Chapter 14- Weapons

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Jackson lead me to a big wooden shed. He walked up to the door, but before he let me in he said, "In here are all of the weapons this camp has. You must pick a sword, the one that speaks to you. The one you would feel proud using in a war."

He smiled. "How was that for a speech?" I laughed. "Wonderful." He pushed open the big wooden door. I walked inside after him and looked around.

The inside was more impressive than the out. There were swords mounted to the walls all around the shed. Shields were in piles on the floor. daggers sat in boxes with powers listed on them. Other big weapons sat along the walls, ones I didn't know the names to.

I walked around and looked at all the swords. There were simple silver ones like Jackson's, but there were also neon yellow and blue ones and ones with rainbow blades. I looked through them all.

I found one that stood out to me. It had a shiny blade that when light hit it it looked like a rainbow, the hilt was white with a crest carved into it with great skill.

The crest was a star, with other, smaller stars carved in the middle, each a different shade of silver. I turned as I heard a clatter behind me. Jackson had a silver dagger in each hand, and one was on the floor at his feet.

"Sorry. Is that the sword?" I nodded. Jackson put the other daggers on the floor and walked over to me with another thing in his hand. He walked around me and clipped something around my waist. It was a weapons belt.

He walked over and picked up the there daggers again and walked back over to me. He slipped them in there different spots on my new belt. Then, he took my sword from me and slid it in the

special spot on my belt.

"There. It looks great, you like a bad girl." I laughed. "Alright, now I need to take you to The House of Enchantment." He said mystically.

I smiled as he lead me away.


We had to walk pretty far to get to The House of Enchantment. When we got there I just stared. It was a beautiful building, not to big, but not small. It was made completely out of stained glass. The light shining through made it look like a shining rainbow.

"Wow. This is beautiful." I said as Jackson opened the door to the building. He lead me in and stopped. "We need to wait for someone to come to us, we don't know where to go." A moment later a girl walked up to us.

She had white-blonde hair, ice blue eyes, and pale skin. Her hair was back in a french braid. When she saw us, she didn't smile, just nodded.

"Ah, Rose Marie Clearwater. I wondered when I would be seeing you." She said. I smiled slightly. "This is Majesty." Jackson explained. "Hello." I said quietly.

"I see you need The Mark Of The Sword. Please, come and sit in the far room. I will be there in 3 minutes." She nodded and walked away. "She's a little, emotionally closed off, I guess. She watched her dad die when she was 8, then her mom get stabbed when she was 10. She came here when she was 11." Jackson said.

"Wow. That's hard, I should know." We walked over to the far room and I sat in the dusty bench. My heart thumped wildly in my chest. 3 minutes later, Majesty appeared in the room carrying a wooden wand, a golden rag, and an ice pack with words written on it in a strange language.

"Let me explain how this works." Majesty said. "I will first copy the crest of your sword onto this gold rag. Then, I will place it on the palm of your hand, and it will burn the mark into your skin. When that is finished, you must put this special ice pack on your hand, for it will make the skin heal and the mark be permanent."

I gulped. Jackson stood behind me and laid his hands on my shoulders, I was hopping it was to comfort me.

I lifted my sword out of my weapons belt and handed it to Majesty. She placed the golden rag over the crest and traced it with her wand, all the while mumbling strange words.

She then lifted the rag and placed it over the inside of my hand. It felt hot, but not burning. I had thought that to soon.

Majesty placed her wand over the cloth and traced the star again. It burned like I'd never felt a burn feel before. I opened my mouth to scream, but only a whimper escaped.

I was reminded of a time when I was little, 5 to be exact. Me and my mom were going to a friends wedding, and my mom was ironing clothes for us.

She had gone to fetch her dress, leaving me in the room alone with the hot iron. I know that makes her sound like a bad mom, but she had made me promise not to touch the iron, and she was only gone for 3 minutes.

But still, being the curious and bad little girl I was, I reached up and touched the hot iron, not knowing what could happen. I had screamed and my mom and dad had come running in.

I had had to go to the hospital, and we missed the wedding. I still have the scar on my pointer finger where I was burned. Even now I'm afraid to get near irons.

As Majesty continued to trace the star, the pain got worse. I felt Jackson squeeze my shoulders tighter, obviously trying to tell me to hold it together, that I was almost done.

After what seemed like forever, Majesty stopped drawing. She lifted the rag, and I felt instant relief. My hand still stung, but I couldn't complain.

Majesty placed the magic ice pack on my hand and I felt even better. I felt the skin heal quickly and the burns cool. I sighed with relief as Majesty took the ice pack away.

"My work is done." She said, and before I could say anything else, she walked away. "You okay?" Jackson asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine now." I replied.

I looked down at my palm. On it was a shining silver star, it matched the one on my sword perfectly.

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