ch38-Almost lost

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Lucas watches as a dark chuckle comes from Jungwoo's mouth, as he has just witnessed Claudi and his brother making out; with him biting her neck and continuing to kiss her.  "Here I was looking for evidence to prove my innocence, but then here she decides to use our break up; as a way for her to go and get fucked by someone else.  She sure moves on quickly, should have known she's not completely innocent"-Jungwoo.  "Hey.. man are you okay?"-Lucas.  "I'm fine, think I'll go get laid too... Have a few drinks and let myself go like she has"-Jungwoo.  "Cmon man snap out of it! We'll talk to her when we finish our business here"-Lucas.  "There's no need... let her.  Instead poor Jisoo probably saw that too.  After their breakup and he's there fucking some one else.. not just anyone my girl.  Oh wait I dumped her...haha ex girl, trash...ah um what did I see in her again?"-Jungwoo. "Stop it..cmon.  We know he did it.. let's just go back okay?"-Lucas.  "Ahhh humans are such disloyal beings... ah here I am being toyed by one again ha ha ha"-Jungwoo.   Lucas glares at Van Hellsing in anger, as he drags Jungwoo away from the image of Kun and Claudi.  "This is only the beginning boys..."-Van Hellsing.  

"Wait.. Lucas before we leave haha... we need to save your girl right?"-Jungwoo.

"Shit.. You're right.. I don't know where she's being kept tho"-Lucas.

"I appreciate it man, for looking out for me.. So i'll help you look for your girl.  Even if me and Claudi ain't together anymore; she's still like a little sister to me"-Jungwoo.

"Yeah I know man.  I got your back always.  I hope he hasn't already turned her"-Lucas.

"Nah she's still alive.. I can sense her nearby.  Can you feel it too? The scent of blood is quite strong"-Jungwoo.

Lucas runs in the direction of the blood, as soon as the smell  triggers his hunger for blood.  Jungwoo follows close behind as they find her sleeping, with a large gash on her leg.  They see who is responsible for it and Lucas grits his teeth in anger.  He marches over the person and grabs them by the throat, as his eyes are now full on seething with anger.  "What do you think you're doing?"-Lucas.  "I-I.. this is part of your father's order!"-Claudine.  "Don't you lay a hand on her.. you've caused enough trouble!"-Lucas.  He throws her aside as he fights the urge to take a taste of her blood.  Jungwoo laughs as he hovers over Claudine mockingly.  "Ah so this is the human I used to be in love with as well.  Just as I thought, you're both pathetic"-Jungwoo.  "Shut up! I'll break you and her up!"-Claudine.  "No need I already dumped her.  So, how are you going to plot your revenge against me now?"-Jungwoo.  He tilts her head with his finger and gazes into her eyes, that are quivering with fear and anger mixed in them.  "I'm waiting for an answer"-Jungwoo.  Lucas carefully carries her bridal style as he feels the smell of blood get even more stronger.  Jungwoo takes Yasmin from Lucas, as he notices Lucas trying to hold himself back.  "I'll hold her...Hope you don't mind it right?"-Jungwoo.  "Nah go ahead thanks..."-Lucas.  Jungwoo turns on his heel as he holds Yasmin in his arms and watches her sleeping form.  "I just realised she's actually prettier than I thought"-Jungwoo.  "Hey don't go making moves on my woman now"-Lucas.  "I'm saying this as a brother figure lmao.  I got a pretty little sister haha.  Okay... Finally left that depressing place"-Jungwoo.  

Jungwoo sets Yasmin on his bed as he gets the first aid kit and starts treating her cut and Lucas comes in, as the smell of disinfectants wafts into his nose instead.  "Ugh that shit is strong!"-Lucas.  "It's gonna stop the cut from getting infected.  She'll wake up soon tho"-Jungwoo.  Jungwoo finishes cleaning her cut as he leaves the room, so Lucas can have time alone with her.  He sighs as he thinks of Claudi but then he thinks of the negative thoughts that cloud his mind.  "Just another human I guess... thankfully we didn't get too deep with each other"-Jungwoo.  


"Thank god you're awake"-Lucas.

"What happened? Omg my leg... I remember talking to Taeil and then he stabbed me with something and then everything became hazy"-Yasmin.

"I think he's betrayed you again...He said that my dad had promised to help him with his revenge, in exchange for you"-Lucas.

"I understand...He's always hated our dad... If it was the only chance.. then I understand why he felt pressured to do it.  I actually want to believe he's changed you know"-Yasmin.

"I know babe but I can't forget.. that huge gash against your leg.. Claudine did that because my dad was gonna turn you into a vampire... she had to attract the scent of fresh blood"-Lucas.

"Y-your dad? As in your real dad or Van Hellsing?"-Yasmin.

"Van Hellsing... I'm so sorry.. you're going through so many horrible things because of me"-Lucas.  He pulls her close as he cries into her chest and she softly rubs his back.  "It's okay because I know you'll come to save me, so I have nothing to fear alright?"-Yasmin.  Yeah..I thought I was gonna lose you again if I didn't make it in time.."-Lucas.  "Ah you worry too much hehe.  Jungwooooo I know you're hiding, you can come in!"-Yasmin.

"This girl hella perceptive haha, how you feeling tho?"-Jungwoo.

"I'm feeling better.. kinda dizzy but I feel fine"-Yasmin.

"As long as you're not dying in front of us, then it's all good.  I just want you to know, because me and Claudi broke up.. I hope this doesn't affect our friendship right?"-Jungwoo.

"Ofc not! We'll still be friends regardless if you broke up..but maybe you guys should talk again and stuff"-Yasmin.

"I was... but now I'm sure it's better off we're not dating again"-Jungwoo.

"Why what changed your mind?"-Yasmin.


"Let me guess she went clubbing right?"-Yasmin.

"Yeah but something happened"-Lucas.

"And we find out she's there making out with Kun"-Jungwoo.

"WTF..Is she... you know what.. I'll deal with her when she gets back"-Yasmin.

"No need but thanks tho.  I guess I'll be the third wheel from now on... what a sad thought tho haha"-Jungwoo.

Just then loud knocking is heard from outside and Jungwoo peers through the hole and looks out in disbelief.  He hesitantly opens the door as Kun stands there, holding an inebriated Claudi who keeps calling Jungwoo's name.  

"Why are you here and with her? I saw what you two did"-Jungwoo.

Well shit then

Claudi get your shit tgt lmao

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