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Claudi lays awake in her bed, as she clutches onto the bed-sheets that cover her body.  She feels tears still attacking her eyes, as she knows deep down Jungwoo would never betray her but realistically, if he was human and his DNA was found to be a match; then naturally she would be in shock and heartbroken about it.  She wondered how Kun felt, as she saw how enraged he was at the fact he wasn't the father of her baby.  The thoughts only distressed her and that's when she thought, she needed to let loose and let her mind be free of these compressing thoughts.   She got up and dressed and changed into an outfit that is a bit revealing, but she didn't care.  She needed to drink and dance her pain away, as she slipped into the mini dress and topped it off with some high heels.  The mini dress exposed skin on sides of her hips and she applied some makeup that accentuated her looks.  After getting ready she quietly sneaks out, as she hears Taeil and Yasmin laughing.  "Well good for them.  They are finally getting along.  She's probably gonna kill me, but I can live with getting lectured"-Claudi.  

The club is pumping with loud music and couples and young people are swaying their bodies to loud music.  As if she commanded full attention, everyone stares at Claudi as she saunters her way over to the bar and she pulls up a stool next to someone, who is quietly drinking away their pain.  "Hey"-Claudi.  "Oh.. Claudi hey"-Kun.  "You came here for the same reason huh?"-Claudi.  "Yeah.. I guess you did as well"-Kun.  He pats to the seat next to her, as they talk and drink at the same time.  They both drink so much that their eyes lock and their lips get closer.  Kun pulls her by the waist as he kisses her lips and both feel the alcohol rush to their heads, as they both let themselves go in the moment.  He keeps his lips firm against hers, as they slowly make their way to an empty sofa space; where others are occupied with either getting wasted or doing challenges of who can handle their liquor.  He hovers above her as he continues to kiss her and he can feel his fangs bearing slightly.  She feels his lips gently glide over her neck and she feels a sharp pain, but it then turns into a blissful sensation as he drinks her blood slowly.  He lets her go and wipes his lips clean as he goes in to kiss her again.  


"Do you have evidence that I'm the one who instructed Claudine to fabricate the results?"-Van Hellsing.

"No I don't but Lucas...Said that Kun asked you before if he could date Jisoo but you strongly declined it"-Jungwoo.

"Oh really? Well then no use lying to you son.  Since you are able to read my thoughts"-Van Hellsing.

"Why did you do that for dad?"-Lucas.

"Because... It was either I break you all up, or the girls die"-Van Hellsing.

"Why would you kill the girls?"-Lucas.

"Yasmin.. sweet..sassy..hahaha feisty but a pretty.. girl. But she made you remember your painful past.  Plus she's a human and you know the rule.  You either make her into one of us or erase her memory of you.   You can't even do that.. therefore if I rid of her, you'll finally come to your senses.  Claudi.. smart, pretty as well.. articulate... quick tempered.. girl... Jungwoo.. she is your ex lover's great granddaughter? Does that not sound odd in the slightest? Also... Claudine has to make you pay for what you did to her.  I personally wish to get rid of the other girl, for the sake of Lucas and every single vampire in the world"-Van Hellsing.

"You're not laying a hand on her father.  I swear if you touch her.. I will.. I will.. Deal with you myself!"-Lucas.

"So that's how you speak to someone who gave you a new life? Quite ungrateful my boy"-Van Hellsing.

"Oh please you just wanted another mouth to feed for your army.. just like how you made my parents into one of us!"-Lucas.

"L-Lucas... I... How did you find out?"-Van Hellsing.

"Want to know how? Looks like you need to speak to your wife.  She originally planned to erase Yasmin's existence in the past but decided that there was something I needed to see.  You... forced my parents into vampires.. against their will.. Now they have to live the same damned fate as me! Why would you do that for?! They're my real parents.. the ones who gave me life.. You're not! You act like you're my real father but you and Kun... Kun's mother are not my real family.. we're just connected because we are creatures of the dead!"-Lucas. 

"Claudine.. you damned woman.  Oh well I guess I can drop the facade now.  Lucas, oh Lucas... Of course I made you into a vampire to make you into one of my army.  But of course.. now that I think about it.  There's something else that I can get out of this.  Your beloved girlfriend... who do you think she is with at this very moment?"-Van Hellsing.

"Claudi and her brother of course... who else?"-Lucas.

"Shit... Lucas look"-Jungwoo.

Jungwoo points to a mirror behind them, where it starts to warp and he sees Yasmin laying unconsciousness on the ground as Taeil presses a syringe into her neck.  "... Yasmin.. I'm sorry... He told me he will help me get revenge on my father.. I'm sorry sis.. I..I... I didn't wanna do this.  But.. Our dad he's in HK right now.. I can't let this chance past.. He promised to not hurt you... He said if I knock you out with this, you'll have sweet dreams when you wake up.. you'll feel brand new and alive.. I'm sorry"-Taeil.

"That fucking! I knew I couldn't fucking trust him!"-Lucas.

"Lucas... Wouldn't you like to know what she would be like as a vampire? She would be so much more beautiful than she is as a human"-Van Hellsing.

"Shut the fuck up! Let her go! Don't you dare turn her... She deserves to live after all she's been through! Don't you cut her life short, for your own sick purpose"-Lucas.

"Lucas... I'll try and find her for you okay?"-Jungwoo.

"Oh.. Jungwoo there's something for you too..."-Van Hellsing.

"Oh.. my...god"-Lucas.

"C-Claudi.. H-how could you..."-Jungwoo.

He sinks to the ground as anger and sadness overwhelms him.  Lucas places a hand on his shoulder but he roughly shakes it away and feels his heart go cold. "If she wants to play it like that.  Then two can have a go as well"-Jungwoo.

Ooops more drama


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