Grandma Wan-ch25

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Lucas lets his hands glide to her pjs as he starts to slowly lift up her top.  "W-wait..."-Yasmin.  "I don't need to hear your answer.  I already know how you feel for me.. so i'll be gentle with you"-Lucas.  "Wait us confessing our feelings, doesn't mean we have sex okay"-Yasmin.  "I guess I watch too many movies.. sorry"-Lucas.  "It's okay.. we'll take things slowly"-Yasmin.  He responds to her words with a gentle kiss to her lips and then her forehead.  "Anyways.. it's late and it's way too dark for us to be walking back"-Lucas.  "What are you suggesting?"-Yasmin.  "S-sleep with me? Or I'll take the sofa and you take the bed"-Lucas.  "Wait.. This is Jungwoo's house no?"-Yasmin.  "I'm sure he's with Claudi rn"-Lucas.  "Just take the bed with me, but don't try anything"-Yasmin.  "Wow bold and no promises"-Lucas.  

They both climb into Jungwoo's bed and he wraps his arms around her waist, as he pulls her closer to him and inhales in her natural scent.  He chuckles when he can feel her squirming and her entire body growing hot, as he has his chest completely pressed up against her body.  She can feel his breath down her neck, as she turns around and buries her head in his chest.  He smiles and brushes her hair with his fingers, as she finds it relaxing and drifts off to sleep.   She wakes up to Jungwoo shouting and they both look at each other smiling as he continues to nag like a mother.  "Ugh please tell me you both used protection right??? So young and taking advantage of her tut tut tut.. I expected better from you MR WONG"-Jungwoo.  "Um first of all, we just fell asleep together and no we didn't have sex...but your bed's big enough for me and her to do it in ;)"-Lucas.  "OI!"-Yasmin.  "Lmao I'm sorry, I just wanted to see his reaction"-Lucas.  "Well you got one and you better be joking"-Jungwoo.  "Sorry man, but didn't you tell Claudi that too? How you want her hahahaha"-Lucas.  "You little.. were you listening?"-Jungwoo.  "Maybe..."-Lucas.  "Invasion of privacy"-Yasmin.  "Exactly. Slap your boyfriend for me please"-Jungwoo.  "With pleasure"-Yasmin. "Woah.. Woah don't try it"-Lucas.  Claudi comes in after hearing that the shouting has simmered down and cautiously approaches Jungwoo.  "Hey has he stopped shouting now?"-Claudi.  "Yeah just about...Anyways today is the day right?"-Yasmin.  "Yep.. Let's go change Taeil's mind"-Claudi.  "Me and Claudi are going to visit her grandma...sorry guys we can't be with you for this one"-Jungwoo. "No worries... I'm gonna convince him not to take you"-Lucas.  "Let's get ready cause he's gonna be leaving in an hour"-Yasmin.  "Good luck you two!"-Claudi.  

They decide it's easier to teleport, so Lucas has his arm wrapped around her shoulder as they smile at the two and disappear.  Taeil is startled when he sees Lucas and Yasmin popping out of thin air.  "Why are you two still together? Hurry up and pack"-Taeil.  "I'm not leaving"-Yasmin.  "Your mum sa-"-Taeil.  "My mum didn't say that. I asked her myself and she told me to stay in HK for as long as I want"-Yasmin.  "She must have been drunk when she told me then"-Taeil.  "My mum doesn't drink.  Why did you lie for?"-Yasmin.  "You want the truth? I told you I just want to hurt you"-Taeil.  "Sorry but we're not breaking up and you're going on that flight alone"-Lucas.  "Do what you want then"-Taeil.  "Wait... you put up a fuss and now you're just letting me stay?"-Taeil.  "Oh don't worry someone will come for you and when you return, your head will be served to your mum ;)"-Taeil.  "You little.. I'll kill you if you hurt her"-Lucas.  "Ha I'd like to see you try"-Taeil.  "Let it go.. Well have a safe journey back"-Yasmin.  "I thought you were gonna say something like... "I hope you die in a crash"-Taeil.  "I'm not bitter like you"-Yasmin.  Lucas watches as Taeil's lips curve into a smirk and then he finishes packing and gets up to leave.  "Well thanks. Let's see how long you two last"-Taeil.  He finally leaves the room with all his belongings and the silence kicks in, as Yasmin leans back against Lucas who wraps his arms around her shoulders.  He listens to her breathing and then hears her sighing in relief as she turns around to him and buries her face in his chest.  "I guess this means I can stay"-Yasmin.  "Mhmm baby girl.  Let's go find Claudi and Jungwoo then?"-Lucas.  "Yep let's go pay grandma Wan a visit"-Yasmin.  

"Ma'am they've arrived"-???.

"Ah Jungwoo it's been awhile and... Oh and you're here too"-???.

"Grandma Wan yes it has been awhile"-Jungwoo.


"Hmph.. What can I do for you Jungwoo?"-Grandma Wan

"... I think you know why we're here"-Jungwoo

"You wish to know more about the barrier? I already told you all I know"-Grandma Wan

"You told me I needed to find a reason.  What does that mean? Stop being so vague and tell me!"-Jungwoo

"I see you're dating my granddaughter... What brings you here Claudi?"-Grandma Wan

"I want to help Jungwoo learn more about the barrier so please tell us everything"-Claudi.

"Like mother like daughter.  Absolutely pathetic.  Here I was thinking you wouldn't get involved in the family affairs but here you are dating the devil king's son"-Grandma Wan

"Grandma! There's a limit to how far i'll tolerate your vehement tongue! Stop insulting my mother and me.. what did I ever do to you grandma? The moment I was born.. you wouldn't even look me in the eye or ever try to get to know me.  In your eyes i'm just a pathetic excuse like my mother.  Well i'm studying at University and mother is still busy on her business trips.  Why do you hate us so much?!"-Claudi.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me! I have every reason to hate you and your mother! Did your mother ever tell you why I despise you both? She stole my son... and then he dies right after you're born! Did you ever wonder how your father looked like or did she ever tell you that he's dead?"-Grandma Wan.

"MY-my father is alive! I've seen pics and I've video chatted with him!"-Claudi.

"She lied to you... That man is not your father nor my son.  She happened to marry a look alike of your real father, after he dies! She only approached him because we're rich.  Then as soon as you were born.. he dies.  My precious boy dies! I have every right to hate her and you... being born from her.  The woman who seduced my son and killed him!"-Grandma Wan.



Grandma Wan really hates her guts

And Claudi's mum killed her real dad for his money?

More drama :) 

Taeil you little shit...

Lucas needs to calm his hormones

and Jungwoo needs to stop nagging please 

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