The date part 2

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"You're so cute"-Jungwoo.

The words rush through her head. She feels as if all her senses have been attacked. He sensually whispers in her ear, as more kisses trail along her jaw. He stops on her neck and she has had enough of his teasing and pushes him away. He looks startled but bursts into laughter. "Wow most girls would have given in"-Jungwoo. "Well I'm not "other girls" for your information"-Claudi. "I know and I like it"-Jungwoo. He turns her around and holds her by the waist and they stare at the sunset. The wind blowing softly through her hair, as the gentle waves of the ocean reverberate through their ears. The pastel colours enriched and painted in the sky, like the perfect landscape painting. She watches in awe, as the beauty of nature falls in place. Night soon falls and that's when she feels something touch her neck. She looks and sees Jungwoo kissing her neck and when she tries to back away, he keeps a tight hold on her. "W-what do you think you are doing?!"-Claudi. "I've decided that I want you and relax I'm gonna mark you, so it's clear you're mine"-Jungwoo. "Excuse me?!"-Claudi. He kisses her neck more roughly, causing her to let out a moan and then she feels a sharp pain on her neck. 2 fangs pierce her neck and she feels excruciating pain, circulate all over her body. She drops limp in his arms and he holds her closely to his chest. "You never should have met me, cause now you're all mine"-Jungwoo.

*With Lucas and Yasmin*

He holds her by the waist as he sets her down, onto the ground and nuzzles into her neck. He feels his eyes glowing red, but he stops himself. She splashes him with water but it's too late, as she's already seen his red eyes. "L-Lucas.."-Yasmin. "Not another word"-Lucas. His red eyes seizing her up and she feels small, as a surge of superiority overpowers her. He pulls her closer by the waist and their eyes connect, as she feels dizzy. She holds her head, but he draws her wrist back and kisses her. She tries to retaliate, but he doesn't let her. His lips smashing against hers and his hands wrapped around her waist. "Mm--mph. What the hell... are you?"-Yasmin. "I'll give you one guess, if you want to run... now's your chance"-Lucas. The moment she tries to run, by super human speed; he traps her causing her to fall. He climbs on top of her and stares into her quivering eyes. "Don't be so scared, I won't hurt you... well maybe this might hurt"-Lucas. He nuzzles his face into her neck. His fangs elongate and pierce her skin, causing her to let out a moan. "S-someone help me..."-Yasmin. "Ah... god your blood tastes amazing"-Lucas. "W-what are you?!"-Yasmin. "A vampire babe but now that you know, I can't let you go"-Lucas.
"What do you mean let me go?! Let go of me! This was a mistake! I shouldn't have gone on this date, if I knew you were a fucking weirdo!"-Yasmin.
"Oh wow, look at that mouth of yours. Looks like I need to keep it shut again"-Lucas. He wipes his mouth and leans down to kiss her, as his tongue enters her mouth. "Mmmm..."-Yasmin. "Shhh be a good girl"-Lucas. Tears begin forming on her face and he gently brushes them away. "I don't want to hurt you, but I can't help my instincts. Human blood is our craving and yours is just exquisite and just tastes so damn good"-Lucas. "I don't think I can date a vampire..."-Yasmin. "What if I made you into one?"-Lucas. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't vampires scared of garlic and sunlight, crosses, holy water.."-Yasmin. He kisses her again, but it's soft and sweet. "L-Lucas what are you doing?"-Yasmin. "Sorry... it was so tempting to kiss those lips of yours again. To answer your question, that's old stuff. I'm not afraid of sunlight, I can perfectly walk through the sun without being burnt to ashes. Holy water wtf, we're not in the 1500's babe.. Let's see, um yeah stakes no, old. Garlic, I actually don't mind it"-Lucas. "What? Are you saying you have no weaknesses?"-Yasmin. "I do. But if I tell you, then you'll try to kill me"-Lucas. "... Anyways can you get off me please?"-Yasmin. "Seeing you so red, you're attacking my heart"-Lucas. "Please just get off me!"-Yasmin. "Haha you're so cute"-Lucas.
"Seriously! Ugh... I hope Claudi's okay"-Yasmin. "Jungwoo's probably marked her"-Lucas. "What do you mean by marked? Is he a vampire too?"-Yasmin. "Nah he's a devil and I mean, he's marked her as he's made her his"-Lucas. "He fucked her?!"-Yasmin. "LOL no hahahah, to mark someone is to bite their neck, but a symbol appears on their neck as proof she is his"-Lucas. "So without her permission, she's tied to him?"-Yasmin. "Yes... She's his. She belongs to him, this also means she can't be in any intimate moments with men. The symbol ties their souls together, as well as their hearts. Whatever she experiences, he can feel it too"-Lucas. "Damn, is he sure he really wants Claudi? She's like... A nagging mother"-Yasmin. "I know, but I think there's more to her"-Lucas. "You're right, she's got a lot of qualities and she's always wanted a tall guy"-Yasmin. "Lmao, well we're a good height difference too"-Lucas. "I don't know Lucas, this is all sudden"-Yasmin. "At least give me a chance, if you don't feel anything then we can stop"-Lucas. "You bit me.. without my permission, thinking you have the fucking audacity to do as you please!"-Yasmin. "Okay okay.. I'm sorry, please another chance?"-Lucas. "I'll think about it"-Yasmin. "... *sigh* I can't help it okay? It's my nature, it legit will kill me to hold back"-Lucas. "L-Lucas"-Yasmin. She touches his face, as their eyes meet. She looks away, but he gently brings her hand to his heart and smirks. "I may not have a heart, but you sure know how to make a guy go crazy"-Lucas.

Lucas... legit please stop
Jungwoo, you better pray she's alive

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