Chapter 8-I Guess You Could Call It A Normal Day

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I took an extra long shower and put my clothes back on. I walked into the bedroom and opened one of the trunks.

To my surprise, there were clothes in them. Obviously this cabin was supposed to be an all girls cabin because the clothes in the trunks were all for girls.

I also found a hair brush, a tooth brush and tooth paste, and some hair ties. I was already loving this cabin! I wondered who lived here before me, and how soon it would be before someone else lives here with me.

I walked back out of the bedroom and found a bulletin board on the wall next to the door. It had the normal camp schedule and camp events pinned on it.

Apparently, dinner was at 6:00 every night. I checked the clock on the far wall, it was only 4 o'clock.

I looked over the papers to see if there was anything I could do. Sadly, the answer was no.

So I waited around for hours looking around the cabin. I found pencils and paper in one of the trunks and drew for a while.

I suck at drawing.

At 5:45 I got up, brushed through my hair and tied it up in a bun, cleaned up the papers, and walked out to find the place where you eat.

There was a flow of campers leading to the center of the camp, so I followed them. There was one girl walking alone so I walked over to her.

She had brown hair with blue died tips, beautiful blue eyes, and pale skin. She looked up as I walked over and smiled shyly.

"Hi. Is this the line to get to dinner?" I asked the girl. "Yeah, we eat at the picnic tables near the mansion." She answered.

"Thanks. I'm Rose, by the way. What's your name?'' I asked the girl. "Oh, I'm Rainy. Which is seriously ironic because I have water powers. What about you? What's your power?"

"Oh, well I don't know. I just got here yesterday. I have to, like, find out, I guess." Rainy's eyes widened. "You're the Clearwater girl. Oh my god, I'm talking to the Rose Clearwater."

I smiled. "Why am I so special?" I asked Rainy. "Oh, you don't know. Well, there was a prophecy many years ago, saying there would be a war, and a true blooded Clearwater would have the decision to either save the world, or destroy it. When Mr. Blackwood found out about you, he sent Jackson out right away." Rainy explained.

"Why wouldn't Jackson tell me? Or anyone tell me?" I asked Rainy. "I don't know. I'm sorry they didn't tell you. They'll probably kill me for telling you myself. Jackson is one of the best warriors here. He fights better than any other camper here, many say." She said.

"Well, I know he's good. He saved me. He killed a cloaked guy the day we met." I laughed, realizing how crazy that sounded. "Yeah, everyone here has killed their share of monsters. Even me." Rainy said.

We kept walking up a hill and I realized we were at the picnic table place. There were campers sitting at all the tables, and there was one long table set up in the back like a buffet.

There was so much food, that every camper seemed to have a whole plate worth and there was still half a table left of it. I walked in and searched for Jackson.

He spotted me before I spotted him. "Rose!" He yelled to me as he walked over. "Oh, hi Rainy. Haven't seen you in a while, well since you blasted me with water after I scorched your camp shirt. I still have a scar on my arm, you know."

Rainy smiled. "Yeah, that was fun. Sorry about the scar though, I didn't know I would mess up your perfect skin." She made a fake pouty face. I laughed.

"Wait, you two know each other?" I asked them. "Yeah, I was sent out to get her from Florida. She was mad at me for killing the monster she was trying to kill. I scorched her new Camp Magic shirt. She blasted me with water. We have a sketchy past." Jackson said.

"Well, suck it up, Fire Boy. She's my friend now." I said with a laugh. Jackson smiled and stock his tongue out at me.

"Why don't you go and get something to eat, and meet me at the far table in the left corner?" I smiled. "That sounds great. See you then."

Jackson walked away formally and me and Rainy went to get food. "So, you like Jackson, huh?" She suddenly asked me as I grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza.

I almost dropped my plate when she said it. "N-no. He's my friend." Rainy gave me and amused look. "I think he likes you to, don't worry. I've never seen him have a pure emotion before. You bring out his inside feelings, I think."

I blushed and tried to steady my hands. I scooped some mixed fruit on my plate, grabbed a random soda, and walked away from the buffet table to find Jackson.

"Play hard-to-get with Jackson. It'll be hilarious watching him get flustered." Rainy said, surprisingly bitter. "Please, don't hate me for liking him, still be my friend, I like you." I pleaded.

"Oh, okay. But can I drench him if he irritates me?" I laughed. "Okay, I'll make that deal."

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