A dream?-Ch5

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*With Claudi*

She feels as if her entire body, has been pinned down. She feels her strength slipping away. Summing up her last bit of strength, she fights the darkness clouding her vision. She wakes up in an unfamiliar setting and screams when she sees Jungwoo sleeping next to her. He doesn't respond, but looks like a soft baby as he sleeps soundly beside her. Claudi looks around and sighs in relief, that her clothes are still intact. His hand is resting on top of hers and she can feel her heartbeat thumping loudly and quickly. Her head is clouded with memories and recollections from last night and she remembers how, Jungwoo bit her and she doesn't remember how she got to where ever the hell she is. Jungwoo stirs in his sleep, as he pulls her by the waist and mumbles incoherent words into her neck. "How the hell did I end up wherever the hell I am?"-Claudi. "You're in my bed babe"-Jungwoo. She flinches as an innocent looking Jungwoo, smiles so alluringly in her direction; that she can't help but feel attracted. "Don't say that so casually! You didn't do anything right?"-Claudi. "Haha, I've got my decency. No I didn't make a move on you, I just let you sleep here but then you pulled me down beside you. So that's how we ended up sleeping together"-Jungwoo. "You're joking right?? Was I drunk? Did we even drink together? Why can't I remember everything?"-Claudi. "Relax, you didn't drink... You just felt dizzy and collapsed"-Jungwoo. "Seems prevaricated... I don't get dizzy so easily, unless it's like hella hot"-Claudi. "What you don't believe me?"-Jungwoo.
"Of course not, drop the cute act"-Claudi.
"... I bit you, so now you belong to me. You can't be around other men. You cannot get intimate or have feelings for another man. Since you're bound to me, you'll be mine and whatever I wanna do to you, you can't resist me hah"-Jungwoo. "What did you do you little shit?!"-Claudi. She tries to slap him, but he grabs her wrist and leans closer to her face. She headbutts him and he moves away just in time. "Wow vicious, who decided to let you out of your cage?"-Jungwoo. "Don't you start"-Claudi. "Aw so cute I can't"-Jungwoo. "Okay that explains why I ended up here, but why did you mark me? And what the fuck is this mark? Never heard a human, mark someone unless they give them love bites, or physically get a marker and imprint something on them"-Claudi. "WHO says I'm human?"-Jungwoo. He edges closer, as she crawls back to the bed frame and he corners her. His eyes are glowing amber, as he fixates his gaze on her. "This also means, you can't leave my side ever, our souls are connected and so are our hearts"-Jungwoo. "Wh-why would you do this for?"-Claudi. She starts to cry and he looks guilty for a second, but then laughs. "Cause I can, I'm a devil I do what the fuck I like. I mean from my personality, I thought you would've picked up on my abnormal behaviour?"-Jungwoo. "Nah you're just a prick, so the thought of you being a devil didn't occur to me in the slightest"-Claudi. "Can you really take my word for it tho? About me being a devil?"-Jungwoo. "Somewhat seems plausible, because the eyes, the claws on your fingers and the black veins on your skin"-Claudi. "You're pretty perceptive"-Jungwoo. "Okay what so you expect me to get feelings for you?"-Claudi. "Haven't you already?"-Jungwoo. "Don't get cocky"-Claudi.

*With Lucas and Yasmin*

"Mmmm... Hello is Claudi here?"-Yasmin.
"No she hasn't come since last night! Wasn't she with you miss?"-Maid
"Ummm... No she wasn't"-Yasmin.
"Oh dear... We may have to call the police if she doesn't show up"-Maid.
"I'll go look for her later"-Yasmin.
"Thank you! Come down for breakfast"-Maid.

Yasmin heads back to her room, as she gets her clothes ready as she goes for a morning soak. "Huh? Who's calling me?"-Yasmin. "Hey morning babe, I got you home safely"-Lucas. "Oh Lucas.. Do you know where Claudi is?"-Yasmin. "Yeah probably with Jungwoo, he won't hurt her don't worry"-Lucas. "The maids are going crazy, since she didn't return home"-Yasmin. "Oh damn... I'll call him and let him know"-Lucas. "Thanks, anyways I'll message you back in a bit. I'm soaking up right now"-Yasmin. "Ooooh I could easily join you ;) i'm a vampire after all"-Lucas.
"If you do, it'll be your funeral"-Yasmin.
"You're forgetting I'm pretty much dead"-Lucas.
"Ugh... Once I find out your weakness, it'll be your torture"-Yasmin.
"Wow you're into that?"-Lucas.
"Ugh... Please it's the morning"-Yasmin.
"Haha, okay why don't you meet me at my parents restaurant and I'll show you where he lives?"-Lucas.
"Fine, but the maids want me to eat first"-Yasmin.
"What's it like living there?"-Lucas.
"Stifling, I can't get used to the idea of people doing things for me. I do them for myself, so when I try to help they don't allow me"-Yasmin.
"You're a real sweetheart, but don't worry about it. I'm sure there's something you can do, that they'll appreciate"-Lucas.
"Lmao stop with the flattery, but I suppose you're right there must be something I can do"-Yasmin.
"Yeah, I think there is. Anyways hurry and get ready, so we can go get your friend"-Lucas.
"Alright, see you in like an hour then"-Yasmin.

After breakfast, she heads to her room and comes out wearing a pair of black shorts, with a striped tee tank top and a pair of trainers. Her hair is flowing over her shoulders and her lips are painted with a rosy-peach tone. She leaves the house and makes her way for the restaurant.

"Wooo well hello gorgeous"-Lucas.
"Hi to you too"-Yasmin.
He grabs her by the hand and starts pulling her along, before she can retaliate his hand slides around her waist. "You're getting a little too comfortable with thinking you can do as you please"-Yasmin.
"You don't mind it, since I've heard no complaints"-Lucas.
"Ugh.. don't be so full of it. Where does he live?"-Yasmin.
"He lives like 20mins from the restaurant"-Lucas.
"So I'm stuck with you for 20mins?"-Yasmin.
"But you enjoy my company no?"-Lucas.
"You wish"-Yasmin.
"I COULD kiss you again, just remember that"-Lucas.
"Don't you even"-Yasmin.
"So cute, cmon lets at least take some pics together"-Lucas.
"Fine... "-Yasmin.

They take a few pics on his phone and she asks him to send it to her, where he eagerly agrees. After a bit more chatting and incessant flirting from him, they finally reach Jungwoo's apartment. Lucas knocks on the door, as his hand is still entwined with hers. "Oh? You're here.. come inside both of you"-Jungwoo.
"Claudi! How TF did you allow yourself to be in a guy's house and you don't even know him?!"-Yasmin.
"What about you, how come you two are here together? Did you sleep in his bed as well?"-Claudi.
"Well now there's a thought"-Lucas.
"Don't you even and nah, he dropped me home"-Yasmin.
"So I end up sleeping at his house... nice"-Claudi.
"That aside, I think you girls have a right to know about us"-Jungwoo.
"I mean we did... bite you both"-Lucas.
"So what do you need to tell us?"-Yasmin.
"... Why we marked you"-Jungwoo.

Why did they mark us?
And why is Lucas such a little shit 😂
And why is Jungwoo becoming taeyong number 2?😭😭

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