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Jungwoo watches as Claudi and Taeil are happily chatting and casually holding hands, as if a spark has ignited through them.  Jungwoo can hear all of her thoughts, happy and some of him which pipe his interest but they quickly subside.  "Ah.. At this rate i'm really gonna lose her right?"-Jungwoo.   He lets his head hang low as he sees a sight he wish he didn't see.  He sees Taeil lean in and kiss her and watches her kiss him back.  He feels his heart break as he watches the two of them become more intimate.  He runs away and blocks out all thoughts of her, as he doesn't hear what she says to Taeil next.  "Taeil.. I can't do this.  I guess I really am a sucker for Jungwoo.. I really like him"-Claudi.  "AH.. Guess I lost? I'm not giving up yet tho"-Taeil.  "Yeah.. Thank you for lunch.. it was great.  I gotta go call him!"-Claudi.  She runs off as the distance between Taeil and Claudi grows smaller.  "I let her get away.."-Taeil.  She calls Jungwoo but he doesn't answer and she grows a little worried, as she decides to go to his apartment.  She arrives but it's empty and then she becomes overwhelmed with worry.  She goes to the restaurant, but he's not there either and to all the places Lucas mentioned as his fave.  Fearlessly she heads back to his apartment and goes through the portal, as it was the last place she could think of.  Well aware of the dangers, she meets Jisoo who looks at her in disgust.  "Jungwoo's not here sweetheart, so go back to the human realm already! Do you really want to die?!"-Jisoo.  "No.. I-I need to see him!"-Claudi.  "... Well he might be here, but i'm about to get laid so come back another time"-Jisoo.  "BY who?"-Claudi.  "Him.  HAHA I knew it.  You believed he really likes you but he was just using you and now he's back with me.  His wife sweetheart.  Now go back home or do you really need to see it happen?"-Jisoo.  "N-No.. I-I'll go"-Claudi.  "Jisoo.. Hurry up I don't have all day"-Jungwoo. "Oh babe someone came here to visit you but she's just left"-Jisoo.  "What the fuck.. Is she crazy... Tch.. Let me handle this.  Claudi!"-Jungwoo.  "J-Jungwoo? I called you and then looked for you all over! So as a last resort.. I thought this was the only place I would find you.. I wanted to tell you that it's you I want.. I rejected Taeil.."-Claudi.  "Sorry to break it to you, but I really was just playing with you.  Can't trust a devil.  Now go back home and don't ever look for me again"-Jungwoo.  She feels her heart breaking and then raises her hand to slap him and then runs away to the portal without looking back.  "I-I'm sorry.. It's for the best"-Jungwoo.  "Ah that's gotta hurt but well I did you a favour and now you promised me a baby"-Jisoo.  "No... I-I can't do this anymore"-Jungwoo.  "Jungwoo! Hey get back here!"-Claudi.  Jungwoo leaves the underworld and sees Claudi tearfully breaking down in her room and she senses his presence and screams.  "How could you do this to me?! W-what did I ever do to deserve this?!.. Were my feelings just a joke to you?!"-Claudi. "C-Claudi..."-Jungwoo.  "What did you come here to laugh at my tears? Of course Devil's don't have a heart... Just don't come back"-Claudi.  He pushes her into a wall with tremendous force, as he traps her body with his and kisses her.  She tries to resist but she kisses back and tears spill down her face and his, as their lips ignite meet in a yearning fleeting kiss.  Ambivalent emotions come merge as one and his kisses become more passionate and respondent as she grabs onto his collar, pulling him even closer.  He responds to her needs and then lets his lips trail along her neck and back to her lips, as he lifts her up in his arms and breaks off the kiss.  He instantly wraps his arms around her and she responds as she leans into his chest.  "I like you so much that when I saw you and Taeil kiss it just broke me.. That's why I had Jisoo act like I really was gonna fuck her"-Jungwoo.  "I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings...But you did hurt mine so"-Jungwoo.  "Well fairs we both hurt each other so that makes perfect sense right?"-Claudi.  "Yeah so will you be my girlfriend Claudi? I'm asking you officially this time and not with my lips, but with words"-Jungwoo.  "Well I prefer your lips but"-Claudi.  She's cut off when he kisses her again and then smirks when seeing her reaction.  "Yes"-Claudi.  "Good now just know I won't let you leave my side"-Jungwoo.  "I know and I won't leave yours either"-Claudi.  He presses his lips to her forehead and then gently takes her hand in his and gives it a squeeze.  They sit on her bed and begin talking and cuddling, as they reminisce about all the nostalgic moments that happened between them.  

Meanwhile with Lucas...

"N-Nancy... I-I couldn't save you! I'm so sorry.."-Lucas. 

"Lucas! What's wrong talk to me baby?!"-Yasmin.  

"I-I.. I couldn't save her babe.. M-My sister.. S-She died and all I could do was fuck some other chick, who wasn't even worth my time.  I could have been by her side, holding her in my arms as she peacefully died!  But you know what.. she was really unwell that she took her own life.. Yes I was once a human and now.. Aggghhh.. God it hurts so badly"-Lucas.  

She cradles Lucas in her arms as she holds him in a tight embrace. He hugs her back whilst crying his eyes out and screaming as the pain becomes anguish.  They stay like that for a while, whilst someone in the shadows is watching. "Well.. Well time for her to disappear too :)"-Claudine. 

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