Chapter 2-The Cloaked Man And The Boy

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I screamed as the cloaked person grabbed me. He laughed and said in my ear, "You're coming with me, Clearwater girl.''

"Help!" I yelled. For the first time, someone actually helped.

A boy about my age jumped behind the cloaked man silently and pulled out a neon orange dagger. He looked at me and put a finger up to his mouth as if to say, "Shhhhh. I'm going to kill this guy for you, don't scream."

I continued to stare as the dagger went through the cloaked man and he fell to the ground.

I screamed and fell to my knees, crying out of pure terror and being overwhelmed.

The boy kneeled down next to me and looked me in the eyes. "Shhhhhh!" He said to me. He looked around worriedly. "Your family doesn't know I'm here."

"Wh-who are you?" I asked the boy. I had stopped crying, but I was still stuttering and in pure shock.

"I'm Jackson. That's all you need to know for now. Except, I'm here to help you." He stood up, then he held out his hand and helped me up.

I got a chance to really look him over now. He had black hair, crazy orange eyes (yes, orange), and he was wearing a very tight black t-shirt, soft flexible jeans, and black running shoes.

He could have passed for a normal kid with one-of-a-kind eyes if it weren't for the weapons he was carrying.

He had 3 neon orange daggers strapped to his belt and a shining silver sword sheathed and slipped in his belt. He saw me staring and smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm highly qualified to carry weapons. Mortals can't see them anyway, so I can carry them around the whole dang city without getting caught." He said.

"Why are you here?" I asked him because I had finally found my voice. "Who was that cloaked man? How did he know my name? Why doesn't my mom know about you? What's happening to me? Am I going crazy?" I rambled out all of the questions I could think of.

"I'm here to help you. That cloaked man will be explained later and how he knew your name, you mom will be notified, and no, you're not going crazy, your sight has started working after long years of being shut down. Your mind has been set free." He answered.

"Wha-I-why-" I couldn't think of anything to say. ''Just follow me." Jackson said impatiently. And with that, we were walking down my driveway.

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