The plan-ch39

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Jungwoo looks at the inebriated state that Claudi is in.  Her words are slurred, incoherent but deep down Jungwoo finds this amusing that he can't seem to break away from her.  It's as if she has this magnetic pull on him and each time she's near, he falls in more dangerously deep and it lights a flame inside his darkened heart.  He looks back at Kun whose face is coated in guilt, as he drops Claudi's in Jungwoo's arms who sighs at the babbling coming from her mouth.  "I'm sorry.. Can you deal with her please? I.. I have to go talk to Jisoo"-Kun.  "Oh yeah sure, dump my ex girlfriend on my doorstep; expecting me to deal with her.  Jisoo probably doesn't wanna see you right now either"-Jungwoo.  "Please... We both didn't mean it.. we were drunk and just dealing with our pain together"-Kun.  "It doesn't matter, because she's not my girlfriend anymore.  Why didn't you just drop her off at her house, that would've been easier"-Jungwoo.   "I don't know where she lives... I'm sorry I asked Lucas where you live and he told me"-Kun.  "For fuck sake.. Lucas why?!"-Jungwoo.  "Sorry man... This is better.. I mean you two do need to talk but obviously when she has sobered up"-Lucas.  "I'm gonna hate you for this...Fine"-Jungwoo. 

Lucas pats his shoulder as he gently pulls Yasmin by the hand and leads her out of the apartment, as Jungwoo tries to stop them both from leaving but remembers his drunk ex girlfriend who is in his arms; clinging to his neck as he grits his teeth in annoyance.  He sighs as Kun has already disappeared and the other two are nowhere in sight.  He closes the door and carries her to his bed, as he places her down gently and tucks her under the covers.  She grabs his hand, stopping him in place and causing them to gently let go as she continues to cling onto it.  "Let me... go please"-Jungwoo.  "Nuuuuu Jungwoo.. I-I.. Only wuv you"-Claudi.  He laughs as he roughly lets go of her hand and vehemently speaks saying "if you don't cut the crap right now, i'm kicking you out to sleep on the street got it?"-Jungwoo.  He doesn't hear another word from her as he sees tears coming out of her eyes.  He sighs and wipes her tears and then notices she is out like a light.  He sleeps on the sofa, as the image of her and Kun kissing and smiling together come to mind and he scrunches his hair in anger.  "Why the fuck did he have to bring her here?! I.. I just want to move on and forget her, but how can I when she goes and does things like this?"-Jungwoo.  He covers his face with his hands as he sighs and breathes out in frustration, like a dragon ready to launch a ball of fire.   Sleep soon takes him over as he finds that deep down he really can't ever forget her, as she's put this special effect on his heart and it's eating away his sanity. 

Lucas and Yasmin arrive at his house, as the two formulate a plan that would slowly bring their friends back together.  Lucas proposes that they have a BBQ at Claudi's house and have Yasmin invite Jungwoo, so she can persuade him properly as he and Claudi are still not on speaking terms.  "How do you propose we do this? Just me persuade Jungwoo somehow and hopefully expect he will come around?"-Yasmin.  "Yeah.. well use your cuteness to persuade him and I'll get Claudi to agree as she probably wants to make up too"-Lucas.  "She definitely misses him, it's really obvious that she's in love with him"-Yasmin.  "I think we should just meddle this once, cause I doubt that their own efforts are going to be enough for them to get back together"-Lucas.  The two start planning and wondering how they're going to persuade the two to attend the BBQ, as they debate whether Jisoo and Kun should be in attendance as well.  "Lol let's just call this a peace making party"-Lucas.  "Pretty much, salvaging two couples from ruin"-Yasmin. 

Jungwoo wakes up as he hears a scream from his bedroom and runs in, as he sees Claudi wide awake looking into the mirror in shock.  "Why the fuck are you shouting?"-Jungwoo.  "J-Jungwoo??? Uh.. How did I get here? I don't remember seeing you at the club yesterday"-Claudi.  "That's cause I wasn't there stupid.  Your beloved boyfriend dropped you off, expecting me to deal with this shit"-Jungwoo.  "I don't have a boyfriend..."-Claudi.  "Oh? So you and Kun kissing was just a fluke?"-Jungwoo.  "Why do you sound angry and jealous for? I mean you broke up with me!"-Claudi.  "I broke up with you cause you don't fucking trust me!"-Jungwoo.  "I do trust you... but a doctor's certificate.. who will you believe seriously?"-Claudi.  "We're in the devil realm sweetie.. I think doctor certificate's don't fucking matter. But yeah if this were the human world, then I can understand why you would be angry.  However... It's a fabrication, Van Hellsing confirmed it"-Jungwoo.  "Jungwoo..."-Claudi.  "It's fine.. now please just leave when you're ready.  You appearing in my life when I got rid of you, is just suffocating"-Jungwoo.  He heads into his room and slams the door shut.  She sighs and starts crying as her body shakes on it own, as she makes her way for his bathroom and begins getting ready.  He comes out of the room for a second as he knocks on the bathroom door.  "Here, you can't go out in public like that.  Wear this"-Jungwoo.  He gives her a pair of sport shorts and an over sized t-shirt and she nods and closes the door.  He heads back into his room as he calls Lucas, who picks up after a few rings.  "I need a break, I can't do this anymore"-Jungwoo.  "What? Yasmin has something she wants to ask tho!"-Lucas.  "What?"-Jungwoo.  "Heyyy Jungwooo we're thinking of having a BBQ! Come to this address at the time we tell you"-Yasmin.  "Alright.. sounds good"-Jungwoo.  Lucas sighs as he just lied to his best friend.  "We decided not to let it be Claudi's house as he deffo wouldn't show up"-Yasmin.  "Yeah I know, we got everything ready and now we need to let the magic happen"-Lucas.

Ooooh shit they're still beefing

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