Going under-ch31

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He wants to taint her but then doesn't want to corrupt her purity either.  But he wants someone to feel his pain and to become one with him.  He wants to subdue her, but then let her run away and never come back.  He wants to feel his lips colliding with hers, dangerously as they go further and beyond the forbidden limit.  He wants to feel every inch of her skin, give into his seduction and toxic words as he slowly breaks her down.  He wants to wish he never associated himself with her, but wants her to be accepting of the monster he is.  One way or another, he is going to end up brainwashing the innocent beauty; that set a lure on his heart and pull her in as his prey instead.  His dreams and ambitions became more fueled by the thought of her, being his only goal and objective to accomplish. He wants her and he will do everything he can to make her his.  

 Silence fills the night as she lays restless, unable to sleep a wink at all.  Her head is filled with recollections of the event's from yesterday and the tantalising sensation she got from that glare in his eyes.  That kind of look would have drove off anyone, but for Yasmin it intrigued her and she already knows what her boyfriend is like in the present time.  She wanted to keep pursuing him, to find out what really happened but she also has to remember that she cannot interfere with the events that occur.  She feels drunk and intoxicated, every single time Lucas stares at her like she's his prey.  She gets so hung up on that thrilling sense of danger that radiates from him, whenever she's near to him.  She tosses and turns in her sleep, as she knows it's dangerous but she just can't bring herself to sleep.  Instead she knows danger lurks around all corners, but she steps outside into the open night; where a gentle breeze blows by and she hears the sound of a violin playing in the distance.  Inquisitive about the sound, she follows the euphoric melody but is then caught off guard when she's pushed up against a wall and two pair of hungry-lustful eyes meet her curious ones.  A pair of lips pressed against hers, as she remembers and savors the taste of his lips.  He traces the edge of her jaw, as his lips retract back to hers and both moving so rhythmically and in sync.  Her hands full down to her sides, as he pins them right back up to the wall and slowly drowns her in sweet ecstasy, with a pinch of subtle tenderness as she's breathless; but he doesn't give her the chance to recover her breath as he's latching onto her like a predator catching their prey.  She feels herself grow hazy, unable to withstand his passion as his lips move to her neck making her sink further in.  The moment seemed to last forever, but the passion is enough to make someone inebriated after the amount of fervent affection she just received from him.  The kiss was like an on-going storm, that attacked each of her senses with his relentless assault.  He backs away from her, as she falls limp in his arms and he catches her and gazes into her eyes.  He could see the universe in her eyes, as they lit and shone like a starry night.  The temptation is real and neither could back out, after that explosive spark.  "If you're my girlfriend in the future, then you'd be my girl right here and now"-Lucas.  Without giving her the chance to reply, he sends yet another trail of kisses along her neck causing her to gasp in response.  "You're mine.  You belong to me.  I won't let you go ever"-Lucas.  

*THE NEXT DAY* (CUZ DAMN THAT WAS... UM descriptive...) 

The sky is painted with yet another person's blood, as the light in his eyes fades as he has become a monster that is a killing machine.  His love, his salvation, his home is the only person who gives him a purpose to live.   His eyes sucked the air dry, as his next victim still managed to have some fight left in him.  He mercilessly tore at the guy's throat, silencing him forever.  Lucas cleans the blood off from his sword, as he stretches a hand out to the sky.  The image of her penetrating his mind and making him succumb to his thoughts being only of her.  This time the victim he just murdered was being hunted because he killed his wife, by excessively beating her to death.  Lucas' hands shook with anger as he made a small prayer to the woman, whose face has been disfigured and the bleeding that continues to flow.  He closes her eyes and rushes home to find Nancy finally talking like her normal self and his girlfriend, singing to her as her voice puts her in a trance.  His parents are still working late, so Lucas and Yasmin end up cooking dinner for the 3.  They all enjoy a warm content dinner, that fills them up that they find themselves being unable to ask for more.  Lucas puts Nancy to bed after Yasmin's lullaby worked it's charm and then he gently guides her by the hand to his room.  He has his arms wrapped around her shoulders, as they head to his balcony and gaze up at the stars.  She stretches her hand out and he clasps his over hers, entwining them together as he affectionately nuzzles into her neck; causing her to giggle because she's ticklish.  "You're my sky.. I am like a comet tho cause I came to wreck you like a wrecking ball and I just came out of nowhere and changed your life"-Lucas.  "God that was so cheesy"-Yasmin.  "MMM but you love it tho"-Lucas.  "

Their happiness felt like it could last forever, but then their days grew more distant as Lucas' "job" would take up to days and she grew lonely from not being able to see him.  When she did see him, he would come back aggressive and drunk and force her against her will to do things for him.  It got to the point, she took Nancy out for the day and he screamed at her for taking his sister outside.  She didn't get his permission, but she never felt so terrified that the person she loved is becoming something else.  Nancy already knew how Yasmin felt about everything and helped her to escape, but they were both caught by him and he instead had them confined in the house.  Nancy and Yasmin both developed depression and whenever Lucas came home, they both hugged each other for comfort and reassurance.  It felt as if they weren't allowed the right to be happy but be filled with so much gloom instead.  

Yasmin snuck out one night and spoke to Lucas' parents at what had been happening and they both confirmed, that for Nancy's safety she should move away.  They planned for the girls to stay at a relatives, just until they were able to get things under control.  

But things grew worse... Nancy grew sick and her depression got worse and there were no doctors who had knowledge on mental health.  Yasmin stayed by Nancy's side when the frail girl, got worse by each day.  She was then told that any memory she made.. was an illusion or they were fabricated.  She then began to forget faces, people, her own name and that drove her to the edge.  Claudine stopped Yasmin before she interfered with what happened.  Yasmin cries away at the scene of the little girl taking her life and then sees Lucas with another girl.  She breaks away from Claudine's chains to slap some sense into Lucas, as she had just about enough of his behaviour.  She storms into the room Lucas and the girl are in and slaps him hard across the face.  He chuckles and the girl hurriedly puts her clothes on and runs out.  "Want to get laid too?"-Lucas.  "What is wrong with you?! Your sister just died and here you are fucking some girl! I don't even care if you and I are over! But at least.. say goodbye to her! Tell her you're sorry for abandoning her and choosing your job over your sister!"-Yasmin. Claudine hisses in annoyance as she grabs Yasmin by the throat and pulls her away from Lucas.  He tries to grab her but she disappears and the town she once came to know fades as she blacks out.  


LOL so I may have fucked up the original event

Like Lucas was gonna do that girl anyway

But me slapping him and telling him to get his shit together, changes his behaviour slightly... I HOPE 

So that's it for Lucas' past

Next ch will be based on Taeil finding me and trying to awaken me from the nightmare :D

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