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Lucas flings himself down on his bed, as he remembers the momentarily warmth of her lips.  He tries to shake the image out of his mind, but he could never get her out of his mind. At that exact same moment, Jungwoo enters the apartment and sees Lucas lost in thought.  He mumbles words incoherently and Jungwoo sighs, as he sees Lucas touching his lips back and forth. "Did you kiss her and regret it or something? Or did she kiss you and completely catch you off guard?"-Jungwoo. "Oh.. hey"-Lucas. "Sup. So what happened?"-Jungwoo. "I-I kissed her"-Lucas. "Ooooh someone dug their own grave, I mean laid their bed"-Jungwoo. "Oh please I'm not in the mood"-Lucas. "Okay fine, so what do you like her?"-Jungwoo. "I don't know if I like her... I don't even know what it is I'm feeling. But I feel so drawn to that beauty of hers"-Lucas. "So maybe it's just attraction?"-Jungwoo. "No but when I'm with her, I feel heavy... like something's wanting to come out. She makes me happy... but I can't explain or express it I guess"-Lucas. "So you're into her but you're unsure if they are real feelings right?"-Jungwoo. "... I don't know man... maybe we shouldn't have gotten involved with them"-Lucas. "I don't know about you, but Claudi's nothing like Claudine. They're opposites. Claudine was really shy and Claudi isn't afraid to speak her mind. I kinda like that about her, it's got me wanting to know more about her"-Jungwoo. "Well glad things are working out for you"-Lucas. "Hey cmon, you two just need to talk this out. Should I call her over and you two can go talk?"-Jungwoo. "Just leave it... its better this way"-Lucas. "No it's not. If you both don't speak how you feel, those feelings will go to waste. You'll both have regrets eating away at you and you both make an extremely cute couple"-Jungwoo. "But honestly I think she should just date a human.  It's the only happiness I could wish for her.  I'm practically dead, I crave for blood.  I kill people.  I become someone else when I'm blood thirsty.  It's like I'm another person and I hate it.  I don't wanna ever hurt her, but I've already scared her.  I can't be with her, even if I wanted too"-Lucas.  "You can still try, why give up before you've even begun?"-Jungwoo.  "I think I should erase her memory"-Lucas.  "That's just cowardice.  You can't come to terms with your own feelings, yet you'd be selfish enough to make her forget about you. You can't change how she feels.  Making her forget you, without her permission.  That's just low and even I wouldn't do that"-Jungwoo.  "Then what am I supposed to do?! Ask her to be my girlfriend and eternal long partner and hope for the best? Life doesn't work like that.  No matter how badly you want something, it doesn't always come to you.  There's no definite certainty, that'll be the same for us"-Lucas.  "If you like her then tell her.  I think you have to apologise for kissing her"-Jungwoo.  "... Fine I'll call her"-Lucas.  "I'll be leaving then"-Jungwoo.  ".. Hey thanks man"-Lucas.  "Well we're friends, we help each other out"-Lucas. "I just want to see you happy, you've been through a lot man. Even though you're no longer human, that doesn't mean you don't deserve happiness as well"-Jungwoo.  "Wow.. that's actually probably the last thing I'd expect to hear from you"-Lucas.  "I suppose that's true, but I mean it.  I wish you and Yasmin happiness.  It basically means, you're meant for each other.  Your constant teasing, the blushing, the fact you two get along so well.  It's only evident enough, how you feel for each other"-Jungwoo.  "But... Maybe we get along as friends?"-Lucas.  "No.  You kissed her.  You don't kiss friends.   No matter how close you are, you don't kiss a friend, without a reason.  You kissed her, because that was your way of getting your feelings across to her.  Plus you kissed her without permission, so you do need to go and make it up to her"-Jungwoo.  "I... I suppose I should go call her and apologise"-Lucas. 

*With Claudi*

Claudi darts back and forth, through a dozen rooms.  Like an endless maze, Claudi immediately finds Yasmin curled up into a ball on her bed.  Claudi embraces her as she sees the tears streaming down her face.  "What happened Yasii? What did Lucas do?"-Claudi. "He kissed me.. I think I've caught feelings for him.  I don't think I can tell him, it would be hopeless.  Confessing to someone who's dead inside..."-Yasmin.  "That doesn't matter.  You both like each other and it's obvious.  I think you should give him a chance! That aside, what day is it today? 😏"-Claudi.  "Umm... Oh wait it's my birthday right?"-Yasmin.  "Yes!!! Let's go celebrate later!"-Claudi.  "Well if you insist.."-Yasmin.  "Cmon... Maybe Lucas has something in store for you"-Claudi.  She starts blushing the moment Claudi mentions his name.  "And your point is?"-Yasmin.  "Aww you don't need to make it so obvious"-Claudi.  "Oh hushhhhh"-Yasmin.  "Oh... Yasmin he's calling you!!"-Claudi.  "H-huh he is?"-Yasmin.  She looks over at her phone and sees it is Lucas calling her.  Claudi leaves the room to give her space, as she hears Yasmin talking. "Happy birthday"-Lucas.  "Y-You knew?"-Yasmin.  "Yeah, Claudi told me a week before your birthday was coming up so... I thought it'd be nice to hear it from me... L-Listen... Yasmin I'm sorry about before.  Y-you know the kiss.. I shouldn't have done that.  If it makes you feel better, I really did enjoy it... even if it was for a second"-Lucas.  She goes bright red the moment she hears him say that.  "O-Oh... right. I mean it's cool... it was just a spur of the moment right?"-Yasmin.  "No it wasn't.  I mean it.  I have feelings for you"-Lucas. "W-what are you saying Lucas? You said you're dead inside that you feel nothing"-Yasmin.  "I don't know what it is.. but something inside hurts, whenever I see you.  I feel this butterfly feeling in my stomach.  I feel happy, I feel alive whenever I'm with you.  If this is what love is, then idk what is"-Lucas.  "L-Lucas..."-Yasmin.  "Will you be my girlfriend birthday girl?"-Lucas. 

jk jk
(It actually is my birthday today so~)

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