Chapter 43- Walking Is The Easy Part

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***Jackson's point of veiw***

I woke up and was welcomed back to my world of pain. Pain shot through my stomach and back like lightning, and I hated it.

Rose came in every so often during visiting hours, and we sat and talked. Rose had taken my spot on the senoir council for now, and she filled me in on everything that had happened outside of the hospital.

After a week I started to feel better. I could sit up and move a little. Rose started coming in less because there were things going on outside camp, and the council meetings were non-stop and she was on potrol a lot. I felt bad for her, beacuase if I wasn't here, I'd be out there doing all those things.

"How are you?" Rose asked me about a week and a half after i got stabbed. "Better. Alex said, if I feel up to it, and my stitches are dissolved and all that, by Friday I could get up and walk around and such." Rose lit up. "It's Wednesday now." She said, beaming. I nodded.

"I just hope it doesn't hurt this bad to walk." I mumbled. Rose gave me a pitiful look. "I hope you feel better, Jackson. I have to go. Another meeting. A whole family was reported missing in the middle of the night last night." She said, sounding exausted.

"Hopefully I can get back into the council soon and you can rest." I said sadly."Oh, I don't mind. I could use the distraction, anyway. Well, bye." Rose said, already out the door.


Friday was an interesting day. My stitches had dissolved, so Alex told me, if I wanted, I could try to get up and walk.

I decided to wait for Rose, whenever she decided to appear today. She appeared at around lunch time. "Hey! It's a big day! Are you aloud to walk?" She asked, smiling.

She is so beautiful. I love her. I thought to myself, distracted. "Wha- oh yeah, I was waiting for you. I'm freshly injected with pain meds too, so you came at a great time." I said.

I sat up with Rose's help, and slipped my legs over the side of the hospital bed. My bare feet touched the cold white-tile floor. I held onto Rose as I stood.

Pain shot through my stomach, and I cried out. Embarrassed, I regained my balance and was able to stand. Rose held me with steady, firm hands.

"It... hurts... Rose..." I mumbled between breaths. "It's okay, it's alright. You'll be okay." Rose said soothingly. I closed my eyes and tried to push the pain out of my mind.

It only half worked.

I winced in pain as I moved my feet slightly. "You've got it! Come on Jackson, it's okay, you can do it!" Rose coaxed. I started to walk with a little more ease. Rose helped me walk around the room in circles.

I was able to ignore the numbing pain in my stomach and back. I whooped in triumph and so did Rose. "Oh, Jackson, it'll get easier. I can't believe you're doing it!" Rose said, she was beaming and laughing.

I shook my head. "I can't believe it either." After a few laps around the room with Rose's help, she let me go and hovered over me, so I could walk alone, but have someone to catch me if I fall.

I cheered as I got the hang of walking with a little pain, and pushed Rose away so I could have space. I laughed as I walked, it felt like I was defying gravity.

I dashed over to Rose, testing my limits, and lifted her off the ground. She shrieked and laughed. I kissed her and hugged her and told her I loved her. She told me she loved me too and we just stood, kissing in between laughs, hugging, things normal couples do.

"I think we should go and have a celebratory lunch. What do you think?" Rose asked between my kisses. I nodded. "Can I change and shower first? I'll be quick." I asked, pleading. I hadn't taken a shower in over two weeks, so I was way overdue.

"Fine. Can I meet you on our hill in half an hour?" Rose asked. I raised my eyebrows. "Our hill?" I asked. Rose turned red and smiled sheepishly. "The one you showed me the sunset. See you there. I'll bring the food." She said, then she left.

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