Salvaging a bond-Ch46

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Jungwoo notices Jisoo gesturing for them to talk. "Are you sure you wanna go through with this Jungwoo?"-Jisoo. "Yes we should. First of all you and Kun are having a baby together, it's only natural you should be with your baby's father. It's time we cut off this marriage, so we can both be happy"-Jungwoo. "I never thought you'd really fall for a human...I mean she's amazing but full of surprises I guess. Both of them are lucky"-Jisoo. "Well her grandma is a witch... so she's not entirely human haha"-Jungwoo. "I've got your back ... You can be like an uncle to my child when it's born!"-Jisoo. "Do you know what it is?"-Jungwoo. "Yeah... it's a girl ☺️"-Jisoo. "Congrats I'm sure she's gonna be pretty like her mum"-Jungwoo. "Oh thanks, hahah well lets get on with this shall we?"-Jisoo.

The king sits on his throne and smiles almost instantaneously when Jisoo walks into the room alongside his son. He gestures for his servants to leave and ensures that both are treated with respect. "My my it's the first time in a while I see you walk in together ☺️☺️"-Satan. "I know you won't be smiling after what we tell you"-Jungwoo. "Sorry your grace me and Jungwoo have something to tell you"-Jisoo. "Wh-what is it? Are you finally pregnant?? Has he finally fallen for your beauty after all??"-Satan. "I don't think it's something you'll be happy about it. I'm breaking off my marriage with Jungwoo, as I am pregnant but no Jungwoo isn't the father. Van Hellsing's only son is my baby's father. We've been in a relationship way before Jungwoo and I got married. We both found love and it's only natural to want to end things right?"-Jisoo. "... lemme process this... so... you've found love and so has my son? It's not that traitorous Claudine is it?"-Satan. "It's not Claudine but her descendant... Regardless of what you have to say. Jungwoo and her are very happy together. I hope you don't intend to ruin your son's happiness. Sorry I couldn't have been your daughter your grace, we might have gotten along better"-Jisoo. "... I can't forgive this... a vampire? You could do better than that sweetheart. Oh great her descendant isn't that lovely? Is she going to be another traitor? She'll end up leaving you Jungwoo once she's gotten what she wants"-Satan. "Pardon me I will be taking my leave now"-Jisoo. "You're wrong. She never knew anything about her bloodline. She loves me for who I am and that isn't going to change"-Jungwoo. "You're weak and pathetic like your mother. See this is why I regret marrying a human"-Satan. "M-mum was a human??"-Jungwoo. "Of course she was. A devil doesn't die from an illness Jungwoo. You've got her weak heart and I'm going to change that"-Satan. "Don't you dare. You ordered for my mum to be killed! I watched her die! Even if she was human, I loved her! You took the only person in my life who ever loved me! Growing up I wanted to be like you and receive love from you. But I was only useful when you needed me... I hate you and I despise you. But you're my father and my only parent left. I swear if you lay a hand on my girl, I'm not going to stand still"-Jungwoo. "Jungwoo understand this is for your sake! You can't fall for a human girl or you'll end up meeting the same fate as your mother! Y-you think I wanted to kill your mother? Of course I didn't. Your mother was the only ray of light in my life. Humans and devils cannot be together. The council never approved of our marriage. I distanced myself from you because I knew the council would be after you both. I chose my position over my family and well I know I can never be forgiven... but Jungwoo I don't want to see you heartbroken because of a human. You're my only child. A gift given to me by your mother. I can't lose you ever do you understand? "-Satan.

For the first time ever Jungwoo has never seen his father looked so vulnerable and broken. He looked full of anguish and his melancholic expression, made Jungwoo feel guilty but he also knew devils are great at deceiving people. "Father how can I trust your words, when you're a devil?"-Jungwoo. "I know son... I'm not lying to you honestly.. I'm not"-Satan. The king reaches towards a cabinet, which is surrounded by dark ominous energy.  The king reaches past the barrier and pulls out a locket.  The locket is blinding with evil and almost seems to put Jungwoo in a trance, when his eyes make contact with it.  "Father... what are you doing?"-Jungwoo.  "This is for your own sake Jungwoo.  You cannot be with that human girl, especially anyone related to her.  She betrayed us... she tried to sell us out to our enemies.  You know that's treason and I had to get rid of her! This girl you're smitten with, could be under Claudine's influence and could be plotting against you"-Satan.  "I've had enough of this... I don't want to do this but perhaps it's better I don't come to visit you again"-Jungwoo.  "What are you saying?"-Satan.  "I'm saying I fucking despise your guts that I never want to see you again. You took mum away from me... you're not taking away Claudi from me"-Jungwoo. 

With these final words he disappears like a puff of smoke and the king sighs on his throne.  He clutches the locket in his hand, before studying the intricate design on it.  "I shall become one with the darkness eternally"-Satan. 

Jungwoo comes home and sees Claudi clutching onto her throat.  He becomes alarmed and notices two chains around her neck.  He tries to grab her arms but notices Claudine smirking in the corner of the room.  "I did say I would leave you alone didn't I? But looks like the king had other plans.  You know your father would only do this if he's finally become one with that locket.  The one where he trapped his dark side in.  Looks like Claudi is his first victim and will end up taking everyone you care for down with her"-Claudine.

More dramaaaaa

So Satan became even more evil
(No surprise there lmao)

Claudi's under the reigns of his control.  What will Jungwoo do when he realises that leaving Claudi is the only way he can save her life?
Will he choose to lose her or erase her memories of all their time together?

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