Chapter 41- Trying To Heal

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A week later I was fully healed. There was a small white line on my stomach that was a scar. It didn't hurt physically, but the memory of the day I was supposed to die still burned in my mind like fire.

I would kill Castor for hurting Katrina, and putting Jackson in a coma, and hurting me and many other people.

I stood on the hill I had once stood on with Jackson that seemed so long ago. I watched the sunset as I thought of Jackson. I wondered if I would ever see him again. Hear him talk again. Hear him laugh. Smell his cologne.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek. Everyone said I was so strong and brave, but I felt broken. I cried all the time. I hadn't laughed in so long. My heart and mind wasn't into anything I did.

I barley slept two hours a night because I am doing one or both of three things. One: I'm thinking of and missing Jackson. Two: I'm watching Jackson in the hospital. Three: I was at a late camp meeting or doing something else for the camp.

I was a hot mess.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey." A voice said. I turned around. It was Rainy. I have her a weak smile and said, "Hi." Rainy gave me a sad look. "I have good news." She said, suddenly happy.

I watched her sit next to me, smiling. "What?" I felt a spark of hope. Had Jackson woken up? "It's Jackson. The healers think he might wake up soon. He's moving a lot and he's mumbling random words." I felt hope shoot through me like lightning.

"Can I go see him?" I asked. Rainy shook her head. "Not now. I think Alexandria is checking his vitals and such. Later." I looked at the grass. "Is that all?" Rainy put her hand on my shoulder.

"I know this is hard for you, Rose. It'll be okay. Give the healers a little time." Rainy said. I think that was the thirtieth time someone had said that to me.

"I know." Was all I said. "I've got to go. I'll see you later, okay? Don't spend all your time worrying." Rainy said as she stood and walked down the hill.


I watched Jackson stir in his forced sleep. I brushed his hair out of his eyes. I missed his glowing orange eyes.

"Hey, Rose, I need to take a little blood from him, could you please move?" Alex said. She had taken to talking to me like a little kid. I nodded and moved.

I winced as Alex stock a needle in Jackson's arm and drew blood. "I really hate needles." I said, turning away. Alex laughed as she put a cap on the needle and placed it in a sealed bag.

She put a bandage on Jackson arm and left, stopping only to put a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her, but I doubt she saw it.


It had been a week and four days. I waited desperately for Jackson to wake up every day during lessons. I almost electrocuted Tanner's eye because I was distracted.

"Hey!" Tanner yelled, touching his scorched hair. "And to think, I spent all that time on my hair this morning!" He said, laughing. "Sorry." I mumbled. I knew he was trying desperately to cheer me up, when he wasn't even happy himself.

"How's Katrina?" I asked. "Better." Was all Tanner said. Katrina had a broken arm. "Focus, Rose. We're in a lesson. Now, what was I saying? Oh! Control. You have to have total control over your magic. Try to hit the box over there."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I held out my hand in the direction of the box. I called forth electricity to my hand and watched my hand light up. "The box!" Tanner shouted over the cackle of the electricity.

I shot the electricity from my hand and it hit the very edge of the box. The box smoked and sizzled. "That's not gonna catch fire right?" I asked. Tanner held out his hand and shot water at the box. "Nope." I laughed this time.

"Work on that. Class dismissed. I have a few things to do." Said Tanner, already walking away. "Bye. Me too." I said, leaving.

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