Chapter 6- What Did They Say?

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Jackson had left after a minute to find Mr. Blackwood. He came back almost 20 minutes later and helped me up out of the bed.

"We're going to get you some clean clothes and then I'll show you to an empty cabin, that's where you will live, at least for now" Jackson told me.

"Okay. Thank god. Can I take a shower too? I feel like I'm covered in grime." I said, running my hands through my tangled hair.

Jackson laughed and said, "Yeah, you look like it too." I stuck my tongue out at him and laughed along with him.

"So, what's your story?" Jackson asked me. "What do you mean?" "Well, who is Rose Clearwater? What's her favorite color? What's her favorite food? What was her life like before she got wrapped into this mess?" Jackson continued.

"Okay. My favorite color is blue. My favorite food is Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies. And my life, well it was about as normal as it could get. I lived on a small farm in Nevada, it was my dads. We own a bulldog, Winston. Three horses. And we have a small field where we grow vegetables and fruits."

"My dad left one night when I was little, and he never came back. The police came the next day to tell me and my mom he was dead. My mom cried for nights on end, weeping about how she should have been there with him, to save him."

"I didn't know what to say, what to do. But, now me and my mom aren't close, at all. I also have a little brother,and we're really close. He had only been a little, little kid when my dad died, so he never really got to know the wonderful man that was our father." I shrugged.

"Now I just live in a semi-nice house next to the horse stables, the field is out back. I go to a small school in the town that's a mile or 2 out. I get okay grades, I only have 2 friends. That's kind of it." I said.

"Wow, that sounds- boring." I laughed. "I told you, normal." Jackson stared at me. I loved his eyes more than anything I'd ever seen.

"Well, we're here." Jackson said. He stopped in front of a stark white building with a big glass wall in the front with a sliding door.

Jackson opened the door and inside I saw was a big room like a science lab. "We do tests and stuff here. They make medicine and things to help other people. Its for the brainiacs." Jackson explained.

"Hi, Jackson!" Called a voice. A boy walked over to him, followed by a girl. They both had natural light red hair, they where both wearing rectangular nerdy glasses, and they both had light gray eyes.

"Are they twins?" I asked Jackson. "Yes. This is Cameron." He said, gesturing to the boy. "And this is May." He said, gesturing to the girl.

"Hello!" May said. "Hi." Cameron said. "They have wisdom as their power. They're two of the best." Jackson explained to me. "Aw, thanks man." Cameron said. He and his sister had slight accents.

"Where are you from?" I asked them. "Ireland." May said. "Who are you?" She asked me. "Oh, I'm Rose Clearwater." I said.

May and Cameron's eyes got wide. "Clearwater? Oh my god, she's a-a Clearwater." May said. "Yes, that's what I said. Why is that a big deal?" "Oh, Rose lets not get into that. We need clothes. May, please?"

"O-okay." May said. She walked away and into another room. She came back with a small stack of clothes. "Here." She handed them to me. "Bathroom's right there." She pointed to another door.

I walked in and closed the door. She had gotten my size right, thank goodness. She had given me a light blue t-shirt, jean shorts, and a gray sweatshirt. Also, there was a hairbrush, tooth brush and tooth paste, deodorant, and some hair ties in a zip-lock bag.

I pulled my clothes off and out the new ones on. I brushed through my hair and tied it up, brushed my teeth, and put my dirty sneakers back on. I would wait to take a shower until later.

I walked back out to hear Jackson talking with May and Cameron. "But, she needs to know-" May started saying, but Jackson interrupted. "No. I already talked it over with Mr. Blackwood. She can't know." "But-" Cameron started to say something, but spotted me. "Uh, hi." He said awkwardly.

"We should go." Jackson said abruptly. He held out his arm and I took it and suddenly we were walking out of the door.

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