Trip to New Zealand-Ch48

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The sun lightly brushing against their faces and enveloping them in warm light. The gentle sea breeze that blows through their hair, as they close their eyes to hear the sea; softly whispering into their ears. The lush green prairie which appeases their eyes, as they take in all sights of nature. Hand in hand, they each walk through the woods as they can smell the fresh scent of newly bloomed flowers. The assorted vibrant flowers fill the air with a sweet fragrance, which travels through each of their noses and heightening their sense of smell. Their eyes close as they take in all the sounds, emerging from Mother Nature and each let out a beaming smile. As if walking through the woods for a while, they finally come out from the clearing and are greeted with a gorgeous sight. The Tasman lake still as it can be, illuminated by vivid colours reflecting from the gorgeous sunset. They each gasp in amazement at how a beautiful sunset, could make the lake to appear more majestic. Each to their own surprise, the lake is surprisingly a crystal clear blue as the water looks so natural they could almost believe its pure. There's a view of literal icebergs, not melted away by the blazing summer heat but are still somewhat impenetrable. They stretch their hands out to the sky as an array of stars light up the sky, like a glow stick. The sky feels so close but far away, but no matter what not even a picture would be able to capture the beauty in this moment. The image of what they're seeing will stay embedded in their minds forever. It's late but even a moonlit sky has never looked more spectacular, it felt as if the moon itself was being lit up by a thousand light bulbs. Jungwoo holds Claudi close to his body, as the night air falls onto their skin making them shiver slightly. They snuggle closer to each other, as the sight of the mountainous range captures their attention. They stare around them and notice the flowers that recently bloomed begin lightly forming around them and swirling like a mini tornado. Lucas takes Yasmin's hand and they run across the beach, where the waves sway back and forth. They gaze into the horizon, as he sweeps her off her feet and into an embrace where his lips are pressed against hers fervently. They smile at each other and feel the coolness of the midnight waves brushing over their feet. They yelp in surprise as they didn't realise it would be that cold, but still laugh and look up into the sky as the clouds begin to merge into the starry night.


Jungwoo arrives in Claudi's room where she hugs him with all her might. She catches him off guard but his thoughts are only focused solely on her. "Babe... me and Lucas have been thinking, I think all of us should go away on a trip once we get this barrier thing removed don't you think?"-Jungwoo. "I recommend New Zealand, me and Yasmin have been wanting to go there for some time! Beautiful landscapes and nature to see out there"-Claudi. "Seeing some of the beauty of nature does sound quite refreshing. I think Yasmin and Lucas will agree too"-Jungwoo. "I'm all for one with the trip to New Zealand! We need to speak to your grandma ASAP Claudi!"-Yasmin. "Woah woah slow down babe, haven't you seen the time yet? It's quite late! We can go tomorrow in the morning"-Lucas. "Okay fine well let's book those tickets then!"-Yasmin. "I've never seen someone so eager for a holiday"-Jungwoo. "That makes two of us! Cmon girl let's start booking our tickets!"-Claudi. "Girls... won't ever understand them"-Lucas. "Taeil... did he leave?"-Yasmin. "I think he's left...when he got back he was already gone with all his things"-Lucas. "He went back to London then..."-Yasmin. "Afraid so babe, but look on the bright side we may finally be able to break the barrier forever!"-Lucas. "I suppose that is something we can look forward too"-Yasmin. "Alright then ladies we will come pick you up in the morning, so we can go meet with Claudi's grandma"-Jungwoo. "Alright then.. how you feeling about seeing your grandma again after everything?"-Yasmin. "Well I've dealt with worse so it'll probably be the same as always"-Claudi. "I'll take that as somewhat positive, but don't stay up too late and we will come get you in the morning night ladies!"-Lucas. Lucas pecks Yasmin on the lips, as she heads to her own room after watching him teleport to his house. Jungwoo pecks Claudi on the head and wishes her sweet dreams to which he leaves with Lucas.

*The next day*

"Claudi get up!! Cmon the guys will be here soon!"-Yasmin
"I was having such a good dream...and you ruined it"-Claudi.
"Looks erotic by the blush on your face"-Yasmin
"Don't say that so deadpanned... ugh but I guess my first time with Jungwoo keeps playing in mind"-Claudi
"Ahhhh I'm still holy lmao, so I can't really understand how it must feel"-Yasmin
"I'm sure Lucas is holding back against his low key knows she's a freak girlfriend"-Claudi
"Hey I'm an innocent girl okay. Don't question it"-Yasmin
"Yeaaaaaaaah sure"-Claudi
"Ah take it Claudi's still in bed"-Lucas
"Poor girl can't get the image of her and Jungwoo out of her mind LOL"-Yasmin
"Let's tease them about it"-Lucas
"Don't you dare and once you both do it, I'm gonna make sure to tease the fuck outta you both!"-Claudi
"Unfortunately I'm not a virgin but I'll be her first anyway"-Lucas
"Not something a girl wants to hear Lucas... so insensitive"-Claudi
"That was so uncalled for Lucas, cmon let's give the girls some privacy so they can get changed"-Jungwoo
"Don't let it get you down, at the end of the day you're his only one and even if you're not his first, you're his first love"-Claudi
"I suppose hearing that is a little more reassuring"-Yasmin
"Come on we got a big day ahead of us"-Claudi

Part 1 of the trip to New Zealand will be continued next time~

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