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Still in a dream, she feels something wet touch her lips and that's when she realises someone is kissing her. It's Jungwoo and his lips feel so soft, yet he's displaying so much passion that Claudi's heart can't take much more of it. Lucas and Yasmin who were busy talking all night about Claudine, awake from their slumber too and look at Claudi who is in a daze, as she keeps touching her lips back and forth. "Omg.. Wait! No not there! Jungwoooooo..."-Claudi. "Um.. I'm waking her up, he can probably hear her"-Yasmin. Lucas jumps back in surprise as Claudi continues to speak Jungwoo's name in a sensual manner. "Hurry up and wake her up.."-Lucas. A loud sound reverberates through the entire room and Claudi jolts up in anger, as she realises the uncomfortable on both their faces. "What kind of erotic dream were you having about Jungwoo Claudi?"-Lucas. "W-WHAT... D-DREAM? I-It felt so real.."-Claudi. "Oh my god, she's not even denying it"-Yasmin. "She's head over heels for him"-Lucas. "Well.. That's perfect, please never do that again... that was so unpleasant to wake up too"-Yasmin. "R-right.. but why were you two here anyway?"-Claudi. "We were watching over you since you had a nightmare...Plus we decided to do some talking and flirting right babe?"-Lucas. "Let's not mention that, but yeah watching you because you looked tormented by something.. and it was having an subliminal effect to your mental health"-Yasmin. "Right.. So what did you talk about then?"-Claudi. "I'll tell you another time, cuz I think someone's coming to see you. Better go freshen and makeup with him"-Lucas. They leave the room smirking as Claudi sighs and decides to go wash her face, because she doesn't want Jungwoo to see the fact she was crying; but he already knows she was crying because he could hear her inner thoughts and he himself felt pained by what he did to her. "I really need to stop hurting the people I care for.."-Jungwoo. He heads out of his apartment as he makes his way to Claudi's house. He has a lot of apologising to and finding repentance in order to make up for what he did. After getting ready and changing into a short denim dress, with white socks and a plain white t-shirt on top. She puts on simple makeup and gets ready as the doorbell rings and Lucas and Yasmin, are already laughing and bantering around with Jungwoo outside. He comes in after the two of them shove him inside and he grits his teeth for a second, until he sees Claudi sitting there on her bed. "Well.. what can I do for you Jungwoo?"-Claudi. "First of all.. were you planning on leaving because of Claudine?"-Jungwoo. "..."-Claudi. "I don't care if she's alive or not... but Claudi please tell me you were not planning on leaving!"-Jungwoo. "What is it to you if I decided to accept her offer?!"-Claudi. "It means plenty to me that's what!"-Jungwoo. "You don't care for me, you never have and probs never will so please.. stop involving yourself in my affairs! Just break this contract between us.. I don't want anything to do with you anymore"-Claudi. "I would die.. Do you really want that?"-Jungwoo. She hesitates as he looks her dead serious in the eye. "I would die and sure you can live your life however the fuck you want, but as for me...I'll have no life"-Jungwoo. He grabs her by the shoulders and shoves her down on the bed, whilst staring at her seriously but she can see the look of hurt in his eyes. She gently caresses a hand to his cheek, when she notices him shaking. How could she still be mad at the vulnerable state he is in? He grabbed onto her hand and held it close to him, as he could feel the warmth radiating from within her palm. "Claudi.. Don't leave.."-Jungwoo. He gently lowers their bodies back onto the bed, as he presses his lips against hers, whilst clasping her hand gently in his. She responds to his passionate kisses, by matching his pace and both refusing to let go of the momentum they have going on. "There's your answer"-Jungwoo. He gently kisses her head and gets off her. She remains somewhat in a daze because she is unable to move after that moment of passion. "J-Jungwoo"-Claudi. "I like you"-Jungwoo. He steals another kiss from her and smirks as he sees how bright her face has become. "What wasn't expecting that were you?"-Jungwoo. Lucas and Yasmin come barging in and start cheering. "WOOOOO! You guys made up and even better Jungwoo got his feelings across. I'm so proud right now"-Lucas. "I was about to go in for a 3rd kiss... why did you both come and ruin it?"-Jungwoo. "E-Excuse me says who?!"-Claudi. "Me, I know you enjoyed it"-Jungwoo. "Omg his cockiness.. it's just like me. OI don't steal my style"-Lucas. "Oops sorry bruh, but if you don't mind"-Jungwoo. "Lucas. Let's just leave them to getting back to their business, besides I wanted to talk to you about smthg"-Yasmin.

"Lucas. Don't freak out!"-Yasmin

"H-Her ex is coming back? Why the fuck? I mean things are going good between them!"-Lucas

"He texted me... because he's my older brother"-Yasmin

"You have an older brother? Where was he when your mum and you were taken hostage?"-Lucas.

"It's a bit complicated.. but now he wants to look out for me"-Yasmin.

"This is gonna affect the time we spend together"-Lucas.

"I know.. but I.. Sorry he's calling me"-Yasmin.

"Hey baby sis, i've already arrived at the airport"-Taeil.

"Yeah.. I'll come pick you up"-Yasmin.

Lucas accompanies Yasmin to the airport, as he notices she's looking uneasy and fidgeting with her hands. Lucas entwines his hand with hers, making her feel a little more relaxed. "Yasii!"-Taeil. He stops as soon as he sees Lucas and he growls in disgust. "Who is this supposed to be?"-Taeil. "My boyfriend"-Yasmin. "You can only have a boyfriend when I say so"-Taeil. "Who do you think you are, trying to control her life? She's perfectly capable of making her own decisions"-Lucas. "I don't think I gave you permission to talk either"-Taeil. "Break up with him right now"-Taeil. "You have no right to act like my older brother, you're just my half brother remember that!"-Yasmin.

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