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After her wishes had been fulfilled, she quietly indulges in the food in front of her and the owners smile at her cuteness.  The boy stares at her, as he helps his parents tidy up the restaurant as it is about to close soon.  Claudi requests if they can have the food wrapped up, but the moment she does heavy footsteps charge into the shop.  The owners smile at the boy who walks in and Claudi looks back as their eyes connect.  He adverts his gaze quickly and heads to the counter, as he bumps into her purposely and sends her falling to the ground.  She looks up and glares, as he pays no attention and instead orders food and goes to say hi to the owner's son.  Claudi gets herself up, with the help of the boy's mother helping her up.  She smiles and thanks the lady, but notices Yasmin trying to not laugh.  She glares and regains her composure, as she storms over to the boy.  "Who do you think you are huh? Barging into someone and not having the decency to say excuse me or help me up?!"-Claudi.  "Hey Lucas do you hear that?"-???.  "Jungwoo... Stop just apologise to her"-Lucas.  "Yeah at least your friend has common sense"-Claudi.  "I don't apologise to trash"-Jungwoo.  "Okay man, stop you're being rude"-Lucas.  "Did the little baby get a wittle boo boo and hurt her poor little self aw"-Jungwoo.  "Don't you fucking patronise me!"-Claudi.  "Oh shit...Claudi is everything okay?"-Yasmin.  "Now you come"-Claudi.  "But it's food first, anyways what's going on?"-Yasmin.  "Who's this your servant little rich girl?"-Jungwoo.  "Nah i'm her best friend actually.  So why does I think i'm a little gangsta, trying to start shit here?"-Yasmin.  "He barged into me and didn't even help me up, like at least say excuse me or I'm sorry!"-Claudi.  "Honey you're wasting your breath on trash here. Let's just go"-Yasmin.  "I'm really sorry about him, cmon Jungwoo apologise"-Lucas.  "You can't force him, if he wants to be a little shit then let him"-Yasmin.  "I don't remember asking for your involvement sweetheart"-Jungwoo.  "And I don't remember asking you to speak? I was talking to my friend"-Yasmin. "Okay... let's just calm down okay?"-Lucas.  "Just leave them be...Let's get some popcorn"-Claudi.  "EXCUSE YOU, where are you going claudette?!"-Yasmin.  "HAHAHA Claudette, yep suits a rich girl like her"-Jungwoo.  "Yasmin!"-Claudi. "Oops.. It's 12am and i'm fucking exhausted and the moment we get to your home country, you're already beefing with some inconsequential prick.  Let it go, not all men are gentleman okay?"-Yasmin.  "I just want an apology"-Claudi.  "Be the better person please"-Yasmin.  "Whatever...Fine thank you for the food it was delicious"-Claudi.  "Thank you for coming, hope to see you again"-Lucas.  "Well that was a waste of time, two pieces of trash trying to talk me as if they mean something pfft"-Jungwoo.  Yasmin doesn't hesitate and slaps him hard across the face and he immediately, grips her wrist as his grasp is burning to her skin.  Lucas notices and pulls her away and Claudi gasps at how red her wrist is.  "Tch stupid girl, shouldn't have touched me"-Jungwoo.  "There was no need to try and break her fucking wrist!"-Claudi.  "Is it broken? Can she move it?"-Claudi.  "Um.. It doesn't appear broken.. but it is swollen..."-Lucas.  "Okay that's it now you've taken it too far!"-Claudi.  "Yeah, i'm sorry your friend annoyed me.  But that's her fault, she brought that upon herself"-Jungwoo.  "Are you trying to fucking kill her?!"-Claudi.  "I wasn't trying to kill her.. Okay.. look i'm sorry"-Jungwoo.  "Lucas tell your parents, my appetite has been disrupted.."-Jungwoo.  "Hey! I'm not done with you"-Claudi.  He turns back to her and shoots her a look of repentance, before storming out of the shop.  Claudi notices the guilt in his eyes and watches him leave, as the distance between them gets shorter.  "Yasii are you okay?"-Claudi.  "I thought he was gonna kill me.. he looked so lethal"-Yasmin.  She unconsciously clings to Lucas's arm who starts blushing but notices her quivering with fear.  He squeezes her hand as reassurance, as she gazes upon into his eyes.  They immediately look away embarrassed and Claudi smiles at their cute interaction.  Lucas gives Claudi something and tells her to go after Jungwoo.  She looks at the key in her hand and laughs at how he's so forgetful .  "He forgot his house keys? Okay i'll go after him"-Claudi.  "I'll walk her home"-Lucas.  "W-well.. okay i'm trusting you"-Claudi.  Claudi runs out of the shop, as she shoots one more look at Lucas, helping Yasmin to her feet as she's still trembling and he's holding her hand and supporting her, as he sweetly gazes at her blushing face.  Claudi smiles and then runs off after Jungwoo, who is busy cursing to himself and startling Claudi who tries to be discreet but he notices her anyway.  "What do you want?"-Jungwoo.  "You're surprisingly forgetful, that's kinda cute"-Claudi.  "Yeah don't you patronise me either.. Ugh what did I forget?"-Jungwoo.  "Your keys"-Claudi.  "Wait... where's your friend.. is she okay?"-Jungwoo.  "Lucas walked her home"-Claudi.  "WHAT.  ARE YOU CRAZY GIRL"-Jungwoo.  "W-what he seemed nice!"-Claudi.  "He looks nice, but he's more dangerous than you think"-Jungwoo. 

The song kinda sets the mood, about discovering something.. In this case Jungwoo telling Claudi that Lucas is bad news and he needs to be kept the BEEEP away from me :):

Um.. Am I basically in trouble?

Have I been caught in a trap?

Um Claudi hurry up and save me!

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