Chapter 1- The Normal Life

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I ran away from the big slobbery creature. Drool ran from its mouth and stuck to its fur.

It wanted what I had.

I ran around my yard and when the creature got caught off guard, I threw the tennis ball.

My bulldog Winston ran and jumped up, in the bulldog way, in the air to catch the ball. I laughed as he ran back to me with a slobber-covered tennis ball.

"Good boy ,Winston!" I said, petting his head. Winston is a brown bulldog with a white belly and paws. He's the best puppy in the world, as I say daily.

Me, on the other hand, well, I'm not a bulldog. I'm a 14 year old girl (but my birthday is in 2 weeks). My name is Rose Clearwater.

I picked up Winston's ball and threw it across the yard. I fiddled with my dark blond hair as Winston ran across the yard trying to catch the ball I had thrown.

It was a warm spring day, and my hair was back in a messy braid. I had on a plaid button-down shirt and jean shorts. I was just a normal girl who lived on a small farm in Nevada.

After Winston caught the ball, we went inside to eat lunch. I let Winston have the crust off my PB&J sandwich and I ate the rest with chips and a soda.

My little brother came in just as I sat down and made me make him a sandwich too. After that, I finally got to eat my lunch and relax.

Winston had laid down and went to sleep, so I decided to go out and groom the horses out back.

You see, I don't really like living on a farm, but my dad owned the farm before he passed away. So, instead of selling the farm, my mom insists on living here.

I went out back and grabbed my brush. I walked into the stables and opened the door to my horse.

My horses name is Bell, and she's a soft, dark brown horse that isn't that tall and she's very friendly.

I took my brush and went up and down on her slick fur. She nudged me with her nose appreciatively and I laughed and continued brushing.

When I finished brushing Bell I moved on to Starlight, the big white girl-horse that we just got for my mom before my dad died.

And, finally, I moved to Midnight. The tall black horse that my dad and my little brother had shared. He didn't really like me, but he liked to be brushed, so it evens out.

When I finished it was 2:00 so I went inside to relax. Someone in a big black cloak stepped in my way.

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