All a dream-ch32

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Her world still hazy as she feels her head feel even more heavier than usual.  Her last thoughts being that Lucas tried to reach out for her but then she remembers Claudine grabbing her throat.  She can feel the pain as she absentmindedly reaches for her throat, but then a tongue clicking in disapproval throws her off balance.  "You almost ruined everything for my mum you know"-Jisoo.  "Who are you?"-Yasmin.  "I'm Claudine's daughter aka Jungwoo's wife"-Jisoo.  "Y-you're Claudine's daughter??!!"-Yasmin.  "I'm sure you're shocked, since you're pretty much dead rn"-Jisoo.  "What do you mean I'm dead?"-Yasmin.  "I mean you're in a comatose state in the human world, but here you're pretty much a wandering spirit"-Jisoo.  "So what's your mum gonna do to me, that I fucked up her plans?"-Yasmin.  "Oh thinking about it actually, she's gone to erase your existence from meeting Lucas and his sister"-Jisoo.  "Figures"-Yasmin.  "I've been told to watch you, just in case she didn't kill you from suffocation.  I mean we don't wanna kill you, but i'm afraid we can't let you leave either sweetie"-Jisoo.  "I have a boyfriend, a best friend and a friend who is like a brother waiting for me to wake up.  How long do you intend to make them suffer for?!"-Yasmin.  "Jungwoo's like an brother to you huh? Hey I'll tell you something, because you're never gonna leave this place"-Jisoo.  "What is it?"-Yasmin.  "I don't actually love Jungwoo... I mean I want a child with him, but in all honesty my mum forced me into this marriage so I know how he's feeling.  But I have to act like I do care for him, when I really don't.  I only assisted my mum with this, because she was made a fool by his family and I don't want my mum to live with that humiliation.  But I do think that her revenge is a little outdated now.. It's been centuries since this happened"-Jisoo.  "And if I do get out, how do you know i'm not gonna tell Jungwoo?"-Yasmin.  "Well even if there's a possibility of your escape, it's not gonna change the fact we're both married to each other and in a marriage where neither of us care for the other"-Jisoo.  "You love someone else don't you?"-Yasmin.  "I-I.. yeah"-Jisoo.  "Who do you love?"-Yasmin.  "Your boyfriend's older brother"-Jisoo.  "You like kun?!"-Yasmin.  "I know.. what he did to you is unforgivable... but try seeing things from his perspective.  He wants to protect his little brother from his past, that kept haunting him and making him go on a killing streak.  As his girlfriend, don't you want to save him from ruin? I'm not saying break up.. but try considering how Kun feels"-Jisoo.  "So.. Why don't you want a baby with Kun?"-Yasmin.  "Well... I-I.. It's cuz if I have a baby with Kun... then I have to become a vampire and I don't wanna be like my mum"-Jisoo.  "But does Kun know how you feel?"-Yasmin.  "I-I... Um yeah he does... we see each other secretly.  Quite easy since Jungwoo's always in the human world and his father or anyone hardly leaves the palace so"-Jisoo.  "Secret rendezvous, well well... The next time your boyfriend tries to kill me, I'll be sure to remind him of you his girlfriend and see how he reacts"-Yasmin.  

Jisoo is about to smile and then blush, but she's cut off when someone starts screaming for Yasmin and Jisoo's smile turns into a smirk.  "Oh he's finally here"-Jisoo.  "Who?"-Yasmin.  "Your beloved brother came to rescue you, despite the trials he had to face"-Jisoo.  "T-Taeil's here?"-Yasmin.  "Why are you so surprised? I don't even have any siblings"-Jisoo.  "It's complicated... but how did he get here?"-Yasmin.  "I let him enter your nightmare and now it's time for you to sleep.  Good luck you'll need it sweetie"-Jisoo.  

Her eyes are forced close by an invisible force, as she feels the air around her grow oppressive and the darkness comes to greet her again.  She starts screaming when vivid flashes of her worst fears coming to life to haunt her.  Snakes (Cuz I absolutely am scared of them), heights (Yeah.. deffo).  Many more fears begin arising and she feels a slight consternation, at the images of Lucas and another girl attacking her mind and burying itself into her sub-conscious.  The faces of the people murdered and the time, she had almost lost her mother to the people who kidnapped her.  The times her brother would abuse her and it always made her unhappy and scared whenever she came home.   She wished it were all a dream and then her crushed thoughts began trailing off about Lucas and how she desperately wished for him to save her.  Her thoughts are stopped again, as she hears someone calling for her and this signals her to slowly open her eyes.  

"Get away from her!"-Taeil.  He shoves her aside and tries to break the barrier she's in and Jisoo laughs as she watches Taeil struggling.  "If you want to save her, she has to be willing to want to break free herself but she's hesitating and I know why"-Jisoo.  "What's the reason? Why doesn't she want to wake up?"-Taeil.  "She's scared... of you and if Lucas breaks her heart.  You know my mum made her go back in time and she lived in Lucas' time and she was absolutely shocked by how Lucas caused his sister's death"-Jisoo.  "H-he did what?"-Taeil.  "His sister died from depression.  He was out of control and Yasmin experienced it for herself and now she's reluctant to wake up and go back to the human world"-Jisoo.  "That's... Okay I understand why she would be scared of me... and now Lucas but she has to wake up! She has people who want her to wake up, they're so worried that she's not gonna wake up again"-Taeil.  "If you want her to wake up, tell her what you're sorry for"-Jisoo.  

Taeil looks at Yasmin who is being conflicted by a bad dream, that makes her face frown in discomfort and he approaches the barrier slowly.  "Hey.. I'll say this.  If you wake up I will tell you everything that you wanna know.  So please... think about how your mum would feel if she heard you're in this condition.  Don't you think it would break her heart?"-Taeil.  He sees her move slightly as she slowly opens her eyes.  "T-Taeil?"-Yasmin.  "Let's go home sis"-Taeil.  "I-I'm scared of you and Lucas.. I can't go back"-Yasmin.  "Please.. at least tell him what happened because he's worried sick for you.  He hasn't left your side the moment Kun attacked you"-Taeil.  "He's been by my side this entire time?"-Yasmin.  "Yeah.. he may have not been by his sister's but he's making up for that mistake, by remaining by your side till the very end"-Taeil.  "If... that's true then it's time for me to wake up then right?"-Yasmin.  

The barrier breaks and Jisoo smiles as a warm light envelops them all and they all find themselves back in the hospital room.  Taeil sees that everyone is sleeping, but Jisoo quickly snaps her fingers and they all wake up and Yasmin yawns slightly as Lucas tackles her into a hug.  She sees his face and sees he has been crying and he kisses her, before she's able to resist him.  "I don't ever wanna lose you.. please.. don't leave me"-Lucas.  

Old song but used to be my fave~ it kinda fit cuz Idw Lucas to ever leave me init lmao 

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