Far apart-ch36

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Jungwoo slams the door shut as he sighs and messes up his hair in frustration, as he feels tears stinging against his face.  He kicks a can on the road out of anger and it accidentally hits a small child and he feels apologetic as he goes to check on the child.  "I'm so sorry.. are you okay?"-Jungwoo.  "O-oh.. it didn't hurt mister... You look sad are you okay?"-Kid.  "I-I'm fine.. just some troubles but i'll be fine"-Jungwoo.  "Let's go get ice cream! Ice cream is always the best!"-Kid.  "Ahaha okay I'll buy you ice cream as a sorry gift"-Jungwoo.  The little girl grabs his hand and he is startled for a second and then lightly clutches her small hand back.  She giggles and leads him to a ice shop, when they both pick their flavours and as an extra gift, he takes her to the local playground where he plays with the little girl and he notices his phone ringing.  "Hey girl, what's up?.. Nah I'm fine.  I'm just walking to clear my head.  I don't care if she's crying.. she doesn't trust me... even when I am telling the truth.. Wait you believe me? Both you and Lucas? Guys.. thank you so much.. wait you already know who fabricated the results? I'm not even surprised about her but.. Van Hellsing... I didn't think he had such a grudge... Thanks guys you made me feel better.. I'm playing with.. wait where did she go? Hey! Little girl? Where did you go? Guys I'll call you back!"-Jungwoo.  He hangs up and looks around frantically as he doesn't know the little girl.  He runs over to a mother and her child, who look confused at the question he's asking.  "Um sorry.. You were talking to yourself.. I didn't see a little girl with you"-???.  Jungwoo stares at the woman in bewilderment as he silently thanks her and turns in the other direction.  "Jungwoo! Over here!"-???.  "H-huh?"-Jungwoo.  "I'm a ghost of course no one can see me :D but you're a devil so you can see spirits and creatures of the dead"-???.  "How'd you know i'm a devil?"-Jungwoo.  "Cause... I can sense it"-???.  "What's your name kid? H-how did you die?"-Jungwoo.  "I-I got into a car accident.. daddy and mummy were arguing and the car crashed.... but mummy and daddy survived.. but I died.  My names Mia"-Mia.  Jungwoo felt his heart break at the little girl's melancholic voice, that he reached out and hugged her; not caring if people looked at him weirdly.  "God.. so young and already spreading your wings sweet angel"-Jungwoo.  "I'm happy that I got to see you smile! I have to go now... They're waiting for me"-Mia.  "Who's waiting for you?"-Jungwoo.  "God is waiting for me"-Mia.  "Well don't let me keep you waiting... be free and enjoy your life sweetie"-Jungwoo.  "I hope you and your girlfriend make up soon!"-Mia.  He looks startled as she smiles and then fades into a shimmering light, as he sighs and looks up to the sky. "Thanks for that kid"-Jungwoo.  

Yasmin and Lucas look back at each other as they glance at the phone call and Jungwoo then rings again.  "Sorry you two.. Let's go talk to them then"-Jungwoo.  "Where should we meet you?.. Actually Lucas you and Jungwoo should go... I think I should stay and look out for Claudi, she's probably heart broken and crying and drinking alone in her room"-Yasmin.  "Yeah.. that's probably better.. Lucas let me know when you're ready to leave"-Jungwoo.  "In that case I'll come right now"-Lucas.  He pecks her on the lips and then teleports out of her room, as Yasmin walks out of the room and heads to Claudi's room and sees her drinking to herself and then she bumps into Taeil, who smiles gently at her before noticing Claudi's drunken state.  "Ummm what happened?"-Taeil.  "Jungwoo broke up with her"-Yasmin.  "What why?!"-Taeil.  "Keep your voice down... I don't want her to notice us yet"-Yasmin.  "Okay.. why tho?"-Taeil.  "Something happened and Claudi didn't have any trust in Jungwoo even tho he's telling the truth... but she's fixated on a piece of paper being the answer... He's honestly telling the truth and he's gone with Lucas to speak to the person behind the cruel act"-Yasmin.  "Oh damn... So now he's dumped her.. he must be feeling shitty himself since she's never trusted him right?"-Taeil.  "Yeah exactly.. poor guy is broken but he's not showing it.  Lucas will cheer him up tho, they're best friends"-Yasmin.  "Should we leave her to drink herself to death or should we let her touch like... an 8th bottle?"-Taeil.  "Fuck has it been that many?"-Yasmin.  They both enter the room and Claudi begins acting like a child, as Taeil takes her drink away from her.  "That's enough! Stop drinking!"-Taeil.  "Ohhhh it's Taeil... Lookie I'm single now~hehehe we can date now right?"-Claudi.  "God... She's such a pain when she's drunk"-Taeil.  "I know I feel you man.  Oh.. Look she's sleeping"-Yasmin.  They sigh as they clean up the empty bottles and Taeil tucks her in bed, as they see tears spilling down her face.  They leave the room and talk for a while about what they're gonna do to try and cheer her up, but they also catch up on some friendly brother and sister banter.

"Jungwoo... man how are you feeling? Are you really gonna let it end with her?"-Lucas.

"Lucas I don't want it too.. but how I can date someone who doesn't even trust me? It hurts... the person you love has never once trusted you"-Jungwoo.

"I get it... man you're feeling broken but she's just as hurt.  It's only natural she wouldn't know who to believe because the idea tears you into torns.   Honestly if this were Yasmin.. I would be mad too but it's all about trust... but you know Claudi... anything like that would scare her.  You gotta understand that anyone hearing they're being cheated on, is enough to make you lose trust in someone"-Lucas.

"I know... but we've been through so much.  I thought she would at least give me a chance to explain that this is all a misunderstanding... Jisoo even tried to explain but she's so fucking fixated on that piece of paper!"-Jungwoo.

"Well...chin up man we're here"-Lucas.

"Oh.. Son and Jungwoo how lovely of you to visit suddenly"-Van Hellsing.

"Cut the small talk.  You know why we're here"-Jungwoo.

"Oh? I haven't the slightest clue to what you're on about"-Van Hellsing.

"Want to explain why you had Claudine fabricate those results?"-Lucas.

Ohhh they've brought up the topic

how will he react?

Will they get back tgt?

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