Chapter 9- Some Hurtful And Simple Things

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Chapter 9

Some Hurtful and Simple Things

I found Jackson's table in the literal far left corner. He was sitting with 4 people.

One was a girl who looked fairly normal. She was skinny with thin brown hair, shiny gray eyes, and fair skin that looked like it would never tan, just burn.

The second was a boy with white-blond hair, a broad fighter-figure, and extremely dark green eyes. He also looked fairly normal.

The third was another girl. She was as far from normal-looking as you can be, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.

She had neon, rainbow eyes that seemed to change colors every few seconds. Her wavy dark-blonde hair had random blue streaks. She had slightly pale skin and a skinny figure.

The last was a boy. He had thick black hair, Jackson's neon orange eyes, and dark skin. I guessed he also had fire powers.

I sat down next to Jackson and Rainy sat on the other side of me. "Hey." I said to Jackson. "Hey. So let me introduce you to my friends. This"-he gestured to the normal looking, brown haired girl- "is Marisa. And the rainbow girl, that's Bree. The pale blonde boy, that's Michael. And the handsome orange-eyed boy, that's Jackson."

I laughed, as did Michael and Marisa. Rainy looked annoyed and Bree was so involved in drawing a picture of something she didn't even look up.

"I'm Tyson." The other orange-eyed boy said. "Its nice to meet you all. I'm Rose." I said.

I started eating my pizza, but Rainy tapped my shoulder. I opened my mouth to say "What?", but she put a finger to her mouth and whispered, "If you look to your right, Jackson is currently staring at you."

I went back to eating my pizza, and looked to my right out of the corner of my eye. He was staring.

I pretended to listen to Michael and Marisa's conversation about weather using a wand is better in combat or not.

I looked over at Rainy and said, "Is he still staring?" She nodded and smiled at me.

I turned to look at Jackson. "Hey, do you think you and your friends could, you know, demonstrate some magic for me? I have only seen you do your fire-palm thing."

"Yeah, sure. You guys will do it for her right?" He asked his friends. They all nodded. "I'll go first." said Tyson.

"I can do more than Mr. Amateur over here." He gestured to Jackson. "Hey!" Jackson yelled.

Tyson held out his hands and stood up. Fire burst from them in different colors. Blue and green and yellow and red.

Then he closed his hands into fists and the fire disappeared. "Its all in the presentation, my man." Tyson said to Jackson.

We all clapped. "Bree?" Jackson tapped her shoulder. "Wha- Hey who's the new girl?" We all laughed. "Just do an artistic power talent, Bree." Jackson said, looking amused.

"Okay..." Bree picked up the drawing she had been doing. It was of the camp, almost like a map.

She held her hand over the elaborate drawing and lifted it up in a swift motion. The cabins and buildings and everything became real.

They became 3-D on the paper. "Wow! That's amazing.'' I said to Bree. "Thanks." She smiled.

"Michael?" Jackson asked the blonde boy. "Why should I? She's just another new girl you're going to have a crush on and you're going to drag her around with us until she's uninterested. So why should I?"

Jackson paled. "Michael!" Marisa yelled at him. "I have to go." Michael said, and then he left abruptly.

"Don't mind him. He's just a little... upset. He got beaten in a big fight today. And by beaten I mean creamed."

Jackson laughed. "I can do a words and enchantments demonstration if you want." Marisa said. "Please do."

"Jackson, start talking." He smiled. "Well I did need to talk to you about Michael anyway. Are you guys dating again?" "No. It's not like that."

Jackson continued. "So you are! How can you just keep doing that, it's so off and on and-"

"Shut up!" Marisa made a gesture with her hand and Jackson stopped talking. His eyes got wide and he touched his mouth.

He started mouthing something but no sound came out, no matter hard he tried.Marisa laughed. "And there you go! That's just a small demonstration. Here's something even better."

She looked at Jackson. She pointed at him and said, "Stand!" Me stood abruptly. "Dance!"

Jackson started dancing unwillingly and we all laughed. Marisa made another quick gesture with her hand and Jackson stopped and sat back down.

"I'm going to kill you!" Jackson yelled and he grabbed Marisa's shirt from across the table. "You deserved it! Now, let go!"

Jackson let go unwillingly and sat back down. "I will kill you at some point, wizard girl!" Jackson yelled at her. She smiled at him.

"Okay, the last person is Rainy." Jackson said, gathering his anger. "What?!" Rainy said. She had been involved in eating her macaroni and cheese.

"No, I-I'm good." Rainy said. "What? Are you scared?" Jackson mocked. "No! Fine, watch this."

Rainy held out her hands and closed her eyes. Water shot from her hands elegantly and formed swirls in the air. Then, in dropped back gracefully into her palms and disappeared.

"Wow! Rainy that was beautiful." I said to her. Her hands were shaking and she looked pale. "My powers are still developing, its hard to do magic like that on command." She said.

"Well, all of our powers are still developing. Tyson's are almost there, Bree's are only half-way, as are mine, and Jackson's." Marisa said reassuringly. Jackson face turned red. "I wouldn't say half-way..."

"Oh, stop. Get over yourself, Jackson. We are all only developing our powers, don't pretend you're not. Don't act smug." Marisa snapped at him.

"Well, I have to go." Jackson said, and with that final hurt comment, he left.

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