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Kun lifts Jisoo gently from the ground as he presses his lips to hers and then places a light kiss on her stomach, as she smiles at his gesture.  "God.. I'm gonna be a dad.. I-I can't believe it.. I-I'm having a baby with you"-Kun.  "Yep.. I can hardly believe it either.. I mean I only wanted a baby from Jungwoo before as part of my mother's revenge, but i'd rather have a child with the man I love"-Jisoo.  "Sounds about right"-Kun.  

"Claudine.. I need you to do me a favour.  This will be your last chance to prove your worth to me"-Van Hellsing.

"What is it? If you want me to kill the girls, then I promise not to fail again"-Claudine.

"No this involves your daughter...It looks as if our children are in a relationship with each other.  More to add, is that your daughter has just announced to Kun that she's pregnant with his baby"-Van Hellsing.

"I-I beg your pardon? Did I perhaps hear you wrong? Are you telling me that our children have been dating behind our backs?"-Claudine.

"Yes my dear that is exactly what i'm saying.  You know what we need to do right?"-Van Hellsing.

"When she goes for her check-up.. fabricate the results and change it to Jungwoo"-Claudine.

"Yep you catch on quick"-Van Hellsing.

"This will ruin her relationship with Kun and also Jungwoo's relationship with Claudi"-Claudine.

"Exactly, kill two birds with one stone"-Van Hellsing.

*Meanwhile with Lucas and everyone else*

"Am I free to leave now?"-Yasmin.

"Yep you're in the clear, your injuries healed too and I don't think you need any further check-ups.  If your blood is low, make sure you're eating enough iron okay?"-Doctor.

"Yes doctor thank you so much for your help!"-Yasmin.

"Just doing my job sweetheart, take care of her now"-Doctor.

"Thanks doc, I'll always be looking out for her"-Lucas.

Jungwoo and Claudi come in holding bags of food and then she hands them over to Jungwoo, as she hugs Yasmin and almost tackles her to the ground as she holds her ground somehow.  She returns Claudi's hug and then looks awkwardly at Jungwoo and Claudi smiles as she allows for the two to hug.  Jungwoo gently wraps his arms around her shoulder, as she returns the gesture and then they back away, as they notice the two silently scowling.  "Ahaha anyways wow look at this food! Where are we gonna eat this?"-Yasmin.  "Let's go to Claudi's house"-Lucas.  "Sounds good!"-Claudi.  They all make their way towards Claudi's house and dig into the food, as the fresh scent of fried chicken and beer but of course a non alcoholic beverage for Yasmin since she doesn't drink.  They all drink their beer in one gulp, as she awkwardly drinks her non-alcoholic beverage and they all laugh at her reaction, as Lucas swings his arm over her shoulder pulling her closer to his chest.  "Aiii that's my baby, being the only one who doesn't drink haha"-Lucas.  "Isn't it cute tho? How we're all drinking and she's there with her sparkling drink haha"-Jungwoo.  "Guys stop teasing her"-Claudi.  They all burst out laughing as she buries her head in Lucas' chest and he chuckles at her cuteness.  After celebrating her release out of the hospital, they head to the Karaoke booth in Claudi's basement and have a laugh, as they all sing their hearts out, with only two of them being good singers.  (OOPS) Jungwoo and Yasmin collab as they sing and Lucas and Claudi, just sing without caring whether their vocals sound bad or not. Jungwoo and Yasmin high five as they feel their vocals harmonise well together and Lucas and Claudi fist bump, as they don't care regardless.  They continue drinking as Lucas and Jungwoo sing together, making the girls cringe and then burst out laughing.  Claudi feels her heart beat faster, as Jungwoo's sweet voice is euphoric to her ears and the lyrics make her giggle and blush a bright red.  Lucas and Yasmin teasingly point out she's blushing and this makes her blush harder, as Jungwoo continues to sing to her. 


Kun and Jisoo decide to go for the check-up and are astonished by the results and Kun begins pointing accusing fingers at Jisoo, the moment the results are revealed.  Kun loses his cool and goes to find Jungwoo and ends up crashing their party, as he sees Yasmin's recovered and decides to take his anger out on her as Lucas stops him from touching her.  "What the hell Jungwoo? When the fuck did you sleep with Jisoo? When?! Why are you the baby's father?!"-Kun.  "Woah woah woah... Hold the fuck up.  I've never slept with Jisoo and she can prove it"-Jungwoo.  "What? You've slept with Jisoo before?... Is this while we're dating or before?"-Claudi.  "CALM DOWN EVERYONE"-Lucas.  "How tf can I be calm when I just find out that i'm not the father of my girlfriend's baby?! Huh?! If this were your girlfriend and she's pregnant, but the baby isn't yours.. how would you feel Lucas?! Huh? How would you feel?!-Kun.  "Kun! Please calm down!"-Jisoo.  Jisoo comes in clutching her stomach as she tries to hold him back.  "Don't tell me to calm down! Unless someone else can confirm that these two didn't actually sleep with each other!"-Kun.  "I didn't sleep with him! I swear! Jungwoo please tell him that this isn't true!"-Jisoo.  "Babe... I think we should quietly leave and let them deal with this"-Lucas. "Can we really slip unnoticed by them?"-Yasmin.  "Trust me.. I'll teleport us to your bedroom"-Lucas.  He holds her hand gently and in the next instant, no one has noticed them disappear as they continue to argue.  "Much better.. away from all the drama"-Lucas.  "I bet it's Claudine doing this"-Yasmin.  "I agree... but I don't think she did it all herself this time"-Lucas.  "What who else is involved? Taeil? Your father? Or is Jisoo faking it, to get Claudi and Jungwoo arguing about this?"-Yasmin.  "My father's deffo involved, it has his name written all over it"-Lucas.  "How can you be sure?"-Yasmin.  "Kun's spoken about dating Jisoo before and he strongly made his point clear that he didn't want them dating"-Lucas.  "Oh shit really? I hope this doesn't affect Claudi and Jungwoo's relationship"-Yasmin.  "I think it's too late for that...listen"-Lucas.  

"How could you do this to me Jungwoo?! You were sleeping with Jisoo that time when we begun to date... H-how could you do this to me?"-Claudi.

"Claudi I fucking swear, I've never slept with her and I never want too"-Jungwoo

"How can I believe you, when these results clearly show you're the father of her baby?!"-Claudi

"You really don't trust me do you? I can't believe after all we've been through.. you're going to believe some fucking fabricated results! I guess I never should have given you a chance in the first place"-Jungwoo. 

"J-Jungwoo.. how can you expect me to believe your word against a paper with clarification?"-Claudi.

"Exactly what I mean.  You can't trust me and you never will... Oh look those two fucked off too.. I don't blame them, this isn't their business and they did well not to get involved.  But it's fine.. let's just end it here.  For good.  I'm done dating someone who has never once placed their trust in me.  Goodbye"-Jungwoo.

He leaves as Claudi sinks to the ground and begins crying, as Yasmin and Lucas listen upstairs and sigh as she feels tears stinging her eyes.  "I feel bad for leaving..."-Yasmin.  "The damage has been dealt... now it's up to them to mend things or not"-Lucas.  

Um... sorry girl

dw you will get back tgt at some point...

maybe :3

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