BBQ Night/Claudi's birthday surprise-ch40

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Jungwoo is choosing his outfit carefully as he combs through his hair, with extra care and can't wait to get ready to let himself go with his friends.  They're going through extra effort and are ensuring that the party is as lit as it can be.  He decides to give Yasmin some flowers as a thank you, for inviting him to the party and runs it by Lucas before proceeding to buying her flowers.  Claudi however is in her room choosing her outfit, with utmost extra care as she feels that this BBQ is a birthday surprise for her.  What she doesn't know is that this is a plan to get herself and Jungwoo back together.  She heads down when she sees Yasmin in a cute dungaree dress, that comes up to her knees and her hair in two fishtail braids, with light makeup and some trainers to complete the look.  "Omg you look adorable!"-Claudi.  "You look really pretty too!"-Yasmin.  Lucas smirks as he swings an arm around Yasmin's waist and pulls her close.  "Yeah she's looking gooooood but you look great too birthday girl!"-Lucas.  Claudi laughs as Lucas ruffles her hair and the 3 each head to the garden and she's greeted by familiar faces, as she starts crying tears of joy.  "OMG BITCH YOU GOT THE 1975 TO COME TO MY BIRTHDAY.  I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FUCKING MUCH LIKE I AM ACTUALLY CRYING"-Claudi.  The guys laugh as they wink and wave in her direction.  She feels her legs wanting to glue shut together, as she hears laughter in the distance.  Jisoo and Kun stand there, awkwardly holding out a present for Claudi and she looks at Kun in surprise and notices Jisoo looking uncomfortable; after the recent events and then they both clear their throat as they say hi.  "Um... yeah happy birthday.  I really hope you and Jungwoo work this out again"-Jisoo.  "Happy birthday Claudi.. Here's a present from us both"-Kun.  They both shuffle away as they take their places and then standing outside Claudi's house is Jungwoo holding a bunch of flowers.  His jaw drops when he sees Claudi and retreats back down the steps, but Yasmin goes after him and tries to persuade him to stay for food at least.  He sighs and sits on the table far from Claudi.  The food is being served and the smell of grilled meat and other dishes, fill the air and wafts through everyone's noses.  Jungwoo steals quick glances of Claudi, as she looks flawless and it pierces thorns into Jungwoo's heart.  He really wants to forget but he also wants to storm over and drag her by the hand.  Take her somewhere secluded, where he's kissing her breathlessly and endlessly.  He tries to shake the thoughts, but her appearance for today is shaking him up inside.  They each go up and help themselves to food, as the band starts playing and he sees the illuminated smile on her face; that always caught him off guard.  Their hands accidentally touch but instead of moving away, their hands slowly clasp over each other's and they stay like that for a while.  They look up and smile before regretfully letting go of each other's hand.  They go back to their seats and can't help but steal glances at each other.  Yasmin and Lucas lean into each other, as they smile at the fact that the two managed to have a moment.  "This is going well so far isn't it?"-Lucas.  "I'm so glad they're still so into each other"-Yasmin.  "Also..I so read Jungwoo's thoughts.  He really wants to kiss her but he's holding himself back hahaha"-Lucas.  "Omg that's mean! Let the boy be"-Yasmin.  "I can't help it.  I've got amazing hearing and I can hear everyone's inner thoughts too"-Lucas.  

After a while, drinks and food are still being passed out and Claudi is still jamming to her favourite band and Jungwoo is smirking at her reactions. Lucas and Yasmin are slowly swaying to the music, as Kun and Jisoo are smiling and he's listening to the heartbeat of their baby.  She laughs and kisses his cheek, as he clutches onto his hand. Jungwoo is on his way to walk over to Claudi but she doesn't see him coming and instead heads to the stage.  Then the music dims out when Claudi sighs and realises it's finally time to confess the truth.  "Guys... I'm really grateful you all came here for my birthday.. It really means a lot!"-Claudi.  "Why does this sound depressing?"-Yasmin. "Oh my god..."-Lucas.  "Y-you read her mind didn't you?"-Yasmin.  "You're not gonna like this at all babe...Poor Jungwoo"-Lucas.  Yasmin looks back at Claudi as she starts speaking, with tears in her eyes.  She glances at Jungwoo who is looking at her with worry, but she adverts her eyes from him and focuses back on her speech.  "This is gonna be so sudden.. but I've been blessed with this amazing opportunity.. I really can't miss this chance and in short, I'm leaving"-Claudi.  "WHAT?!"-Yasmin/Jungwoo.  "Yes..Girl you know how it's always been my dream job to be a psychologist right? Well I've been given this offer for a university... and I can't wait to study and become one... I know this is sudden but I hope you respect and support my decision!"-Claudi.  "What.. the.. so after everything you're just gonna leave? What if I don't want you to leave?"-Jungwoo. 

Oh shit...

Poor Jungwoo

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