Chapter 17- All The Warnings

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I ran to stand in front of Michael Castor. "Ah, little Rose Marie. You know, I remember you. You were just a little, innocent girl when I killed your father." He mocked.

I stood still. I couldn't move. I was pretty sure I was frozen. I wanted to say something back, to snap at him, to throw a dagger. Something. But I couldn't.

"Are you going to come with me?" He asked. I smiled. I lifted my hands up. "No." I said simply, and flicked my hands forward at him.

Sparks shot from them at hit him in the chest. His image flickered slightly, like a hologram. It seemed to easy. Then I realized what was happening.

My father had mentioned it once when I was very young.

"He's not real! Or at least he's not really here. He would have been if I had agreed to go with him. That was a hologram." A few campers gasped.

"Alright! Everyone, go back to your cabins and await further instructions! All senior campers, trainers, and staff, meet me in The Mansion in approximately 10 minutes." Mr. Blackwood called out to everyone.

Then, he walked over to me. As all the campers and staff shuffled around to get to where they needed to be, he lead me away.

"What you did, Rose, was amazing. And I don't say that to people often. But, it was also dangerous. If that man comes back and asks for you again, you will not go. You must find me, and I will finish the fight, not you, it's to dangerous. Do you understand?" I nodded.

"Alright. Now, I want you at this meeting. It's going to be partly about you anyway, so I want you there." He said. "Okay, also, can you do something about my arm?" I asked him.

I had forgotten about it, but now that I was back to reality I felt the pain running down my arm. "Yes, go into the mansion and ask Jackson to help you find Alexandra Finn. He'll know who that is, she's one of our best healers."

I nodded and walked away, still holding my arm. I walked into The Mansion for the first time. It was extremely impressive.

The floor was polished marble. The walls were simple cream colored. Tapestries hung along each wall depicting scenes from history.

There was a big dark wood table filling the large front room. Trainers and other staff sat on the entire left side, and the senior campers on the right.

There were healers in their white robes walking around through the crowd, helping the injured. I saw Jackson sitting near the head of the table across from Katrina, Mike, Jason, and Madison.

I walked over to him and sat in an empty chair next to him. "Hey. Can you help me find Alexandra Finn?" He saw me holding my arm and his eyes got wide.

"I didn't know you were hurt! How did that happen?" I felt my face get red. "A little dragon attacked me. But, I did kill it!"

"I told you to stay with Rainy for a reason!" He said, sounding exasperated. He stood up, then reached out a hand to help me up.

I winced as I moved my arm, but finally I was able to stand. "Where is Rainy, by the way? I don't see her. I thought she was a senior camper."

"She couldn't come, you see a senior camper has to be at the camp for at least 8 years, or you have to finish all basic and secondary training. She has only been here for 6 years, and is still finishing secondary training."

"Oh." Jackson lead me over to a tall, red haired girl. She looked about 18. She was wearing white healers robes.

"Alex? Can you help my friend here, she's got a few nasty cuts from one of the dragons." Jackson said, obviously nervous to be around this girl. She smiled, obviously nervous to be around him too.

"Sure. Here, come sit on the bench." She replied. Jackson walked away to sit back down at the big table as Alexandra reached into her bag and picked up a jar of something.

"This is a healing cream. I'm just going to rub it on the cuts and it should heal them. I do have to put some disinfectant on first, so sorry ahead of time if I hurt you." She said, sounding sad, which seemed weird because she seemed like a genuinely happy girl.

I braced myself as she poured some clear disinfectant onto a rag and dabbed it on my cuts. I gasped as she touched my arm.

The disinfectant burned slightly, but it only lasted a second and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I decided to talk to distract myself.

"So, I hear your one of the best healers here?" I asked. Alex smiled. "Yeah, I guess. I've been living at this camp for 11 years, and I get non-stop practice with healing, so I guess I am considered one of the best.'' She shrugged.

Finally she stopped dabbing the disinfectant and picked up the jar. I saw it had light yellow cream in it. I decided to ask the question that kept coming to mind.

"Did you and Jackson used to date?" Alex nearly dropped the jar she was holding. She sat it down on the bench next to me, took a deep breath, and said, "Yes. But it is so over now, you don't have to worry about me."

I jumped in surprise. "Worry about you?" She smiled at me, but then I guess she realized I didn't know what she meant and frowned.

"You know, if you two are dating you don't have to worry about me interfering-" "No, no, no! We are not dating. We are just friends." Alex looked me over. "But you like him?" I felt my face get red. "Yeah, sure. I guess I like him."

Alex picked up the jar again and started putting cream on my arm. She covered the cuts. Then, she took an ace bandage and wrapped it around my arm. The pain faded in my arm an I was able to move it.

"My advice: take that off late tonight, then take a shower. It shouldn't scar because of the healing cream, but just incase taking a shower will help with dragon claw cuts. The water helps with the healing because dragon's souls are fire-based. Like Jackson's." We both laughed.

"Well, thank you Alex. I'm sure I'll see you around." I started to walk away, but Alex spoke. "Hey, Rose? A little word of advice: don't do things you can't handle. In other words, don't do anything dangerous. Okay?" I nodded, then walked away.

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