Chapter 11- Twins

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***We are back in Roses point of view***

I couldn't believe Jackson had kissed me! I had ran, not sure what to do. I knew my face was bright red.

When I got back to my cabin, I was surprised to see Rainy sitting in the blue chair at the center table. "Hey, red face. What happened?" She asked me.

"Me and Jackson kissed!" I blurted without thinking. Her eyes got wide. "Really?"

I had lost my voice again, so I just nodded. I wanted to change the subject. "How long have you been at this camp?" I asked Rainy.

"About a year. Why?" "I was thinking, its really boring and lonely here. I know we just met, but you're really my only friend..." I got lost in thought.

"You want me to move into your cabin?" She finished for me. "I don't know, Rose. I already have a cabin... Can I think about it tonight?" I smiled. "Take all the time you need."

"So, the kiss?" Rainy said, trying to bring the topic back to where it started. "Why did he kiss you? Did you like it?"

"I don't know why he kissed me! And I really don't want to answer that last part..." I blushed again.

"I don't like to talk about this stuff like I'm in a romance novel, okay? I was meaning to ask you, is there something we can do tonight? For fun?"

Rainy thought it over. "I think they's a Friday Night Camp Fire tonight. They like all new campers to go to those, we could go together." I smiled.

"Can we? I want to do something to take my mind off all of this other crap, with my birthday, and Jackson and all the rest." Rainy gave me a sympathetic look. "Yeah we can, I just have to go back to my cabin quick, then I'll be back to help you get ready.''

"Do I need to wear a fancy ball gown or something, cause I don't own one." Rainy laughed. "No, but you do need a Camp T-Shirt. I'll be back soon."


By "Be back soon" I think Rainy meant "I'll be back in a year, don't wait up", because she wasn't back for almost an hour!

She was wearing a gray sweatshirt and jean shorts. She had something in her hands. "May I present, Rose Something Clearwater, with a brand new Camp Magic shirt!"

She held up the object she had in her hands. It was a camp shirt. It was navy blue and it said "Camp Magic" In silver letters. Also there were 4 neon yellow stars that surrounded the name.

It looked like this: (sorry this is a really bad example! -Emibea721)


cαmp mαgíc

★ ~★~ ★

"Wow! Thanks, Rainy. That's really nice." She handed it over. "I got it from Mr. Blackwood. He was going to give it to you anyway, so here you are."

I smiled. "I'm gonna go change into it, be right back." I went into my bedroom and closed the door.

I pulled my sweatshirt and t-shirt off and put my Camp Magic shirt on. It fit perfectly. I fixed my knotted mess of hair again and walked back out into the living room.

Rainy was sitting back in the same blue chair and was waiting for me. "You look great!" I smiled and pulled my sweatshirt back on, it was chilly in the cabin, though I was sure it didn't have air conditioning.

I realized me and Rainy had the same sweatshirt. "Hey, did you get that sweatshirt when you first got here? Like me?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Most kids around here have them. You're lucky if you get a different one. It's a weird story that goes around, I don't even know the while thing." She answered.

I looked her over. "Don't tell me you're wearing your Camp Magic short under that, are you?" She unzipped her jacket. "Yeah, why?" But then she got it.

Gray sweatshirt. Jean shorts. Camp Magic shirt. We were dressed exactly the same. I felt myself smile as she looked annoyed.

"We're twins!" I screamed, laughing. Rainy was too. "We've only known each other for a day and we've turned into those friends." She said, now laughing with me.

"Do you want me to go change or-'' She smiled. "No, now come on, we're gonna be late for the camp fire."

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