her body has gone cold and he becomes stricken with worry.  "Claudi... Babe... Claudi.. Baby? Why are you so cold???"-Jungwoo.  His eyes being blurred by tears blocking his vision, as Claudi's mother notices Jungwoo's panicked state.  "Jungwoo.. what's happened?"-Claudi's mum.  "I don't know! I found her like this, after she bumped into Claudine... I'm worried because her body has gone cold!"-Jungwoo.  "W-What?? Let me see.  What on earth.. you're right she's completely cold... I can't feel a heartbeat.. what has happened?"-Claudi's mum.  "Please.. tell me... she's alive...."-Jungwoo.  "I-I.. can't feel a heartbeat..."-Claudi's mum.  "Oh god.. no no no no no please"-Jungwoo.  "I'm sorry.. let's hope she's sleeping... we will check on her later"-Claudi's mum.  

"Follow me darling and Lucas, why don't you go get some human snacks for your girlfriend to snack on?"-Van Hellsing.

"Oh thank you, that is very polite of you sir"-Yasmin

"Oh she's such a kind human, ah the manners are perfect.  There are very few with good manners, it's a relief to know you were raised properly"-Van Hellsing

"Yeah.. my mother raised me on her own"-Yasmin

"That is very remarkable of your mother... but where is your father?"-Van Hellsing

"Let's not talk about him please"-Yasmin

"Ah I see... well what do you think of Lucas?"-Van Hellsing

"I mean.. I learned of his past but despite his past.. I'm still in love with him.. I know what you're thinking sir.. but honestly it does seem impossible to live with a vampire or be with one cuz of their blood craving and also they live much longer than humans do"-Yasmin

"At least you understand... I know you're both smitten with each other and it's obvious for how well you care for each other.  And I guess I do have to thank you for looking after Lucas, when he was going through such hard times"-Van Hellsing

"I was only doing what any girlfriend, who loves their boyfriend as much as I do; and that's sticking by their side!"-Yasmin

"I value your passion but think logically... would you be able to give up your human life to be with him? Say you get into an accident and you die.. Lucas will be forced to turn you into a vampire because he would want to be with you would then be forced into this painful endless life"-Van Hellsing

"I-... I've always thought about it and I have given it some thought, but I want to still enjoy my time with him... "-Yasmin

"I see.. it does seem reasonable"-Van Hellsing

"Dad please stop trying to make her break up with me. Here I got you your faves"-Lucas

"I'm trying to make her see reason and she understands me well"-Van Hellsing

"Thanks babe... OOOOH and you popped to the human world and got me my fave bubble tea! Love you :D"-Yasmin

"I love you too :) I understand but dad like she said, we want to enjoy our time together.. I mean we've been dating for a couple of months right? But for me it feels like a lifetime haha"-Lucas

"Yes.. I understand but you do realise other vampires will be after her if they know Van Hellsing's son is dating a human girl"-Van Hellsing

"I'm always with her.. except for that time Kun took her blood and almost killed her"-Lucas

"Exactly.. think about it for both of your sakes.  it's not that I don't like you or anything... I think you're wonderful and I never compliment humans.  But sweetheart please understand why I've said all this"-Van Hellsing

"I understand.."-Yasmin

"Dad... Oh it's pretty late now.  Babe wanna head up to bed?"-Lucas

"Oh I didn't realise how late it is.  What do you mean head up to bed? Who said you're joining me?"-Yasmin

"I said :) ;) I promise I won't lay a hand, but kinda hard when my girl's so damn irresistible"-Lucas

"Okay.. please keep your inner thoughts in your head"-Yasmin

"Hahaha son, let the girl live"-Van Hellsing

"Van! Van! Please come quickly!"-Claudi's mum

"What's wrong my darling?"-Van Hellsing

"My daughter... she...she's not breathing! She's gone stone cold!"-Claudi's mum

"W-what?? Is she okay??"-Van Hellsing

"Claudi! Omg!! S-she's right... she's ice cold omg... Claudi...Claudi stay with us!"-Yasmin

"Let's get her upstairs and provide some fire for her!"-Lucas

They all hurry up the spiral staircase, with Lucas and Yasmin closely tagging behind as the other 3 use their superpowers to get to the bedroom.   They set Claudi down on a bed and start putting some coal in the fireplace, to make the room warm for her.  Jungwoo stays by her side and holds her hand, whilst Claudi's mum and Van Hellsing leave their side and let Jungwoo have his moment with her.  "Claudi... babe tell me you'll be okay"-Jungwoo.  

Lucas and Yasmin end up going to their room, but Lucas feels uncomfortable about letting her sleep alone after what his dad said about other vampires coming to feed on her.  "Lucas... What are you doing?"-Yasmin 

"Let's forget the pain for a while.."-Lucas.  

He presses his lips to her and carries her over to the bed, where he places her down and still continues to kiss her, as she tries to keep up with his intense passion.  He lets his hands roam over her body, as she's overwhelmed by the amount of passion he's putting into this one kiss. Her hands fall to the side as she slowly breaks away from him, red in the face and turns her back to him.  "Mmmm babe are you blushing?"-Lucas.  "I-I wanna sleep okay!"-Yasmin.  He chuckles and presses a kiss to her exposed shoulder, collar bone and a few kisses to her neck.  He holds back the urge and wraps his arms around her waist.  "Goodnight my blushing beauty"-Lucas.  "OH shhh and just go to sleep!"-Yasmin 


Jungwoo lays by Claudi's side, with tears streaming down his face.  As if on cue, Claudi's body rises and sees Jungwoo sleeping peacefully by her side.  She smirks as she leans closer to him and slowly gets ready to place her hands on his neck.  She grabs his throat and he jolts up immediately, as he struggles to breathe for air.  In his awakened, yet panic state he notices the colour of Claudi's eyes are an obsidian black.  

"Claudi?? Wh-what... are you--doing?"-Jungwoo

"Shhhh... it'll be over soon.. I'll soon rid of you and your family.  Revenge shall soon come"-Claudi

Oh shit... 

Claudi's being possessed by Claudine's black magic

Her heart's gone cold

Also.. Why is Lucas like this for ><

who knew Van has a streak of human in him?

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