Home bitter sweet home-Ch6

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Jungwoo has his hands pressed together, as the ring on his finger begins to illuminate faintly. "Oh for.. why now?"-Jungwoo. "Is it time?"-Lucas. "Yeah.. sorry ladies... Um feel free to wait here"-Jungwoo. Lucas's hand gently let's go of Yasmin's as he follows Jungwoo, into a back room of his apartment. The girls feeling inquisitive follow the boys, until they see them transform into their true forms. Yasmin gasps as Lucas sighs and appears behind her. "Jungwoo we should have told them to go.."-Lucas. He lifts her up bridal style and sighs, as she begins kicking her legs up in the air. "Let's just tie them up"-Jungwoo. "You're brutal, I am not hurting my girl"-Lucas. "Who says I'm your girl huh?!"-Yasmin. "I thought that kiss established everything"-Lucas. He smirks and her hands hit his chest, but he remains unaffected by her attempt. "She's cute right?"-Lucas. "UGH!"-Yasmin. "Girls please, this isn't something you're meant to see"-Jungwoo. "But you probably find me hotter in my real form right?"-Lucas. "You're something else"-Yasmin. "You're not scared are you Claudi?"-Jungwoo. "I mean I've only seen half.. but the full is kinda scary"-Claudi. "I think we should put them to sleep"-Lucas. "With who's consent are you gonna do that?"-Yasmin. "I can just kiss you babe and you'll be begging for more"-Lucas. "Let's not get cocky here, or I'll slap the grin off your face"-Yasmin. "I love seeing you try"-Lucas. "You two actually sound cute together and look good with each other"-Claudi. "Yeah, perfect match"-Jungwoo. Lucas brings his face closer to hers, as her face begins to heat up at how close he is. "Cmon Lucas stop teasing her"-Jungwoo. He gazes into her eyes and she feels herself being put under a trance. His eyes glow and then her eyes fall shut. "What did you do to her?"-Claudi. "Hypnosis"-Lucas. "Now it's your turn Claudi, don't worry you won't be asleep for long"-Jungwoo. Jungwoo pulls Claudi by the waist and forces her to look into his amber coloured eyes. His eyes begin to illuminate as she feels her eyelids grow heavy, until she falls limp in his arms. The boys sigh and place the girls, on Jungwoo's bed. "Okay... Sorry ladies"-Lucas.

They go through the door and the portal behind them closes. Familiar sights begin to look clear to them. Jungwoo sighs as women come clinging to him and throwing themselves at him. He coldly brushes them aside and makes his way for the kingdom in front of him. "Lord Jungwoo, you're back because you were called?"-Maid. "Yes, but I won't be staying for long"-Jungwoo. After saying this, he quickens his footsteps as more women try to block his path. Then one woman, who reigns and surges with superiority smirks at Jungwoo as she approaches him. "Well you're back so soon, I thought I wouldn't see my husband in so long"-???. "As much as I hate to admit it, yeah I'm back but not as your husband"-Jungwoo. "Oh cmon, we're still yet to make a grandchild for your father"-???. "Knock it off Jisoo, I'm not interested in this marriage and you of all people fucking know it"-Jungwoo. "I want this marriage, why won't you look at me huh?! I'm perfect, I'm gorgeous. I have the body, yet what is it I'm lacking?"-Jisoo. "Looks can't make up for your terrible personality"-Jungwoo. With these last words he pushes past her and she sends daggers in his direction. "Ah.. You're here son"-???. "Yeah... I'm home father"-Jungwoo. "Have you greeted your wife? Doesn't she get beautiful everyday?"-Satan. "I really couldn't give a shit about her. What did you want to see me for?"-Jungwoo. "She's your wife!! Don't you dare speak of her, as if she's nothing-"Satan. "But she is nothing, just a pretty face"-Jungwoo. "... Beside your insolent behaviour, how is the life like in the pathetic human world?"-Satan. "I might just find myself a real wife, that's what I think anyway"-Jungwoo. "WHAT?!"-Satan. "If you got nothing good to say, I'm gone bye"-Jungwoo. "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE"-Satan. "You heard me"-Jungwoo. "What do you mean you're going to look for a real wife? You have one! The beautiful Jisoo"-Satan. "You fucking forced me to marry that narcissistic BITCH. She just wants sex and I'm not giving into her desires"-Jungwoo. "That's enough out of you! Don't you insult your wife, she chose to be by you and you don't even come to visit her!"-Satan. "Why would I visit someone I don't even like? You forced me into that marriage! If I didn't... You would have killed her"-Jungwoo. "Oh? Oh? Her? You mean that stupid human girl you were playing with?"-Satan. "Well here's an interesting twist, I met her descendant and they look very much alike"-Jungwoo. "She has a descendant? Are you playing around with more humans? Just come home and give me a grandchild!"-Satan. "I won't fuck her, even if she were the last person to exist in this realm"-Jungwoo. "JUNGWOO!"-Satan. Jungwoo smirks as he vanishes into black smoke and he finds himself back in his apartment. Claudi is still sleeping and he lightly brushes the hair from her face and covers the girls with a blanket.

*With Lucas*

"NO! WHAT?! You gotta let me meet her?!"-???.
"Hell no she's all mine"-Lucas.
"But she's so damn pretty wtf"-???.
"I know Kun"-Lucas.
"Damn, so what are you gonna make her into one of us?"-Kun.
"Yeah.. well I haven't thought about that yet. First I just wanna make her mine, like my girlfriend as humans like to say"-Lucas.
"Not if I make her mine first"-Kun.
"OH hell no, I saw her first and if you dare come near her.. I will slit you"-Lucas.
"Ooooh scary okay okay but I wanna meet her at least"-Kun.
"You can meet her when I make her mine"-Lucas.

... Jungwoo😂
More characters yay~

So yeah, hear what the boys have to say next Ch~

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