Stay with me-ch27

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Lucas cradles his lifeless girlfriend in his arms, as he gets a sudden urge to take her blood.  He remembers the sweet thrill of ecstasy it gave him and his fangs begin reacting on their own.  Jungwoo holds him from behind and he comes back to his senses.  He looks away in shame, as he couldn't believe what he was about to do.   Lucas lifts her up in his arms, as all 4 of them head to the nearest hospital.  The doctor immediately has Yasmin taken to a room and is given a mask, to help her breathe properly.  "Lucky for you, she may just survive.. she lost a lot of blood though.. Almost drained completely"-Doctor.  "May?? Does that mean there is a chance that she may not make it?"-Jungwoo.  "We will have to see.. right now she's extremely weak and needs a lot of rest"-Doctor.  "Can we please stay here with her doctor?"-Claudi. " Usually people who are not family members, are not permitted to be here.. but that young man.. is that her boyfriend?"-Doctor.  "Yes that's her boyfriend.. her brother just left for London.. and her mother is in London also.. wait excuse me... "-Claudi.  "What's wrong Claudi?"-Lucas.  "Taeil is still here.. he's going back to the house..."-Claudi.  "Don't bring him please... after all the horrible words he said to her.. I think it would make her condition worse"-Lucas.  "If a family member is present.. then it would be best to talk to them..."-Doctor.  "Okay.. I will call him"-Claudi.  Lucas rests a hand on Yasmin's hand, as her sleeping form looks so peaceful it makes him become overwhelm with emotions and Jungwoo pats his shoulder, as a sign of comfort.  "Don't worry this is your girl we're talking about! The most feisty-sassiest girl we all know and.. love haha"-Jungwoo.  " Yeah... I know she's gonna get through this"-Lucas.  "You really do love her though. I mean you're even crying"-Jungwoo.  "I guess I really do, if a vampire is able to cry"-Lucas.  

"Claudi hey babe what's up?"-Taeil.

"Please.. Can you come to the hospital?"-Claudi.

"What happened? Are you okay?!"-Taeil.

"I'm fine... but your sister.. may not be"-Claudi.

"... What do you mean?"-Taeil.

"She's unconscious... and the doctor said she might not make it"-Claudi.

"Tell me what the fuck happened!"-Taeil.

"I thought you didn't care about her"-Claudi.

"I.. Hate her but not to the point that I literally want her to die.. she's my little sister.  I guess one point in my life, she really made me smile and knowing she's on a death bed.. I can't process it"-Taeil.

"So you're saying you'll come?"-Claudi.

"Just tell me what hospital she's at"-Taeil.

She tells him the hospital and just as she is about to hang up, she can hear him silently sobbing on the other end of the phone.  She hangs up and he continues to silently let his tears be muffled by his mouth.  He tries hard to not cry, because he doesn't want to show up looking emotional but he really does care for her.  He always treats her badly because he just wanted someone he could inflict his pain on and because they are of the same blood; he chose her as his target and he realises that she could be dying, that he might not have the chance to ever tell her how sorry he is for abusing her, being spiteful and always being so vehement towards her.  Ever since his mother passed away, he's always kept a defense barrier to protect himself from getting hurt again.  He is already filled with so much hatred and resentment towards his father, but knowing that he hurt someone who only tried to show him a smile; he regrets it deeply.  He lets his tears flow through, as he curses at himself and shakily picks himself up from the ground.  He washes his face and heads to the hospital immediately, where he sees Lucas crying and Claudi trying to keep her emotions intact.  He also sees Jungwoo looking emotional too and gently knocks on the door, where they all slowly turn towards him.  "H-how is she doing?"-Taeil. "Please... Don't say anything that could hurt her.. I beg of you"-Lucas.  "I won't I promise"-Taeil.  "T-Taeil.. Have you been crying?"-Claudi.  "N-no.. fine... yes I don't want to lose her okay.."-Taeil.  "I always knew that you care for her, but you were too afraid to admit it"-Claudi.  "Anyways... who did this to her?"-Taeil.  "M-my... brother"-Lucas.  "What?! You're saying your brother did this? I will fucking kill him... where is he?!"-Taeil.  "Taeil please calm down... loud noises might worsen her state.. please be considerate.. I think Lucas is just as hurt as anyone else here"-Jungwoo.  "I wanted to save her.. she was screaming for my name.. I couldn't break the fucking barrier on time! Why did it have to let me through, after he had finished drinking her blood?! Why?!-Lucas.  "It's okay Lucas.. you heard the doctor you saved her on time... let her rest and we will come back to check on her okay?"-Claudi.  "I don't think any of us have eaten... I'll go get us some food"-Jungwoo.  "I'll come with you"-Claudi.  "I'm gonna stay here...with her.  I'm not leaving her side..."-Lucas.  "Then may I stay here too?"-Taeil. "If you want..."-Lucas.  Jungwoo and Claudi leave the room, as they watch Taeil staring at his sister's sleeping form and the marks on her wrist and neck.   He feels anger churning within him, as he stalks over to Lucas who is caressing her face and says "where can I find your brother?"-Taeil. "I don't know where he is... but he's not my real brother.. but i'll kill him...but it's not like him to act so irrationally.. someone must have set him up"-Lucas.  "Claudine"-Taeil.  "Are you certain she put him up to this?"-Lucas.  "I'm only guessing... We'll have to ask him and we both think we may end up killing him if we do"-Taeil.  "No I think you're right...she's always tried to break all of us up... I wouldn't be surprised if she was trying to rid of the girls too"-Lucas.  "you're right.. she mind controlled me once before..."-Taeil.  

Lucas lets his hand rest on her's again, but this time he can feel her hand twitching.  He's about to scream out in joy, but he sees her shaking and her body going into shock.  She's screaming and Lucas and Taeil both try to calm her down.  They look at the monitor and see her heartbeat decreasing and Lucas runs out of the room and calls the doctor.  "DOCTOR COME QUICKLY!"-Lucas.  Taeil clutches her hand, as he sees her hyperventilating and going into shock.  Then just for a moment, she looks at him and mutters the word sorry before her eyes close shut.  Taeil shakes her body, but sees her heartbeat going down even quicker.  The doctor rushes into the room and immediately starts getting ready to increase her heartbeat.  He tells the boys to leave the room, as Lucas starts screaming "NO.. Please let me be by her side!"-Lucas.  "Please.. young man I will do everything I can to save her...but I need concentration and for you to be calm and have faith in her okay?"-Doctor.  Jungwoo and Claudi come running when they see Lucas screaming with tears streaming down his eyes and Taeil uncontrollably shaking in the corner.  They put the food aside and Claudi goes to comfort Taeil, who looks ready to cry up a storm alongside Lucas who is brought into a hug by Jungwoo.  "What happened?"-Claudi.  "S-she..'s gone into shock.. s-she told me she's sorry before she... she.. she"-Taeil.  "Why would she be sorry? She's gonna be fine.. I believe in her"-Lucas.  They all patiently wait outside, as the doctor steps out and sighs in relief.  "Her heartbeats back to normal.. however we have no idea as to when she will wake up again"-Doctor.  Lucas immediately rushes into the room and holds her hand in his, as he breathes out the words through his tears.  "S-stay with me.. please don't you leave me either..."-Lucas.  

Let me wake up soon please, i'm tormenting everyone :/

Taeil damn.. speechless

Lucas my poor baby :'(

Damn even a devil has feelings lmao jk

Kun's gonna be dead meat

Claudine already plotting her next move

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