Hidden lies-ch23

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Lucas tries to reach out a hand to caress her face, but she steps back shaking with tears stinging her eyes.  "Don't come near me"-Yasmin.  "Babe... I mean Yasmin.. Please hear me out!"-Lucas.  "I can't date a murderer..."-Yasmin.  "I didn't kill for no good reason..!"-Lucas.  "What is a good reason to kill someone? Someone who takes the life of another, is just despicable"-Yasmin.  "Someone... raped my sister and if I didn't kill him, he would have killed her!!"-Lucas.  "So you're saying it was out of defence and wanted to protect her?"-Yasmin.  "I just wanted her to stop crying when I found out what happened... I couldn't control my anger.. I lashed out and stabbed him.. Yes my hands are stained with blood, but I don't regret it.  He hurt my sister.. He took something precious from her... She could never get that back! So yeah I may be a murderer, but I am not guilty for wanting to protect my sister!"-Lucas.  She stands motionless in the spot unable to utter a word, as she feels herself shaking.  "I think it's best you leave for today.. I can't think"-Yasmin.  Without another word, she doesn't feel his presence and she clutches onto the bed sheets and lets her stored up tears roam free on her face.  "Lucas... I don't wanna lose you.. But you still murdered someone... even if you were protecting someone.. How do I know you might get angry at me and lash out against me?"-Yasmin.  


Jungwoo and Claudi walk back through the portal and see Lucas on the sofa, drinking a really strong liquor.  "Yo... Weren't you supposed to be with your girl?"-Jungwoo.  "Yeah.. but she's pissed at me ha.. I told her what really happened cause fucking Claudine... told her everything about me.  She hates me and probs wants to break up, cause she doesn't wanna date a murderer"-Lucas.  "How can you say that so nonchalantly?! You murdered someone? If I was her, I would probably say I wouldn't be able to date you either"-Claudi.  "Oh what do you know.. you ever been raped before? Ever been depressed? Ever fucking tried to overdose?! Ever been told your memories are fake?! You don't know anything so don't you dare stand there and make me look like the bad guy completely"-Lucas. "Okay.. Man calm down... let's talk okay? I got you cmon"-Jungwoo.  "No I've never been through any of that.. but I can't deny that I can understand why she's scared.  After hearing all that, she probably got scared thinking that you might kill or hurt her out of anger.  Can you really blame me for thinking of her feelings in this situation?"-Claudi.  "No.. Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to lash out against you.. I'm just afraid i'll lose her, cause of your fucking descendant!"-Lucas.  "Look I get it and I'll talk to her.  I think she's just scared but she probs doesn't want to lose you either"-Claudi.  "I think you're right... I don't blame her for being scared but I would never hurt her"-Lucas.  "You need to tell her this"-Claudi.  "Okay mate I think you've had enough to drink"-Jungwoo.  "Omg this is really strong.  What the hell were you thinking?"-Claudi.  "I don't wanna lose her guysssss"-Lucas.  "My god you're so annoying when you're drunk"-Claudi.  "How do you think I feel?  I'm the one who deals with this"-Jungwoo.  "Should I leave then?"-Claudi. " Wait let me drop you off, then i'll deal with this child"-Jungwoo.  "Alright, don't even think about drinking anymore"-Claudi.  "No promises hehehe"-Lucas.  "Ugh this child is gonna keep me up all night"-Jungwoo.  They watch Lucas take another swig of the alcohol and Jungwoo escorts his girlfriend outside of the house.  "Hey i'm sorry he lashed out at you.. I am sure you can understand that he doesn't want to lose her"-Jungwoo.  "Of course I can understand... This is kinda like that time when Claudine tried to break us up"-Claudi.  "I don't understand why she is seeking vengeance so much"-Jungwoo.  "Why is she saying she's protecting me and Yasmin for?"-Claudi.  "I think it would be best to approach your grandma about this"-Jungwoo.  "My grandma? My grandma knows about this?"-Claudi.  "Yep your grandma has a lot of knowledge.  Go take Yasmin and see her"-Jungwoo.  "I think you should come with us and bring Lucas too"-Claudi.  "Why?"-Jungwoo.  "You two are unable to leave Hong Kong right?"-Claudi.  "Yeah... I think she cursed us with her black magic"-Jungwoo.  "And you think my grandma will have the answers?"-Claudi.  "Do you see anyone else providing us with answers?"-Jungwoo.  

 Yasmin curls up in her bed as a figure sighs as he sees her looking vulnerable.  "Only for once will I be a good brother and offer my sister advice"-Taeil.  "Taeil... Would you be able to say you'd date someone or love them if you found out they are a murderer?"-Yasmin.  "Holy fuck is your boyfriend a murderer? Well.. If this it were Claudi... then sure I would feel conflicted about whether this relationship is safe or not.. but I guess I would choose to overlook her past, depending on how in love I am with her.  They say love makes you do crazy things, but it's how you choose to view it.  Do you accept everything about them, even if that includes their past experiences? I would accept Claudi even if she has her hands stained with blood"-Taeil.  "How could you love her if she was a killer? She took the life of someone and taking someone's life is just wrong!"-Yasmin.  "I understand what you are saying but would you really let someone's one mistake define who they are? Or would you try and understand the reason and help to shape them into a better person?"-Taeil.  "I..I.. I wouldn't want to lose the person who has given me so many memories.. Like I understand he killed that person, or that person would have killed her... but that doesn't justify his actions"-Yasmin.  "You forgive but you don't forget"-Taeil.  "I guess I need to hear him out and apologise for overreacting"-Yasmin.  "Anyone would freak out, so you don't need to apologise for that.  Just apologise for not being understanding enough"-Taeil.  He reaches out and brushes his hand through her hair, as she closes her eyes and feels his warmth seeping through her.  "Okay time is up.  Just go and make up with him"-Taeil.  "Thank you"-Yasmin.  "It's the last time.. I'm going back to London tomorrow"-Taeil.  "Tomorrow??"-Yasmin.  "Yeah and sorry but I've been told to bring you back with me.  Hurry up and break up with the guy"-Taeil.  



Will everything work out okay?

What will be Claudi's reaction to seeing her grandma after all this time?

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